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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I can't believe they keep going the "What do you mean you don't remember [fill in the blank], Jack???" route to create drama. All he has to do is the dramatic "I have something to tell you" thing, and have it be "I lost parts of my memory from my head injury". Easy peasy.
  2. Yes, but people weren't saying "deep down you're a good man", or "you could have been a good man," but "you are a good man"...or even worse "you're a good dad." If he were a good dad he would have gotten those kids out of dodge ASAP. Opinions vary, but this is the core of what angered me at how Jax was written.
  3. My opinion...it has less to do with lack of sympathy for Rick and more to do with wanting to stick it to Maya. Maybe there would be more sympathy for her if she hadn't been so smug & antagonistic. Yes, I do think Rick is worse, but I think Ridge will give him some slack being that like it or not, he is & always will be family.
  4. I finished up Sons of Anarchy now that it is on Netflix. I don't know if this is unpopular with the fandom, but I'm sure this is unpopular with the likes of Sutter...I have ZERO idea why Jax is constantly told he is a "good man; " further, it baffles that he was ever considered a protagonist. In the beginning, all he had going for him was that he was better than Clay, and that's really no great accomplishment. The thing is, though, what I find so fascinating about SoA is that this was a show where I didn't find any of the lead characters to be rootable, yet they engaged me enough to make me want to watch.
  5. Niles to Danny Kriezel: "You have the big Mercedes???"
  6. That scene with Lauren cackling like a loon was, IMO, one of the most offensive things this show has managed to produce.
  7. Yeah, the recaps are awesome, but your health comes first! There's nothing like lack of sleep to lower your resistance..take care!
  8. Ha, good point there! :) I guess my biggest issue is that I though B&B KL was icky...just something about him looked unwashed to me.
  9. Anybody who gets between me & my tv screen is all that needs to duck during a "cha cha cha" scene, since they may get hit with the remote when I toss it.
  10. It's funny how we can all watch the same thing & have different perceptions. I thought KL Rick & ED Ashley were icky, for lack of a better word.
  11. Regarding Aly, yes she is Thorne's daughter and I wonder every day why Rick is allowed to treat her so bad. Regarding Brooke, I always liked her a lot, but she is working my last nerve these days. How dare she blow off Ridge's complaints about Rick as Ridge's ego being bruised. I mean, yes, I'm sure Ridge's ego is bruised, but to say that's the only reason without ever being in the office and seeing how Rick has been is not only stupid but irresponsible.
  12. This is an excerpt from the transcript of the Season 5 episode "Death and the Maiden" It was not established that her blood being drained made a bit of difference.
  13. Now THIS is one of the funniest things I read about the seeeeecret...and truest!
  14. Here's a pretty UO...I genuinely like Under the Dome and am very much looking forward to the new season (June 25 yay!!)
  15. I call shenanigans on there being accountants. I'm an accountant, unless we're talking about part-time employees there is no way in hell an accountant would be able to commit to the time requirements.
  16. I'm pretty sure it was your ass...well, not yours Ninja :) He was in no uncertain terms letting Ridge know he had Steffy under his thumb.
  17. Joimiaroxeu...(I'm not tagging this since it doesn't give away any of the spoilers) Once it was discovered Ridge was not biologically Eric's, all bets were off. Rick, who was Phoebe's & Steffy's uncle in every way but blood, started having the hots for Phoebe and vice versa. Constantine from American Idol materialized, Phoebe's hots transferred to him while Rick's transferred to Taylor. This sickened Phoebe and, while in a car with Rick driving, she started beating the crap out of him, causing him to lose control & Phoebe got killed. It was quite a scene, Ridge was holding Phoebe & she weakly sang a song she had previously written and died....yes, the song was so bad it killed her. While grief stricken, Rick's hots now turned to Steffy. It seemed genuine, but it turned out Rick's interest in Steffy was all about pissing Ridge off, complete with Rick's immortal line "I OWN her ass!"
  18. I think everybody at Forrester who is not Rick (he's CEO, by the way) and of course Maya should stop whining and quit! For those who watched Seinfeld, I'd love to see them quit one by one, leaving Rick (like Elaine) alone at his desk shouting "Hey...heeeeyyyy!!!"
  19. I think you're awesome MM, I hope you don't think I'm picking on you :) Wasn't there a lot of speculation that when CM was hired that Kelly was going to end up being a more long-term character? Could she have been led on to believe that? Although I guess she should have suspected something since she's a non-contract performer.
  20. That could be answered pretty easily, Austin was knocked out, but when the Scoobs dragged him out in the snow to cover the murder up he was actually conscious and heard everything. The thing that bothers me is, the police found him dead in a car, how do they come back from that? Unless the GC police are as stupid as the FBI is in The Following...oh wait, maybe they are :)
  21. I think it's possible it could have been a surprise, that she had no idea Kelly would go from a somewhat scheming homewrecker to someone who has completely lost touch with reality.
  22. I agree. I can't help but be reminded of Anna Gunn and all the crap she took from fans for her portrayal of Skyler White on Breaking Bad. I hated Skyler with a passion, but so much of the social media hatred was toward Anna herself...so much so that she wrote an editorial in one of the NY papers (the Times as I recall). Of course hers was so bad that she was getting threats, and I certainly hope this isn't the case with Cady. I wish her luck as well.
  23. I was trying to think of who the killer could be. I really don't think it's going to be one of the major players (so few shows have the guts to do this), it's going to be some new character. My money, therefore, is on Yack.
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