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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Oh, you're so silly, this is soapland, who cares about little things like beating and torture? What really matters is "but...but...you LIED to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  2. If she couldn't speak I assume she couldn't call 911 for herself. Who finally did? And after how long? Wow, that's all too scary to even think about.
  3. ETA: Moving my response to "Former Seasons"...I didn't pay attention to the thread I was posting in :(
  4. Same here. I re-wound the scene & then wondered why I bothered...the scene is whatever TPTB say it is, regardless of what it looked like.
  5. SpottedCoachDog, I apologize that I could only give your post one "like", awesome and EXTREMELY well said!
  6. In Season 3's "Move Over", where Raymond couldn't sleep because of Debra's need to cuddle (they were married long enough, why is this an issue just now???), I thought there was a scene where Ray kept moving away from Debra to get some space, she moved closer and ended up kicking him out of bed. Either the thing with Aly kicking him out of bed was a different episode or I'm remembering wrong (I don't like Debra in "Move Over" so that's not one I rewatch often.)
  7. May I add to that (fill-in-the-blank)-shame? Fat shame...slut shame...skinny shame. Makes my teeth itch!
  8. Agreed...although I would enjoy the hell out of watching Steffy squirm.
  9. The six month thing...is that six months real time, or six months after the final episode?
  10. And the ham of the year award goes to...that Akation doctor's reaction to getting his throat cut. He acted the hell out of what appeared to be an oversized paper cut :)
  11. Remember what show we are watching, dead is not really dead. Maybe they buried rubber Aly and Prince Omar is with the real thing.
  12. So it seems that people involved with Aly eventually end up in the basement, or other odd places. Oliver's in the basement, Thorne is in the basement (although to be fair he's always been there), Taylor ends up apparently walking to Paris in her pajamas. After the Ivy's blackmailing is done, I wonder if she'll end up in the basement...or if she'll walk back to Australia in odd attire.
  13. He does look good without a shirt, I'd say that adds something :)
  14. They weren't in VR for over a year, they said it felt like over a year.
  15. Exactly. These are all opinions, and one opinion is no more "correct" than the other. My opinion is anything goes, with the caveat that both parties know what they are getting into. Assuming Kaitlyn had sex with Shawn, if she told him it was a casual thing and Shawn didn't like that but did it anyway, his bad...if she led him to believe she did it with him because he was "the one", her bad.
  16. I'm very behind on UTD and only got to watching this today. My favorite part? When Big Jim saw smoke & walked over to his completely engulfed in flames house. Wouldn't he have smelled smoke? Felt the heat? Or did the house just go up in ginormous flames 5 seconds after Junior lit the match?
  17. I'm not getting why Ben H is being called too young, I'd think that age is just about right for this kind of show.
  18. Because Steffy and Aly have photographic memories when it comes to mile markers? Sorry, that's all I have :)WH did some 100 mile bike race with KKL recently, I guess his training paid off!
  19. I agree, but then why did Vivian get criticism for her thick, super muscular thighs? Maybe her height didn't help, but still, the girl was never remotely overweight.
  20. My Vampire Diaries soulmate! I couldn't agree more.
  21. I said wouldn't be watching, but I did see today's and yesterday's episodes. I always have CC on in case I missed something, and when Nicole was strutting and "dancing" (whatever you want to call it) on the runway, the captioning said "insects chirping"...I thought that was quite appropriate. As an aside, I thought JMW with the constant sniffling did an awful job. I'm not convinced Steffy is upset about Aly, I think she's upset that she might get caught.
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