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Everything posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I agree about Bernadette. I kept telling myself she was an abused woman and she definitely had the flat affect that goes hand in hand with abuse. But before she even married him, she knew the guy was bad news, even though she says different. I don't know how you just brush off a murder confession. I mean that is some heavy self-delusion there. The kids deserved to be protected and she didn't step up to the plate. It is hard to reconcile that fact.
  2. We should all do well to remember that any thing that happens to anybody is really about Yolanda. Forget about the six degrees of separation. With Yo it is one degree of separation.
  3. I don't watch Mob Wives. I was referring to the invisible illness hashtag which is really all about Yo. People are calling her out on cancer being a very visible illness.
  4. Yo is getting ripped on twitter for Big Ang's death. She issued condolences about her death but then had to add the #invisibleillness. So basically she has made her death about herself which is par for the course with this woman. How does she not see how insensitive she comes across?
  5. If Yo has really been confined to bed for the majority of her hours on a daily basis, well then this is why you continue to get weaker. There is a saying in nursing which goes for everyday you stay in bed, you lose two weeks of strength. Patients have said to me that they thought they would get to rest in the hospital and they have to be educated on the fact that no matter how ill you are, we are going to get you up and moving. Lack of activity can cause pneumonia, blood clots, bowel issues and on and on. Plus I believe that Yo's body is in too good of shape to confirm that she has been spending all this time in bed. Anyway the quickest way to end your life is to stop moving. Daisy her nurse should be educating Yo on this.
  6. The pregnancy prosthesis that Caroline is wearing is really bad. It literally looks like a basketball stuffed up there. I keep expecting it to drop out between her legs.
  7. With Yo, nothing can just be what it is. Everything has to be exaggerated to the nnnnth degree. Her constant hyperbole drives me nuts. At this point, I don't believe anything this woman says. She has zero credibility. I agree about the kids too. I have compassion for them because I can't imagine growing up with this woman as my mother. I'm sure they love her dearly. What she is, is their normal. But From my perspective, it is all just exhausting. I don't think I will be able to watch the reunion as Andy will just kiss her butt. I'm going to just read here. You all are way more entertaining anyway.
  8. I'm just sick and angry after watching tonight. Angry everyone failed Taylor and sick about the shooting. I totally see why this child was driven to this point. What a mess. My heart aches for kids trying to grow up in this atmosphere. So much dysfunction. It really brings it home how difficult it is for young people to navigate their teen years and come out unscathed.
  9. Yes and as a nurse, that ticks me off. I worked hard for my education and license. We don't need fake nurses out there.
  10. Well that was typical Yo manipulation at its finest. She had the ladies looking like scared little school girls taking their punishment at the hands of a sainted martyr. Props to LVP for calling her on her blatant falsehoods she constantly spews. None the less, Yo had them where she wanted them, and herself as usual, the center of attention. I also shook my head at her response to Rinna asking why she didn't call her if she was so upset with her. Yo's said something along the lines of "why should I call you, you put this out into the universe". What a load of crap. As I recall, she had accepted an apology so If she changed her mind then yeah, make the damn phone call. She has this way of abdicating any responsibility for anything while everyone else has to have their feet held to the coals. This woman is a piece of work and she has them on the run. Man, I need someone to call her on her BS.
  11. I feel your pain. I broke down and read two episodes ahead. Lol. Very engrossing show.
  12. I know that the Cleveland Clinic is one of the best reputation wise for many diseases. It is very well respected in the medical community. The thing I was confused about was if this particular Dr. has practicing privileges at CC. I know she had her own clinic but she still may have practicing privileges at CC. That is a feather in her cap if so.
  13. The food thing with Yo is so irritating. It is expensive to eat all fresh foods and organic. There are families struggling to put food on the table. Check your privilege Yolanda. She has such warped ideas about food anyway. Our bodies are miracles and take care of themselves. They don't need constant weird diets and cleanses. Eat balanced food and exercise. There you go Yo. No charge for that common sense advice.
  14. You noticed that too. What was up with that? Maybe we all been had. Lol.
  15. ITA with your post. I thought Eileen's outfit had a real 70's vibe and the shoes fit right in with that. I do think she works for her body along with some good genetics Ericka doesn't strike me as the athletic type. She looks great in her clothes and costumes but I did not see a lot of muscle definition. Some women don't care for that look either. But by her own admission she likes to eat and that's ok too. I'm glad Rinna called Yo out on twitter. Gonna have to check that out. She'll probably get some backlash though.
  16. Here is the thing about the "C" word. It has a history of being used to demean women in relation to domestic violence. If you were someone that had been called that word as you were spat on and had your eye blacked, well then you would have strong feelings about the word. Ericka wants to make it a fun word, hey ok, but the history of the word is still there in relation to domestic violence. I'm surprised this aspect of the word has not been brought up. Maybe this is a push to take the ugly power away from the word. I mean I can remember a time when bitch was not used other than in a derogatory fashion and that is not the case in this day and age. The "C" word has a long way to go before it is mainstream in this manner however IMO. I wasn't impressed at all with Ericka's performance. Dare I call it dull? Even less impressed with her lack of honesty I'm not diggin Kathryn either. Can Yolanda please have at least one conversation that isn't all about her. God, I swear she is the most self absorbed woman I have ever seen. She also had makeup on except around her eyes where she has the dark circles. Hmmm. So why would someone wear makeup but not cover up their dark circles? Still I am not willing to say she is not ill but something is way off with her. I thought Rinna's blog was well written. Too bad she can't be that well spoken on the show. It was very logical and forthright.
  17. I thought it was a catch too. But how many times did Cam get sacked? Congrats to the Broncos. Miller and Ware were on fire. Bruno was my fave of the singers. I did feel sorry for Coldplay as it seemed the sound was all screwed up during most of their act. I had to turn my volume way up and still could hardly hear them.
  18. Yes I agree with you about Nicole's drug use or lack of drug use I should say. During the trial that was part of what the defense used to smear her reputation. That all played into the speculation per the defense that Columbian drug lords killed Nicole because Faye Resnick owed them money and Faye had been staying at Nicole's.
  19. Ok that is better. Thanks for the pic. Still not sure my sons would let their sister do that though. Lol.
  20. Ok so I was looking at Yo's Instagram and there is a pic of Anwar with a person who I assume is Yo hugging him with her legs wrapped around his waist. The reason I say I assume is because you can't see the female's face but I think it is Yo since it is her site. I wish I could download stuff here but I haven't figured out how to do that on an ipad so please check it out if you get the chance Now I have two sons and in no way would they let me jump on them and wrap my legs around them. I get hugs and lots of I love you Mom but they would definitely freak out if I wrapped my legs around them in that manner. I'm curious how the rest of you feel. Is this normal? Is it a European thing? Am I out of touch? I'm really curious how you guys feel about this.
  21. The father was a neighbor. They did a DNA test on Garnett after he died. The show addressed this at the end. She had told him the baby wasn't his.
  22. Yeah Brooke should have kept her mouth shut but why does Katie take no responsibility for throwing Brooke and Bill together the first time. She wanted them to be a couple to raise the son. Why is that always so conveniently left out? There is a reason some people in life always play the victim, number one reason is because it works for them. Sasha can suck it too. She had her sights set on Zende from the get go. Everyone is annoying me. I am also creeped out by Liam and Quinn. Maybe if they would have put them together under less illegal means, I could get on board. But the way it is, feels icky.
  23. Oh my God, the Sumners is the most heartbreaking story. I want to cry every time I think about them. When they were found, they were holding hands.
  24. I watched those specials. They were on Reelz channel. Maybe you can catch them on demand. Hope that helps you. One of the things I found interesting from the autopsy was no evidence of cocaine use per Nicole's nasal septum. If she was using as has been put out there, autopsy did not show it. Edited as I now see someone replied about the shows up thread. Sorry for the redundancy.
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