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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Agreed. The mods here are not particularly strict, yet the people here are always respectful when disagreeing with a post & are great at not giving away spoilers.
  2. Very true. To be fair, she is throwing her affair with Rick in everyone's face, not to mention spouting "lead model" to everybody with ears and running around like she owns the place.
  3. Ha! Also gotta love Taylor talking about Thomas & Steffy wanting their parents together...well they're adults now so they understand. Umm excuse me, but on the episodes I've watched, they were adults when they were whining like toddlers about those evil Logans taking their daddy away.
  4. There was Jackie Marone...she was with Eric but then started that whole "cougar" thing & she married a much younger Owen. I think at one point Rick wanted a piece of her.
  5. The people above are correct when the say the "show year" is 2012. Kai said he lived the same day in 1994 for 6,771 days (yeah I rewatched that scene because I am a dork & it was bothering me about the current year in show time), and dividing that by 365 days (ignoring leap years) is about 18.5 years. I was really confused in the beginning, with the dark background & the dark haired male I thought it was DAMON who was terrorizing Jo...I even thought it sounded like his voice. I didn't either, I was left saying "Lied about WHAT???" Just the car? That would seem odd. Holy crap so did I!
  6. I could be wrong, but I thought it had more to do with the fact that Ridge was using Caroline to get the CEO position...you know, doing that thing Katie said he'd never do because it so isn't like him? :)
  7. Go Eric!!! I wanted to play "Give us the room, Maya!" on an endless loop Also love Eric basically pooh-poohing Caroline & Ridge...it was a couple kisses, big deal! I'd actually love to be able to quote everything Eric said yesterday, it was all so great! As much as I would love to see this, I think it would just give Maya something to "poor me" about. I want Maya's incredible arrogance to be her undoing.
  8. The PB face that makes me laugh is the one where he kind of sucks his lips in & looks disgusted. Makes me think he's going to make a fist & say "Newman!" like Jerry Seinfeld. Come to think of it, since the show feels more like a comedy these days, maybe that's how every scene with Victor & Jack should end.And my quoting is deceiving, I know the gob of grease is Nick, and that is a great description!
  9. I guess I overthink it as well! I assumed she kept the thing tied and just slipped it off her finger like a regular ring. Because you are right, it would not be possible to tie it every single time she washes her hands/showers.
  10. She should have to earn it, but my issue is not only vilification by the hypocrites, but also the fact that these days very few characters have to earn redemption. People who remember better than I could correct me, but the last time I recall a villain working to earn redemption was Michael, and that was many years ago. Back to unpopular opinions, glowlights won't be the only cheese standing alone...not only do I not see all the fuss about Joe Clark, but I don't think he is attractive at all. And IMO his acting is so wooden (I feel like I could practically hear him reading his lines) he takes me out of every scene he's in.
  11. I started a rewatch & just began season 1 this week. It is amazing what a different character Gemma used to be. She was evil from the beginning (what she did to Wendy was beyond horrible), but she was at least nuanced. Now I feel like she morphed into a cartoon version of herself.
  12. Yep, I think she is doing a great job, she's got the bravado down pat, and she's doing some great facial expressions when she gets slapped with how things are going to end up. On a shallow note I've been liking her hair. The clip above was great, and Ridge said exactly what I've been thinking. Maya's running around telling people off (including Eric wth???), which will backfire big time if things don't work out with Rick.
  13. Please somebody wipe the smug off Maya's face! Bill ruled today's episode! Loved his "Yeah, she does that" when Caroline told Bill that Katie walked out on Ridge, and when he said to Ridge "Katie, the woman you're engaged to with the little string on her finger." Made of awesome :)
  14. I brought this over from the most recent episode's thread. I never liked any of these characters, being that they are all murderous jackasses....but then along came Filthy Phil! I thought his interactions with Abel were positively adorable! And I loved the scene where he was babysitting for Jax and was eating the giant bowl of cereal ("I like cereal!"). Because of that, I fantasized in my own little brain that there were some kind of extenuating circumstances from his past that caused him to go down this path and that deep down he really was a good person and didn't like what he had become. As an aside, I also could help but enjoy Clay, because...you know...Ron Perlman :)
  15. I always thought that Forrester was supposed to be similar to the likes of Chanel, so I didn't blink an eye when Rick was talking about the prices of the gowns.
  16. I thought it was obvious last season that he was a rat...so obvious that I thought there was no way he would ever be one! Too bad it's not Jax, that would have been a real twist.
  17. Hey St3phForrester, I couldn't help but think of you with Eric's reaction to Rick & Maya today. I thought that look of disgust on his face was perfect!
  18. Just don't ever stop injecting "waahh" into your recaps, cracks me up every time :)
  19. Sometimes his accent is really difficult to understand, but I'm excited, I think he's a great actor!
  20. REALLY??? I don't think I've ever noticed :) Wyatt for the win!!! I actually cheered for him when he told Hope she can't have them both. And seriously, the boat ride was SOOOO manipulative? Yes, maybe Wyatt should have been more up front about his arrangements, but he did tell Hope the truth when she asked about it. And it's not like he tied Ivy & Liam up and forced them on the boat, they could have politely declined, but they wanted to go. KM did crack me up with her odd enunciations...I don't think I can tarUST you anymore! ANNOYING!
  21. Thanks, ottoDbusdriver, I tend to do other things while the show is on & I just figured I missed something.
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