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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Okay, that tl; dr post is hilarious throughout and I was chuckling at the description of the Starklings (possibly the best description of Jon) and then I lost it when I came to the other one. 🤣🤣🤣 Ned being to blame for Theon isn’t that wrong, but man, I have no idea what he’d have turned into if he had stayed with his own psycho dad. Probably dead by the age of 15 when either Balon or one of his brothers drowned him. It is a really good character study of a kid left rudderless, though. While I can see reasoning behind some of Ned’s actions, this one is truly mindboggling. Like, okay, you don’t pay much attention to Arya’s story, but once you’ve realized something huge based off Sansa’s off the cuff comment, you never go back to lions and wolves? It really shouldn’t be that tough of a code to crack for you, dude. But whatever, Ned and Cat were supposed to die anyway, because GRRM needed that to have the kids grow. ETA: I’m just reading a Sansa chapter of ACOK, and man is that thing about 900 dudes perving on her true. Currently, it’s Dontos. I am so glad this was dialed back about a thousand in the show. I’m glad this fucker was killed later on.
  2. If anything, I think Ned should actually have lied to the girls, because, yes, them being in the know was a liability. Oh, yeah, you two are just going to visit house so and so, amazingly enough, they have both daughters interested in embroidery and songs like Sansa, AND sons who'd love to spar against Arya and take her hunting. They'd also love to train with Syrio. It's just a short visit, you'll be back in a jiff. See you soon. Toodles. And then he packs them onto a boat taking them unknowingly and circuitously home.
  3. Very few people can keep up with Littlefinger, so I don't think Ned taking note of his warning would have meant much. He'd have played him differently. And taking LF's warning to heart again means he trusts the bastard. Regardless of how readers took Sansa going to Cersei, I firmly believe the purpose of putting that in was so that Sansa feels guilty, not that anyone else views her as such. She doesn't know that Ned has doomed himself. Because, yes, I do agree that not getting the girls out before going to Cersei was idiotic.
  4. As the kids would say, same. Back to the seven kingdoms as in the pre-Targaryen era.
  5. I'm rereading the books and am actually trying to spot if there is anything there to point in the direction of Bran and Sansa. I'm about a third to half way through The Clash of Kings, and one scene that stuck out to me was Tyrion getting back to KL and making note of how the people have nothing to eat while Cersei wastes time, money and resources on other shit as winter approaches. This I think connects directly to Sansa always worrying about supplies of food in the last two seasons. Much is also made about it at Winterfell at the same time, where Luwin and/or Rodrik wrangle the bannermen to set more food aside. And Bran actually IS taught to rule at this time and eventually both his mentors compliment him. However, this doesn't really fold intothe TV ending seeing as there's no Bran left. So, currently I'm at the point where Bran makes sense as king down the line to me, but not the 3ER. However, the other great houses going along with an independent Stark run North, and a Stark ruling over the remaining six kingdoms still doesn't gel.
  6. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    Fine, really. The cultures are pretty similar. Also, Kenny really doesn't know how to pronounce Hrvatska. It was actually pretty cute, really. I think the high-neck was to contrast with her lower cut spaghetti strap tops. I got the idea behind the coat, something fun, that popped while the rest of her outfit was more neutral, but I agree the execution was lacking.
  7. I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen on this show.
  8. I think that's at the heart of it. Ned may appear dumb for the environemnt of King's Landing, but for all that the North is one of the Seven Kingdoms, they're a completely different culture. Ned really had nowhere to learn the skills needed to navigate the viper's pit that is KL. Sansa's youth was actually probably beneficial to her, she had fewer deeply entrenched ideas and beliefs that were a hindrance.
  9. I watched last season, but it never truly grabbed me, so I haven’t been tempted by the new one. The Handmaid's Tale is enough of a chore to get through this season already.
  10. I honestly never made the connection between welp and well. I just assumed the former meant yikes based on context.
  11. So, Oliver was always supposed to end up the show dead. Only, now we've had seven seasons of him being put through hell in both past and the present, so 12 years in total, and he somehow managed to start a family along the way only to be torn apart from them with alacrity. Following this, the show still ends with him dead, only 50 years in the future to align with that Flash bit about him living to be 84 years old. And his kids (Lucas possibly, hopefully included) and maybe even the next next generation visit his grave, or better yet the original foundry. There, even SA gets his death wish fulfilled, and I can be satisfied with the knowledge that Oliver got 50 good years before his time came.
  12. That’s not only an ugly ass outfit on JH (and I saw a second one that’s pretty damn bad as well), but in the second photo it looks painful as well.
  13. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    True. I noticed the same disconnect in a later episode, where the home did end up looking nice, but not really fit for its inhabitants or at least the current stage of their lives IMO.
  14. My level of interest is really low, but this actually has potential.
  15. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    I’m on the final episode on the farm and it’s just so much fun I had to post before even finishing. First, Jonathan. Caress my back with your callusy hands. But then Karamo killed me dead. I think NotDownWithThisKaramo is definitely my favortie Karamo. The stage for a scary movie, the outbreak and gagging, chastasing Bobby! It’s all top notch.
  16. I’ve started rereading the books, so I guess I’ll have confirmation of that soon enough, but on the show it really looked like, one, two, three dark haired Baratheons. Aha! J’accuse!
  17. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    Thank you. I must not have been paying enough attention, because I actually do remember Jonathan's pic in his cheering uniform, but not the others. Dude, Tan has always had a slamming head of hair.
  18. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    I completely missed this. When were they shown, at the end of the episode?
  19. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    She looks great, but I can see how she can come off as scary. She was scaring me during that talk with Karamo and her daughters. And one daughter was definitely scared of her reaction as well. Lucy perfected that side eye and sass before hitting the 10 year mark. Inpressive.
  20. bijoux

    Season 4 Discussion

    Just watched the first episode with Jonathan's high school teacher and good job all around. I loved that they didn't use make up, but brought out her eyes with new glasses and a kicky haircut, her cute, comfy shoes (seriously, Look at my shoes, girls, was stinkin' adorable), and I am so jealous of the teachers' lounge. Discussing Mrs. Dooley with her students was one of my favorite bits, the rumors, the Dooley-cizing... Nice opening to the season.
  21. Have we gone back to season 2? This ia peak hotness. And now I can't hope for Oliver and Felicity to smash faces every episode. That's a bummer. #firstworldproblems
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