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Everything posted by Beachdreamer

  1. I think Bravo's most fervent wish is that the women enter the reunion stage frustrated and angry with each other. Dorit making everyone wait makes for better TV later. No way is Bravo going to hurry her onto that stage.
  2. The whole "Morgan hip caress" thing confuses me. Whether she and Kyle are in a relationship or not, Kyle has made not attempt to declare or imply a relationship. In fact, she has repeatedly said they are just friends. Kyle has children who are in the middle of a family separation. To me, it seems disrespectful to Kyle for Morgan to touch her that way in a public setting with cameras, knowing it would fuel the rumors and speculation. It also feels maybe a little controlling. I think if it was a male that was in the same circumstances and doing this people might be worried that Kyle was in an unhealthy relationship.
  3. I don't think Mauricio cheated. Kyle is a professional victim. For years any storyline she had beyond cute dogs and a white party was about how someone (Kim, LVP, Kathy, Rinna, Kathy again, etc) was "so mean" to her. I don't think for a minute that she would allow the narrative to be that SHE was the cheater if it was actually Mauricio. That just doesn't fit with the way she has conducted herself for years. She vaguely insinuated he did - THAT'S total Kyle- and then had to walk it back because he probably didn't.
  4. I don't think Kyle and family are doing this for a story line so much as they understand everything they do IS a storyline, and may require retakes and some scripted context filming and things like that. So I do think the scenes are coming off as a little weird, and I think it's because the emotions are real and the basic scenarios are real, but it probably happened largely off camera, and now they need to bring it on camera. I am really surprised they brought Mo's parents into it. But I believe the parents were told ahead of time that the marriage issues were to be discussed because they brought it up on camera, and I have the sense that they wouldn't have done that on their own.
  5. Something about this season's Kyle reminds me of the Friends episode where "Fun Bobby" stops drinking and is no longer fun. In theory, someone who has given up alcohol, and changed their eating and exercise habits should feel pretty good inside, and you'd expect their demeanor to reflect that. Instead she looks fantastic, but seems edgy and irritated and full of attitude. It will be interesting to see her in the first party situation and see if she is fun loving, splits doing Kyle or if she keeps this edginess.
  6. Tamra ruins the show. She is so vile and mean and powerful that the rest of them just fall in line to avoid being her target. The way she treated Jen all season and Jen taking it is absurd. That Shannon was all "tres amigos" after that boat ride is absurd. Gina hearing that Tamra called her a loser and then saying, "Well Heather should have told me," is absurd. Emily being told it was Tamra and then still going in on Heather is absurd. They are all afraid of becoming the next target, so they stay in line on the target they have been told to focus on(either subtly or outright) None of this looks even a little organic and real. It's more fake than Taylor's lips. And Heather is a good target for them. She is moving. She is trying to restart her acting career. And she doesn't need the money from this show. So they can focus on her without much guilt or concern for blowback from Heather. But it's obvious what they are doing, and that doesn't make for good TV.
  7. Erica spent most of the season drunk, so she's an unreliable witness to what Kathy said. Since she is the only witness, I would disregard the whole thing. Except that we can't, because someone-and I think with only 1 witness it isn't a mystery who- someone leaked it. Erica could have made it up, she could have misheard it, or it could have been said exactly as she claims. As Andy explained, it becomes she said/she said, and those are pretty difficult to sort out. I have no idea why Kathy isn't pissed about Rinna and the Tequila. It was a blatant dig at Kathy. Why, after all this, and a presumed rewatch of the season, doesn't Kathy see that?
  8. I thought it was fair. First, they are on a TV show. They are being filmed all the time (except in clubs in Aspen) and they talk to each other with mics and cameras and all the things, then go, "I can't believe you told somebody that." In those instances I always want to stare openmouthed and go "WHAT?! You potentially just told the world (if it airs) then act like I spilled your deepest secret." I'm assuming that was Dorit's initial response. But then, if I am remembering correctly, I think Dorit then said she was sorry, and without really equivocating either.
  9. I have always thought Kyle's home robbery was an insurance scam. And leave it to Kyle to find a way to get her things back, and be able to use them, too. She "bought them back" in a big shakedown from the burgler. And of course, she needed to interrupt Dorit's storyline- I mean story- to tell us all, so that she can get it out there in public. This is so she can start wearing her rings and things again. Dorit, at least, was honest about this much. She said she wouldn' t be rebuying anything since she's wears things once and is done. Which really makes one think about how a burglery is a benefit to her.
  10. I think it would be so cool if it turned out that this season was just a total long con by the Richards sisters to take down Rinna by baiting her into going after someone powerful enough to end her stint as a housewife. I go back and forth between thinking there is no way they could be that Machiavellian, and remembering that I think Kyle managed to be significantly involved in (if not entirely behind) Munchausen, Puppygate and Brandi/Denise and pretty much skated on all 3 things.
  11. I can easily imagine that there are many wives (and husbands) who really do have limited or no knowledge of their spouse's shady dealings. In Erica's case, a wealthy and successful middle aged man married a young, broke cocktail waitress. It's a short leap for me to think he handled the finances. The thing is, assuming she had no knowledge until the lawsuits, I think once she found out, she should have been horrified and sad. Sad for the victims. Maybe even sad for the fact that she was so careless with money and blowing through it when they didn't have it. Maybe even sad for the loss of her lifestyle and marriage at once. If she was any of that, maybe she would get that compassion she craves and she herself could claim to be a victim. Instead, she exhibits every indication she feels entitled to the money - she earned it and that's that. Screw everyone else. It's horrifying.
  12. I truly think Kathy Hilton is the weapon, not the Target. Kyle is the original castmember, her star has risen every season, and she has repeatedly brought her sisters into the show as paid cast members. Kyle is Bravo powerful. Lisa Rinna hates that. Erika, I think, is just probably in a crappy place emotionally and would be on board for a take-down of anyone. But smart, vile Rinna saw an opportunity to cause problems in the house of Hilton/Richards and jumped on it. I honestly think she has no conscience at all, so she'll take it as far as she can without losing sleep once, and when she can't take it any farther, she'll just do something else- like go after Sutton, or I'm thinking Garcelle better watch out.
  13. If this were a Friends episode, it would be titled THE ONE WHERE KYLE REALIZES SHE UNLEASHED A MONSTER AND IT WON'T GET BACK IN ITS CAGE. Kyle spent the Aspen trip, and on a larger note, the season, poking at Kathy. Her own actions showed the others how Kathy did not have to be respected, either as a Hilton, or simply as a sister or friend. Or castmate. I think Kyle is completely on board with a small Kathy take down. A little here, a little there. This full on assault on Kathy is not sanctioned by Kyle, and after years of wearing the crown, she is stunned to realize that things have turned, and has become less of hit on Kathy and more of a hit on Kyle. "You guys are only hurting me" They know that Kyle. That's the evil brilliance. They know that.
  14. I think in this instance what she really means is, "It's fine to hurt Kathy a little, you all saw me do it Aspen, but when you do it THIS way, you're hurting me and we agreed as a FF5 team we would protect each other."
  15. "All Kathy has to do is admit it and apologize," says Erica. But why does she have to admit it and to whom is she apologizing? It makes no sense. Erica was raging and yelling at people and called Crystal an A-hole and she wasn't admitting it and apologizing.
  16. This is the second week in a row that I think Erica has hinted at having the goods on Kyle. When she is talking with Dorit at the chocolatier, I think she very clearly hints at KYLE having secrets, then switches to Kathy. I think Erica and editing make it look like Kathy was always the subject, but I'm skeptical.
  17. Kathy was so worried about how American Woman would portray her family, but its how this show has portrayed her family that has destroyed their relationships with each other and brought family secrets to light.
  18. After watching the episodes that lead up to this, I'm going to make some guesses about what happened. First of all, why is uber rich, very busy socialite Kathy on this show? Its not for money. Was it because her sister talked her into it? Was it because Bravo and Kyle sold her on the idea that she could promote things like Vodka? I feel like that's a yes. And if so, that's key. I think Kathy was getting tired of being mocked by Kyle. I think Kathy was annoyed that her attempts to talk about the Vodka were being shut down at best, and at worst made into a big joke that Rinna took direct aim at. We saw Kathy get as or more upset with Kyle than with Lisa. I think that's because Lisa is a snake, and Kyle is the sister and Bravo employee that told Kathy to be on the show to promote things. Sadly, I am not a member of the elite Aspen club in which no one would Conga. But I'm going to guess that if I were there, what I might have witnessed would not be Kathy raging that no one would Conga. Maybe Kathy was trying hard to get people to Conga, and maybe even got annoyed that they didn't, but I have a sneaky suspicion Kyle started mocking Kathy and her desire to Conga, and that maybe that was Kathy's issue. I'm also going to guess Rinna wasn't the kind savior bringing her home. Rinna is a sleeze. She probably acted like she was going with Kathy to clear the air about the Vodka comments. And if she did that, Kathy might logically respond that while Rinna's actions were annoying, she was most angry at Bravo and Kyle because they weren't holding up their end of the bargain. And I don't think sweet, sweet Rinna attempted to diffuse that anger. I think she flamed the fire as much as possible. And I think she probably said plenty of her own things about Kyle. Because Kathy's texts read to me like they had a 2 way conversation, not a one way one.
  19. Respectfully, Rinna didn't simply order another brand. Rinna made the biggest show humanly possible of ordering another brand and attaching that brand to a different celebrity face. She basically one-upped her. It was done in the spirit of nastiness, and I am sure that is why Kathy was upset.
  20. Totally. She did it to stick it to Kathy. Plain and simple. The problem with this show is that they pretend to be friends instead of castmates or coworkers. Rinna wishes she was friends with Kendall, and she showed by her actions she is no friend to Kathy. Ironically, both Kris and Kathy would make wonderful role models for her on how to pimp out her daughters. Rinna just isn't smart enough to realize that.
  21. I honestly think some of the women have engineered their own home break ins for insurance money at worst, and at best padded their losses for insurance money. I think we have seen something in the past about PK owing people money. Erika has the goods on some of these women, and now they are in a tough place. She is messy and nasty and thoroughly awful on camera about the lawsuits and the victims. She has made herself nearly impossible to defend and yet, the women are desperately coaching and coaxing her to be more likeable about it. And then she throws out some little line about hoping their lives don't crash down on them or something- I don't remember it exactly, but I remember it instantly made me feel that she knows some shady things about one or two women here. Kyle and Dorit are the obvious guesses.
  22. I have some thoughts on the whole- Kyle-Kathy- Tequila situation. First, although many housewives eventually pitch something, most don't come on the show initially to pitch anything other than themselves. When they do eventually bring in alcohol, lines of clothing or clothing stores or etc., it is part of a whole selling of themself. The end goal for them really is that they remain famous, and relevant and wealthy. Kathy is all of those things without the show. Now that we've seen all the clips tied together of Kathy pitching this Tequila in a manner far more suited to a boardroom than a housewives show, I am leaning toward the idea that Kathy was partially on the show for the purpose of advancing this Tequila. It may have been how Bravo and/or Kyle sold her on being a housewife. Rinna was intentionally obnoxious about the Tequila. She's a vile human being who intentionally pissed off a woman in the group. No surprises there. And Kathy probably wasn't surprised. I suspect the reason she was upset with Kyle is that Kathy knows that Kyle is the grand maven of the show who holds a lot of power over both the women and Bravo. On one level, she probably realizes Kyle teaches the women how to treat Kathy, and that probably sits poorly. On a more conscious level- Kyle is the boss of the show. So I can see how Kathy would turn to Kyle and say something along the lines of - she's mocking me and my Tequila on camera, make it stop.
  23. I just can't understand all of the hate directed at Rachel. And I really can't get on board with the retroactive hate. In the glorious days of champagne and oysters and Le Coucou Neff and Rachel and the trainer are all enjoying the perks of a very wealthy friend. If Rachel is a selfish grifter at this point, so are the others. But remember, Anna is a willing participant in this relationship structure. I have no problem with Rachel going to Morocco at Anna's expense. It is clear from the story, as well as common sense given Rachel's financial position, that both parties have agreed upon Anna paying for this. If Rachel is a selfish grifter at this point, the trainer is, too. But remember, Anna is a willing participant in this relationship structure. Once they are in Morocco, Rachel is essentially in a hostage situation. It may be an elegant one, but it was one. She was in a foreign country, she was frightened, and she was tricked by someone she had every reason to believe. She came home 62 thousand dollars in debt! Can you imagine the stress? And given the use of the work credit card, she was likely to lose her job and be unable to pay this debt. We saw the worry and concern Neff felt when she paid for one meal unexpectedly. And Neff was repaid. Rachel was left to drown in debt. Do we hate here right now? While she is at her lowest point? While she has clearly been tricked? She gave Anna plenty of time to rectify the situation, had Anna actually been able and willing to do so. It didn't happen. At some point Rachel decides to stop being Anna's friend. Seriously, do we blame her? Or Is this the point at which we hate her? Rachel ends up writing her story and making money. Is this why she is hated? Because she made money from her misfortune? Who is this an affront to? To the viewers? Why? To Anna? Has Anna not lost any rights to consideration at this point? Had Rachel stayed in debt, and was today a woman working 3 jobs to crawl out from under her situation, would she be a victim or an object of hate and disdain? When Anna is arrested and goes to jail and Neff and the trainer are still seeing her as some sort of friend, is it because neither of them were $62K in debt? Based on Neff's one meal and the other woman's unwillingness to allow Anna to move in, I think we can assume they'd feel pretty differently if they had been. So how and where in all of this doe RACHEL become the bad guy, and if she is a bad guy in anyone's eyes, I would respectfully suggest that Neff and the trainer be held to the same standard.
  24. Sutton for the win! She explains what lying is and gives an example of Erica doing it. There should have been a mic drop after that.
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