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Everything posted by madmax

  1. It was the '80s, right? Probably coke...
  2. My co-worker had one land in the hood of her car last New Year's Eve. Since she wasn't really going out, she didn't discover it until about a week later.
  3. I said something similar to Mr. Max when we were watching. Montana is a big place and I surmise that most of the people who've gone to the train station were transient, so not immediately missed.
  4. A few more thoughts after I let this finale digest: Presumably the writers don't know the difference between permanent and reversible sterilization. They seem to make up shit on the fly with the least amount of research: "We have to get Beth to the prison, how? I know! Conjugal visit! Every convict gets one of those!!" They must have just asked the first guy they saw about that shit, so why not the same with Beth's sterilization? I sincerely hope Sheridan is reading this or any other discussion regarding the blatant bullshit of the 6666 promotion and the ridiculous amount of time he inserted himself into the plot with his horse shenanigans. Maybe he'll ease off. So if everyone has a home at the Yellowstone, since they're all branded, how come there's no other older hands? Only Lloyd. Were the rest all killed off in some other Dutton feud?
  5. Thanks! Still feel like I have a horrible cold, hubby is still a bit achy. My son had to extend his leave to quarantine here instead of on base. Which is good, because I get to have him home a few more days, but bad, because that's less leave he has later in the year. New Year's Day, a meteor apparently broke up in the atmosphere and we got a loud boom and a bit of house shaking. I didn't feel the house shake, not like I did when the tree fell on the roof, but the others did.
  6. Hubby stuck home with COVID, so he's had the remote a lot. Now I'm seeing all the commercials (Lume) you've been complaining about. 😄 And you are right. The one I've been seeing a lot is the Magnolia Network commercial where the mother is breaking thru her daughter's wall. the end "You're right, he's cute," was not only gross, but really stupid. Mom would let her just take a boy to her room without meeting him?
  7. That was a big waste of a finale. Not a whole lot happening at all, and what did happen was pretty damn ridiculous. Now that Jimmy's made his choice, can we be done with him? For good?
  8. Now I have COVID, as well as my younger son. Hubby is still recovering. Luckily, I don't feel much worse than a bad cold. Same with my son. Hubby felt more flu like. Brother-in-law got it and was vomiting. Niece got it and lost taste and smell. These symptoms are all over the place. The good side to being sick is sitting my ass on the couch and watching a bunch of stuff. Caught the new Matrix movie, not bad. Watched a newer Jake Gyllenhaal movie, it was OK. Just binged both seasons of Spaced. Still love that one.
  9. One of my husband's jobs would give a turkey at Thanksgiving and a ham at Christmas. Didn't make up for how shitty they were the rest of the year. This job, he gets a bonus, with taxes taken out, of course. My job never did anything other than a holiday lunch, but the last three years, we've received $100 Visa gift cards. I still have mine from the last two years. I keep forgetting about them. 😄
  10. I just found out today that one of my favorite writers, Andrew Vachss, passed away on December 27. https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2021-12-29-obituary-for-andrew-vachss--a-life-for-the-abused.ByfuAef9sF.html In addition to being a writer, he was first and foremost an advocate. His books were not for the faint of heart, they always made me angry, but they also opened my eyes. Godspeed, Mr. Vachss.
  11. I can't agree with the Jimmy casting. Calamity Jane was one of my favorite characters and Jimmy is the guy I fast-forward through. Jimmy is Wu's pigs...
  12. I was just coming here to post about them stupid animals. The one that really irritates me is the one where they're waiting for mom to come home and whiny kid said she promised, but all of a sudden she's on TV and that's OK. No, it's not. She's not with them.
  13. Oh, it totally works. You don't even have to offer swag. "Hey, increase your gift to $5,000, and you'll be in our elite group of donors who get exclusive invites! (until we want you to increase your gift next year; then we'll promote the next exclusive elite group)" Works for our organization. I like the donors that ignore all the swag/exclusive perks, but my favorites are the ones who are completely anonymous, no listing in the honor roll, no swag/perks, absolutely nothing. And we have some major, major donors in that category.
  14. Technically, if you get swag like that, then your entire donation is not tax-deductible. Also, they should really save that money and use it for the charity. I work with at a non-profit and we helped another organization with an anti-hate conference. They spent over $5K to send paperweights to everyone involved with the conference, including me. Do I need another paperweight? Hell no. Should they have just saved the money and put it towards their next conference? Hell yeah.
  15. Christmas was postponed a day so that my son would be out of the 10 day window from when he first had COVID symptoms. Christmas Eve with the in-laws was postponed to New Year's Eve. So Boxing Day/Christmas went great, but yesterday, Mr. Max tested positive for COVID, so New Christmas Eve is out. Luckily neither my younger son, who's on leave from the Marines this week, nor myself have tested positive, but I'm sure it's a matter of time. We did Japanese for Thanksgiving one year. We were the only ones in the joint.
  16. There's a commercial for some beer with snowmen playing "More Than a Feeling" by Boston. Can't stand it! One, the snowmen are pretty creepy looking. Two, I hate Boston (the band, I have no feelings whatsoever for the city).
  17. Thanks for the clarificaiton. I couldn't quite remember. Jimmy didn't ask for help, but Jimmy did promise not to rodeo anymore. He broke a promise. And even though Jimmy broke the promise, John still found him another job and told basically once he learned his lesson, he'd be back at the Yellowstone. So yeah, totally on John's terms, but the fault lies with Jimmy for doing what he was told not to do if he wanted to keep his job at the Yellowstone. But that also means the brand ain't worth shit.
  18. He was not this bad before. I actually thought he was decent for a child actor. This season, tho, he is TERRIBLE. Wasn't Jamie's murder of the reporter part of the reason she left in the first place? Now she's back, egging him on, and siding with another killer? Seriously. I'm tired of half of the show being devoted to his other shit. Loved the dinner scene. The diner scene was good, too. Rip pulling that guy out the window! RE: Jimmy. He basically said that John Dutton turned his back on him, yet he lied to Dutton and went back to the rodeo. And Dutton got him the job where he found Mia2. Way to be grateful, Jimmy. Plus, why the hell didn't she ask him about that big brand on his chest?
  19. My son's boss texted him to say that since he's vaccinated, he can come to work when he's symptom free. So even though he hasn't had his official test results yet and is pretty much symptom free, 5 days after symptoms appeared, he wants him back to work. My son told him he would follow CDC guidelines because he doesn't want to get anyone else sick. This is contributing to the mess we are in.
  20. The son of a friend of mine HAD to go see the new Spiderman movie and went to the theater with COVID. He said he was double masked, but still so fucking irresponsible and ignorant. My son tried to get a rapid test at a Med Express, they were all booked up all day. Ran to CVS and got him a home rapid test. He tested positive. Gonna be a fun Christmas. Luckily, his roommate, who is also my niece, tested negative, so at least half the family Christmas won't suck.
  21. My youngest son will be home on leave on Tuesday for a nice long holiday break. Great, right? Well, my oldest son thinks he has COVID and just got a test today that won't give him the results for 2-5 business days. WTF? Why aren't these places doing a rapid test, especially now? So potentially a really depressing Christmas.
  22. She could be as young as 44, so still within childbearing years. However, with a "hostile uterus" that has already given her a two miracle babies, I doubt they would make her pregnant. And yeah, she needs to stop with the fillers. She looks bad.
  23. Well, last time she tried to date outside of her co-workers, it was a serial killer, so....... I love James Remar. He seems to be the go-to asshole dad. He played the same on Grey's Anatomy.
  24. I got some serious creepy vibes from him this episode. And even if the Webber method sucks, how does a new guy get to take a "rain check?" Because Bailey now wants people sucking up to her? If she's pregnant again, then her hostile uterus must now be party central. I literally thought "Why am I watching this?" during this episode. I have watched two episodes of Station 19, the first one when I thought I'd give it a shot and didn't like it and one crossover. I'm not watching anymore of them. If it's that important, it can be on Grey's. Some nice imagery in this one - Levi standing in what looked like a lake of blood.
  25. That guy gets on my nerves. Big time.
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