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Everything posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I have to comment on Prince. The guy was genius level musically. Multi-instrumental and self taught. Have you ever watched him just on guitar alone? Amazing. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but you can't deny his talent. Not just a song writer but he would write every note for every instrument. Not many artists have that capability.
  2. The idiocy of these people. Sauerkraut is sour guys. It's cabbage Kourtney. It's frickin cabbage. Don't you have a college degree? Did no one inherit their father's smarts? I mean he had to have something going on the brain department to get through law school and the bar. No members of Mensa in this group. Their conversations always consist of the same dialogue too. Lots of yeahs and likes in every sentence. These girls are so disrespectful to their mother yet criticize Rob for much lesser infractions. I don't believe anything is real at this point in these storylines. I wouldnt even doubt that Blac Chyna has been paid to have Rob's spawn.
  3. I almost forgot and shame on me for not mentioning my all time fave Lt. Kenda. That guy has dry wit in spades and always tells the story without any ego getting in the way. Even though he is also the investigator of the crime, he is very fair minded and he has survived his job with his compassion intact.
  4. I like Keith and Erin best. I cannot deal with the voice on Snapped. It is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I too saw her in person moderating some show and she is an attractive lady physically, just can't stand her voice. She wasn't quite as bad in person which makes me think she really exaggerates her voice for Snapped.
  5. Brattlinella, I love you for this post. First and foremost because I had a hard time understanding the lack of compassion the deer feeding neighbors displayed. They in no way deserved the shooting but it was really negligent how they fed the deer considering Lyme disease with all its repercussions. But secondly I love this post for your Tobacco Road reference as it is a fave song of mine as sung by Eric Burdon and War.
  6. There is a brainwashing that goes along with abuse and that is why people on the outside often make that statement which in turn just makes it harder for victims to get out. I get people's frustration but she emotionally needs help to get out at this point. He is a classic abuser. He totally sees himself as the victim in the scenario. Pretty hard to fix that mindset. I agree she has her own problems but she doesn't deserve to be hosed down, spat on, and verbally and physically abused.
  7. Lura, I agree with you about Gigi's looks. The older she gets, the more of her father I see in her. She does have some resemblance to her half sibs facially too. I am glad to see her doing well with her career. Always nice to see young people thrive. As a parent, we just want our kids happy and doing well. I know she has had an advantage with her family connections but I think that is the case with all rich people. We just notice it more with her because she has a public career.
  8. The actor playing Chick really sells that role but he still is to me beyond creepy. How many of you would want him knocking on your door and introducing himself as your neighbor? No thank you, not me anyway. I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop with him.
  9. Can't stand Jen but I think that is what producers were angling for. What an unpleasant person. Seems to always be in a bad mood. I have worked with way too many people like her who seem to think just by showing up to work, they deserve special treatment. Those people suck the lifeblood out of you. Danny does act like a teen boy but at least he seems kind hearted. No doubt he will be going home. I enjoy Ben's take on people.
  10. I almost didn't want to watch tonight. This show never disappoints though. I still can't stop thinking about how tragic Norma's whole life was. She could just never catch a break for more than five seconds. And what is creepy Chick up to now? That guy just skeeves me out, more so than Norman even. As crazy as Norman is, you can understand why he ended up the way he is.
  11. Yes, I have had this happen to me also. They also rely solely on the cash register for change amount. Most can't count back from actual purchase amount up to amount that the customer gives them.
  12. It was a nice thing Lisa and Ken did but for me personally, I would want to decorate my own home. I enjoy the process and I would want to make the memories and my own mark. Does that make sense? That is all part of making a home with your hubby. I also feel that way about holidays. It is nice to celebrate with parents but once I had kids, I always made sure we did our own celebration in our home. I wanted to start a tradition and for them to have those memories.
  13. I had never seen the story done on Fear thy Neighbor about the crazed cop that was portrayed last night. How sad that five people had to die. Neighbors knew he was ticking time bomb and they ended up being sitting ducks. Plenty of warning signs with the guy but the fellow cops were of no help. Does anybody think the daughter made up the story which set it all in motion? I can't watch House of Horrors. I hate hostage type situations and then you've got torture thrown in on top of it. Makes me feel like climbing the walls. That promo is enough on its own to set me off. I too see Aphrodite is coming back. I like her but she always does stories that have been covered ad nauseum.
  14. I thought Erica was pretty in her early pics. Now she looks like all the plastic people in BH. Still pretty but too similar to everyone else. Eileen looked great in that black dress Loved the scenes with Lisa and Ken and the animals. Lisa R. threw her husband under the bus. That mouth needs its own zip code. I think Kyle really enjoys motherhood. I don't always agree with her methods but you can tell she enjoys her family.
  15. Dylan is one of those kids who are forced into adulthood before their time due to all the incompetent adults he has been surrounded with his whole life. Wise beyond his years.
  16. On the show, they said Lamar was awake but not speaking yet and Kanye's music gave him the breakthrough to speak. (This is not verbatim but that was the point they were making). All the different therapy departments which would include speech, physical, occupational, etc.. are more than aware what it takes to aid a patient to speak. These are educated people who do this for a living and have much experience. Yes music can be an aid and they know that. But it takes the whole disciplinary team to move a patient forward. Family certainly helps with the process. Do I believe that Lamar just suddenly began speaking with Kayne's music. No, no I don't. The groundwork had already been laid. They just exaggerate and flat out lie and it irritates the crap out of me when they do it at other people's expense.
  17. Yes, Lamar's recovery had nothing to do with the educated hard working doctors, nurses, and therapists who spent countless hours treating and rehabbing Lamar. The egos on these people are ridiculous.
  18. Yes absolutely agree. Wish all women would quit being so hard on each other. It just perpetrates the stigma surrounding abuse.
  19. Oh yes, the other thing I wanted to comment about was the shaming for not sharing domestic abuse ordeal. Women often don't share as they get judged more harshly than the abusers. It is a humiliating experience. To each their own on that one but no one has a right to judge.
  20. I had to back off this show because it became annoying. At the top of my list is a season built around something that happened off camera (referring to convo between LVP and Rinna). Everything becomes speculation and I like to have a well informed opinion which has been impossible this season. I did tune in to the last reunion show. Erica strikes me as a very cold woman. Yo and the unrivaled smirking and smugness is very telling regarding her core personality. I hope Kyle and LVP remain friends. I don't know if Lisa did what she was accused of cuz again, off camera, but it wouldn't surprise me. However I still like what she brings to the table regarding her life. I am a bit bummed about Eileen as I have watched her on Y&R for years and I liked her last year. I agree with what she said about becoming a bitch to get her point across but that is on her. She should have cut her loss long ago. I also knew Andy would not ask the whole cast about their inconsistencies and that is why I usually avoid reunions. I have a low tolerance for BS.
  21. I thought it was interesting Shayna's girlfriend said she always took high school breakups hard. I remember Jodi Arias was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and overreaction to rejection is a criteria for BPD. Made me wonder if she has BPD too. I heard them mention she was diagnosed as a narcissist but no mention of BPD.
  22. I agree about the similarities to Jodi Arias. I think everything she did was very calculated. She quite fancied herself as an actress who could act her way out of a murder IMO. Her mother struck me as someone who has encouraged her crazy her whole life. The way she kept going on about her baby and how she lives her whole life for her was not normal for preparing a child for adulthood. Domestic abuse is a bitch for either sex. I get people's frustration that he didn't leave but domestic abuse tends to look different to people on the outside. It isn't rational and that is the rub. Rational acts for the person in the middle of it fall flat on someone like Shayna.
  23. So sorry to hear about Prince. Multi instrument player along with a great song writer and performer. Condolences to his family, friends, and fans. He was one of a kind.
  24. You make a great point about Chick being charming. He is a smart guy and has honed the craft of getting to the heart of the matter. He figures people out quickly but instead of having the ability to empathize, he tortures them and gets off on watching them twist in the wind. It makes him even scarier that he has an ability to be charming when needed. I've seen the actor (Rick Hurst) in movies and he usually plays a good guy. The show has done such a good job making him creepy, just by his appearance alone. The limp and cane, the scraggly beard, all just notch the creep factor up. But very nuanced acting IMO to make the character a full blown sociopath. Add to the story that the character is obviously artistically talented and could use his abilities to make a honest living if he wanted to. I love how the show subtly pulls those little gems out too by having Norma ask about him making his cane. Great writing.
  25. The acting on this show is just lights out. I cried with Norma tonight. And how ominous and creepy does Chick come across. He really is a predator of the worst kind. He makes my skin crawl. Kudos to the actor. I feel like a poster up thread who wants to stop watching now for a happy ending. It is going to be heartbreaking to watch this all blow up.
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