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Everything posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I kind of thought that the reason Kyle brought up Kim was she wanted the ladies to acknowledge how difficult the situation has been for her. Not that she wanted to talk about the details of Kim's ordeal but more about how it was stressful for her. In fact, I believe she spoke to this in one of her talking heads. She apparently wasn't feeling any love from the ladies. I can see both sides of the coin. The ladies worked with Kim and have a natural curiosity. However Kyle isn't looking at it from the same lens. I don't think there is a right or wrong here. Just different perspectives. Kyle is going to take some heat as many people feel she has used her sister for a storyline for years. Personally I think she is so enmeshed in Kim's addiction, she just responds on autopilot.
  2. As a nurse, that surprised me too. I noticed she had no gloves on and then her dirty cell phone snapping pics. Kept thinking, stay out of the sterile field lady. She did have a mask on though, didn't she. You no in cased she sneezed all over things. Yuk. Doesn't seem very smart to me.
  3. Wasn't Giggy part of the magazine cover Lisa was promoting. I thought she referred to him as the star or some such statement. I was under the impression the mag wanted him. Correct me if I am wrong please.
  4. I feel like Kyle needs to adopt a better stance regarding Kim questions. Just say " I appreciate everyone's concerns regarding Kim but I don't feel comfortable talking about the details. It is her life and her place to do so. I love her and continue to support her battle to get healthy." When she gets angry, she is sucked back into that sick dynamic that these sisters have been doing for years. Yo's implant looked gross. Was she at the Cleveland Clinic? It has an impeccable reputation for autoimmune diseases. I give Lisa R. credit for her hustle. She does seem a overall pretty positive person. Her stance on her elderly parents drives me nuts though. I don't really have any strong feelings about Erika one way or the other yet.
  5. Better not let Andy hear she is playing a role. Tamara Barney said something similar and Andy gave her the stink eye. These women want to have it both ways. When things are going well for them in the public eye it is real but when they get negative feedback it is editing or a role they are playing. Human nature I guess.
  6. I wondered about their lips too. I find myself just mesmerized by Kylie's mouth especially. It looks so odd to me. Her bottom lip is just kinda there, hanging out. It looks dead. Her lips make her whole face seem off symmetrically. I don't get how people find this attractive. But they must as I read that Kylie's lip kit sold out in minutes.
  7. Thanks guys for the replies. See how educational this blog is. It is not just snark. Lol.
  8. Do plastic surgeons actually inject silicone into lips? I am legit asking as it seems like that would be a recipe for disaster as we know how silicone can migrate. Anyone know about this procedure? Thanks in advance.
  9. Khole irritates me during the Scott conversation. There is a difference from losing your core family verses your in-laws. I get that they were willing to be there for him but it isn't the same as having the people who raised you being available when you are having tough times. If she had no family other than in-laws she would be boo hooing. This isn't to cast aspersions on any type of families cause I know there are many types but a little insight from Khole on that subject would help. Kourtney has it right when she says Scott doesn't know how to make the changes he needs to make. He seems so lost. Maybe I am naive but that scene felt real to me.
  10. This is just so weird and creepy to me if this blind is true. Like people are pawns on a chess board. As a mother, I can't imagine plotting something like this. So is everything about money? How is that healthy emotionally?
  11. You just nailed it for me. I couldn't agree more. And as someone who has lost both parents, it leaves you in such a place of utter loneliness. You move on and function but your life is never as light as it once was. Does that make sense? I feel for Scott. He has a lot of work ahead of him to get healthy.
  12. Interesting article up thread regarding David's interview where the other women are referred to as clowns and Yo is so above it all. I mean didn't that whole theory take a flying leap when Yo aligned herself with Brandi, the biggest clown of all. I have known women over the years who take damaged people under their wings. Now on the surface it looks very altruistic. In reality it is about that person being even more superior to the damaged person. It is still all about them. Once the damaged person improves their life, the rescuer throws them to the side. They have served their purpose. I get icky feelings where Yo is concerned. I think she is a master at passive aggressive manipulations. I don't doubt she has an illness. Maybe more than one thing going on with her as has been discussed. But this woman has an agenda. Having an agenda isn't a bad thing per se but she is so disingenuous about how she goes about pushing said agenda. That is where she loses me.
  13. You know it is kind of sad. For all the money this family has, he is now facing a reality where the money cannot buy his way out of this consequence. Other than to get him the best medical help. Past that he is going to have to dig deep to get healthy. It will be a true test for him.
  14. Ok if you go back and read my original post that is what I said. It should not have been done in front of the cameras. Just want to clarify that. I should have reiterated that opinion from my original post.
  15. Rob has to want to change his whole lifestyle. People can be supportive and offer advice but it is still 100% on him to do the hard work. Not sure his head is in the right place to fight for a change the way he needs to. Hopefully he gets the professional help he needs to get him started on the right path. But he still has to be receptive to that too. This disease can wreak havoc on your kidneys, eyesight, heart, and nerve damage in your extremities. He has a tough road ahead of him. He could still become insulin dependent if he doesn't learn to control his diet and lifestyle.
  16. Yes I agree. But she can still let her kids know how she feels about end of life cares. Like no feeding tubes and no mechanical means to keep me living. I have seen siblings fight over these issues even when a living will stated such. Only because the parent hadn't talked to each child, some children need to hear the words and if the don't, they will still have a hard time accepting this fact and feel like they let their parent die. It gets complicated. Bringing it out into the open helps kids accept the death without guilt. That is the point I was trying to make and just wanted to clear that up.
  17. I have a different take on Yo's will scene. Being a nurse and in my career I have seen many people die without the proper paperwork done. Proper paperwork being having a living will, having a family person with medical power of attorney etc. these are important things to have in place. I can't tell you how many times I have seen comatose people placed on respirators only to have the family agonize about pulling the plug. Most people are not coming back at this point and it creates hardships for the family now put in a position of how to proceed. A living will is important for this reason. Really all people need to do these things. As a society we are lax to talk about death but it is a fact of life. Maybe I just view it different because of my profession and what I have seen over the years. Having said that this is where I part from Yo. This is a conversation that needed to be done in private and not before a surgery. That just added to the drama factor. She could have taken her kids aside and eased into a conversation that would have been less traumatic for them. For example starting off with since I have been sick I have been thinking about some things I would like to discuss with you and in no way does this mean I am dying. Lead off like that perhaps. I don't know. Everything with her is so OTT.
  18. I am curious and hoping you can answer this question for me because I am genuinely curious. I have read that deer ticks can be so small in size and this is why many people don't know they have been exposed. Like the size of a freckle. Was this your experience? Thanks in advance.
  19. I agree. I still like to check out her blog from time to time. She has great taste in clothes and wears them well. I wish her the best.
  20. Oh boy that Mechele is a piece of work. Add me to the group that doesn't get how men don't see through her BS. I have this ongoing debate with my boyfriend that bitchy women never lack for a man at their side. Of course he says he would run screaming from someone like Mechele but apparently many men buy it hook line and sinker. Even her lawyer seemed under her spell in a more than normal way. And that baby voice is so annoying. Just bleh. Ina123, yes that Catherine Shelton was on 48 hours. Her and Mechele need to take several seats together. Two peas in a pod, those two. Scary scary women.
  21. Yo's comment about others being on the show just for money again puts her superiority complex front and center. She is so condescending to the mere mortals. Insert eye roll. So what if people are on the show to earn money. There is nothing wrong with that. We are a capitalistic society after all.
  22. I think she is gorgeous. I don't see her as a supermodel however. I'm not even sure that phrase was coined at that time. I'm old enough to have lived during her era and I had never heard of her till HW.
  23. Thanks for the article nexxie. Interesting they refer to Yo as a supermodel. I had never heard of her before the HW. Another example of embellishment where she is concerned??
  24. I know. The Toms were really comedy gold. I am enjoying the crap outta them this year. Now I need Stassi to check in. I am curious to see what she will bring to the table. Don't quote me but it seems I read somewhere that she moves in with Kristin. Couch surfing. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  25. Yeah I noticed that too. Her last nose job really pushed her over the plastic surgery edge. I liked her last nose better.
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