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Everything posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. So is Thomas's new scruffy look to make him physically similar to his father? It certainly seems so. I am glad Ivy is coming back. Does anyone know for how long she will stick around. Steffy needs some female competition.
  2. I have to say that Rowdy Gaines does a great job. He has an incredible mind for the stats and the times that the swimmers are putting up plus he is enthusiastic. I can't help but like him for being genuine.
  3. Yes so much this. They had a clip of her running up a hill for exercise. Pretty sure it was on the show when she was putting out one of her propaganda pieces. Anyway, she looked very awkward attempting to run, yet she had posted on Instagram that she was running four miles daily, along with an additional workout. I was a serious runner (till I got sick) now I just do what I can, but my point is, if she was running as much as she claimed, her body would look much different. I can spot runners a mile away and Kim is not one. I'm not criticizing her not being the running type cuz everyone needs to find what works best for them, but it is the constant BS that this whole family is always shoveling and expects the public to buy. I have a brain and eyes Kardashians.
  4. I'm convinced she had significant lipo. There were pics of her a few weeks ago where you could see bruising on her upper inner thigh area. I didn't notice it at first but it was there. I just don't buy the workout and strict diet. Her body does not look toned at all. Yeah, she may have cut calories but I don't see her capable of both a strict exercise and diet routine.
  5. I never bought BC as his savior. Rob obviously has issues as evidenced by the way he drops out of society. Another person can't fix those issues. The hard work is on Rob. It doesn't seem that he is willing for whatever reason to do the work, whether it is depression, rebellion, or just plain laziness or perhaps a combination. He may have had a period of elation with BC but once that wore off, and it always does, he finds himself right back where he started with his demons. I think the rest of the family has bent over backwards to help him but one can only do so much. Of course, they may have their own motives too.
  6. I noticed that Malika has picked up Khloe's baby talk. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
  7. This just cracks me up too. Those are the ugliest shoes. No offense to oldsters but they look like geriatric shoes. I swear Kanye just sits around thinking up the ugliest fashion possible and brings it to fruition. The crazy part is, people actually buy it and wear it. I mean look what he has pushed on society, basically pantyhose for the whole body and geriatric walking shoes. Oh yeah, sign me up.....NOT!
  8. One would think her PR people would have advised her not to file suit. It makes her look petty and unfeeling, considering a life was lost. But I guess money trumps empathy and reputation. Hail the almighty dollar.
  9. I so agree with this scenario. The sad part is that the first company Chris had, (the t-shirt one), was actually a successful company. If he had been paying his buisiness creditors all along, he would have continued to stay solvent and still have a nice living. But allegedly what he did, was spend that money to live a lavish lifestyle. Jackie and him jetting all over the place and spending on ridiculous crap. I had to laugh when earlier she and he made that comment about how Jack doesn't care about money. Right. If Chris got a job working for someone else, I highly doubt they could support their current lifestyle I guess that's where Bravo comes in. All these people ate so fake, minus the new group. Don't know enough about them yet.
  10. Yeah I'm cynical but I think Lou is giddy over marrying a wallet and Sonja is sad over losing a chance at said wallet. Ramona was her usual annoying manic traveler. From hitting on youngsters, to taking advantage of yacht staff, to haranguing Lou about the guest list, and to finally, obnoxiously modeling her swimsuit. Yikes, just chill out already. It is exhausting watching her act out. Can't imagine actually having to travel with her. Oh and I forgot, trying to con Sonja into carrying her luggage. Can't wait till Bethanny has her surgery so hopefully she will stop talking about bleeding. Agree with previous posters that Carole is looking rough and Dorinda is definitely stirring the pot. And Sonja, va va voom in the LBD. I don't remember her being quite that busty before. But she has been looking much better lately. I assume the no drinking is a huge factor.
  11. Great comments. You guys really have the cast figured out. The only thing I can add that I thought was amusing was Hannah redeeming herself with her comment about the Americans. She praised this group quite a lot. I wonder if she took some guff over her negative comments earlier about the ugly Americans with the cruise group from hell.
  12. I don't know what the writers have in mind for this breakup story but I thought Ridge and Caroline did a nice piece of acting today. Best I've seen on this show in a while.
  13. Meghan is one of those people who has zero interest in learning about other time periods because she wasn't living through it herself. Expand your horizons Meghan. The world has a history. She's very one-dimensional in that way. Plus I think she likes to point out how she is so young compared to the rest of the HW. To me, she just comes off as entitled and uneducated.
  14. Yeah, I have no idea. I read the article quite some time ago so I am confused about the timeline. Other people were also speculating that it could have been a rental of Kyle and Mauricio's also. The whole story is strange. After what happened to Kyle's daughter, I can't imagine she would let that dog back around her family. That's why people were speculating that Kim sprung the dog on her without her permission and she put Kyle between a rock and a hard place such as a filming situation that had to be completed. Again, these are not facts, just pure speculation.
  15. I swear, when that Nina chick was spouting off, she sounded like a ventriloquist throwing their voice. I kept looking, thinking, who is saying this crap? It was bizarre. The accent added to the illusion. Vicki has lost it. She has to stop with this victim act. Kelly's husband was really getting off on the fighting. Did you notice the constant smirk on his face? Shannon makes me laugh, screechy as she can be Again with Meghan and the shots. I get it. I got it the FIRST time.
  16. What a tragic ending for the whole family. I have never understood law enforcements insistence that it was an accidental death. They really had nothing substantial to make those claims. In fact, it seemed just the opposite with all the other people's remains that were found in the area.
  17. I've come to believe that any publicity works for them. All the negative stuff, I guarantee will be addressed on the show. Of course it will put them in a good light. They will put their usual Kardashian spin on it where they are always the victims of the big bad world. Just wait and watch cause it coming to a tv near you soon.
  18. I guess Kim seriously needs some extra support to boost the girls up. Looks like she is wearing an oversized mans tee shirt under that harness.
  19. For me, the whole storyline about baby Douglas is heading in the direction of a Caroline/Thomas hookup which for me destroys the one couple on this show that actually has chemistry, Caroline/Ridge.
  20. Somebody on another site speculated that Kim had brought the dog to Kyle's Palm Springs house when they were shooting the party episode which was filmed for HW. If true, that would make some sense. But like I said, just speculation.
  21. She said she thought she had a blood clot in her lung. I am a nurse and you don't mess around with a pulmonary embolism. They are often deadly. So unless she was exaggerating, it was a poor choice on her part. Staying calm is not going to stop a clot from killing you. Now, I can see a call to Vicki to have someone there for the kids but 911 for the rest.
  22. Yes, I agree. Plus Mayo has locations in Minnesota and also one in Florida.
  23. I don't know how home health care works in Ca. but in my state, you don't get a aide for the whole time. You get one or two nurse visits per day and IF you qualify, you get an aide to come in and help you with your activities of daily living such as bathing and housekeeping but they don't stay 24/7. No doubt Briana is sick but I believe this is all exaggerated for Vicki to rehabilitate her horrible reputation. Count me in as one who was annoyed by the government comments plus the way Oklahoma gets slammed about health care. I'm sure there are many capable doctors and medical facilities there. We are not living in the dark ages. Just wanted to add that you also have to be housebound to qualify for aide care. Housebound means you can only leave your home for church and a haircut. Now it is possible that they hired a private service but that would be total out of pocket expense on Briana or Vicki if she agreed to pay.
  24. Yet she had a very elevated temp. It seems strange that the hospital would not have kept her for suspicion of sepsis or becoming septic once they realized it wasn't respiratory in nature as related to a clot. Though there are others worries when your lungs are being compressed from inflamed lymph nodes and one can't properly breathe. Pneumonia certainly comes to mind. The antibiotics don't seem to be working. Surely they would do blood cultures to isolate the infection and keep her in the meantime till they had results to slam her with additional drugs. The whole story is just off. I don't doubt your opinion at all but I am just so leary of this medical stuff with what we've seen from Bravo lately. They are making me paranoid.
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