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Everything posted by MissMel

  1. I don't how it works in California but in Florida, you can establish your former employer(s) timeline but refuse to let them be contacted as a reference. If they do get contacted, they can not say anything negative if there was no illegal activity without a conviction on record. I think she could probably find a new job. Her pay might not be that great but she still has plenty of oppurtinuties. The fact that she held the same job for seven years is a plus to some establishments that are looking for cheap/seasonal workers.
  2. I'm 40 as well and my biggest gripe with vocal fry is the added "uh" or "uh ya" or "ay uh" added to random words. Especially when used in a sentence that sounds like a question, instead. I'm also a Midwestern girl that spent my childhood summers in California. Valley girl style. ;) I loved the black fringed dress in Miami. I mostly like her wedding dress, too. The high top, shiny shorts are hideous. I say this as an old lady that still has my last pair of button-up Bongo jeans and fluffy crop top from the early '90's. (I don't wear them though!)
  3. Any update on this, cooksdelight?ETA: Looks like he signed a lease in Fernandina Beach. The downtown location would have been easier for me but the article said he wants to open 2 more. So maybe?
  4. My guess is it's a combination of too much drinking, not enough eating, and not being home with your personal bathroom surroundings. It tends to get harder to recover as we get older!
  5. I got the impression it was more like a bar tab/room bill that the charges were on. Of course, I could be wrong though. I suppose he could have a Daddy (of some sort) funded credit card.
  6. MissMel


    This sounds like a porn blooper!
  7. I was also thinking a work visa plays into it somehow. Similar to Cedric maybe? Except Lisa and Ken know more now. That also makes staying with Kristen much more valuable. It's part of his job on the show, and the show is his shot into entertainment. So for now, Kristen it is?
  8. I was reading another site last night and a few comments referred to James as Max's best friend. I have never heard this before but it makes a lot of sense. If true, it sheds a whole new light on some of these questions we have been pondering about him, his relationship, and his role on the show.
  9. Watch the customers and employees in the background! I love the lady with the iPhone, snapping pictures. The random shots of customers with a WTF look on their faces, edited in. The doorman/security closing the doors and ushering in the customers to pass all the screaming out front. One lady cracked up so bad they had to blur her face and the man at the door broke up too as he scooted her quickly inside. There's more and it all happens before Lisa gives her scoldings that "the customers come in for the food and drinks, not to hear about who the employees are sleeping with/cheating on". (not an exact quote). Um, I think that's a huge part of that business now, Lisa. Stassi is the only one I've heard rave about the food and (free!) booze. And she just won't go away so the cameras count for something.
  10. Actually, it's 0.08 for a legal limit. He blew a 0.048. Less than a legal limit. An equivelant to one beer. Nobody can blow a .48. I mean I suppose they could, if they were still alive. 48% of your blood being alcohol? Probably puts you out of the blackout drunk zone and into the dead zone. He needs something but I think it's safe to say he doesn't need rehab for alcohol abuse. :)
  11. There has been speculation of Marriage Boot Camp for a little while now. If I'm not mistaken, it's 3 weeks and pays $100,000. I don't see them turning that down. In fact, I have no doubt June had her sight set on it. ETA: I might be thinking of Couples Therapy. Either way, it's a nice chunk of money and quick filming. And still getting TeeVee attention time.
  12. I'm guessing this refers to the rap videos she was in when she was younger. When she first came on the show, it was a hot topic because the "video girl" and "Kordell's wife" were very different personalities.
  13. http://starcasm.net/archives/303487 Maci and Bentley were involved in a rollover crash. Apparently, they are ok. (including the pregnancy)
  14. I just watched this episode and yes, she only lit up talking about being a performer. The baby seemed so, I don't know, emotionless? That may not be the right word but it was sad, too. I'm watching Jordan's 16 and Pregnant now. Dereck was allowed to live in Jordan's parent's house while he was attending college. When he was no longer attending, he was told to leave. Jordan chose to go, too. I believe the baby lives between Dereck and her parents. She may have not known that, though. I get the feeling her parents are "I'll help you if you help yourself, too". Dereck is back in school so her parents are helping him. Jordan is living the consequences of her own choices and I don't buy she wasn't fully aware that this is how things would play out. The conversation with her grandmother sealed it for me. Also, the guys at the apartment knew the baby well. The only one not stepping up is Jordan and she has no one to blame but herself. I wish her well and I think her baby might be the best cared for, all around, out of this whole bunch.
  15. I was thinking the same thing, it sounds more like Mackenzie. That poor girl needed a reminder to breathe. I just don't see Kail taking that kind of a risk, either.
  16. Can I just say?: I don't care if Roger Bobb, Jimbobb, or NinnyBobb's, any double "b" bob's "D" is on point. It might have been relevant 20/30 years ago. It's not cute now. Ugh. And 7 or 8 years? Off and on? Don't bitch about it. Didn't Demetria have a child during this time, too? Miss me with that mess. You both did it. Get a Cheerios and I might listen. Don't get mad if I play my Smurf's album in the background, though. And as far as the Kenya/Porsha thing? Kenya acted like an ass. She totally showed out for the paycheck. Porsha jumped. They were both wrong. Only one broke the law, though. It was reported and the State has taken over the charges. It probably would have been buried and forgotten, until the latest arrest. Tacky mess, that 30 something year old child made for herself.
  17. Thank you, I had forgotten he does speak of his parents often. I just automatically think of a Christmas birthday as a given day, when I hear of one. Bittersweet may be the better description, though. It's got it's advantages but it's a little lonely, too. It's pretty cool to see a woman hold a newborn and pick out every single feature and try to place it. She finds a piece of her in every child. :) Moonshiners is on my DVR to watch, list. The holidays got me behind a bit. Whooops
  18. That's cute! I have an odd question to ask about that, though. Do you know if he was raised in an orphanage? I ask because Christmas day was the day most orphans got for a birthday back then if their actual birthday was unknown. My MIL got assigned that day and she and Jim Tom are about the same age. She said it was cheaper to get that day, since they were already celebrating anyway.
  19. We got stuck eating lentils this year. I usually make hambeans, (great northern beans) but I somehow ran out. So it was ham, lentils, mixed greens, and cornbread. Black eyed peas taste like dirt. I asked my mom one year why we ate white beans and that was her response. "I'd rather lick dirt than eat one of those.". So that's that.
  20. I got Jax. I'm now going to drown myself in a bathtub full Listerine. (just kidding, but I do feel like I need to bathe. And read a book. And re-evaluate my whole entire life)
  21. I think Kim has been around this block with her parents before. I think her parents like the "perks" she can afford them. I doubt they like the way she acquired them but they overlooked it because, ya know? This is probably Kroy's first rodeo with his parents. Meaning its just a transitional phase. It just happens to be a little more public than most and that adds to the irritation. I bet Kroy's family works through. I hope Kim's does too. I have a feeling this is the first time her parents were put down further on list, though. Kim just finally broke away and puts her "for real" husband first this time. And more kids. It's new to everyone.
  22. Why is Kenya being called a bitch for trying to get Cynthia's attention but NeNe wasn't for trying to get Porsha's? Same thing was happening at that table, it seems. And I'm done with Porsha. Marlo should be in her seat. Kandi is a fool. I have keys to my dad's house, he has keys to mine. We live on the same property and pay our own bills. We even have joint bank accounts. I insist on "ringing his 3 or 4 bells" to get into his house out of respect. I own his space just as much as he owns mine. It's called respect. And acting like adults with responsibilities. Only my children walk in and out from both homes, freely. Well, the dachshund does too. :) I'm am over Phaedra. Her and her mother are worse, to me. Do they really both believe their crap that falls from their lips? Or did they both just get trained that well to pretend? Apollo aside, why is Phaedra still on this show? She's just a liar. I used think she lied in a playful way but now? I think she just lies and believes it. Her mother, too. Those boys are cute but I'm afraid this show amps both of those women's delusions to a new level. I don't like watching that. The boys deserve better. It's like the early years of Joyce/Kandi/Riley playing out in front of my eyes. Same results, just different paths to get there.
  23. No, no, no! Everyone showed at DeShawn's event. She handed out flyers instead of selling tickets. It was a packed house and she ended up in tears. I think it ended up costing them around $20,000. I was amazed her husband was like "well, that flopped. I tried to tell you. Oh well". Watching her cut a check to the church for $15,000, the hiring house staff, the downsizing from a few cars to just one, letting Lisa come over to cook chicken and having to ask her personal chef how the food processor worked so they could cut up onions? The things I could with that kind of free cash to toss around. Must be nice... That was the show I thought I was getting into, across all cities. My favorite house husband is Chyka's. And a couple of them from DC. I can't remember any of their names though. Good thing for the men but, apparently, that isn't what brings in ratings for the show so they got ditched. Oh! And BH Joyce and her husband.
  24. I think there may be some editing trickery going on here. In her talking heads, she looks like she is wearing the same green outfit. Maybe Kristen made the the "nip slip" comment about filming, then went to film, then went to the apartment flustered at the end of a long day. I watch a lot of Bravo. That's my excuse for giving any one these people the benefit of the doubt. Bravo knows how to edit in "a mountain out of a hole mill", in Ramona speak.
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