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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Grandma! She drove 16 hours so I give her mad props.
  2. Astepro sounds like a joke medication name like Noassitol.
  3. They’re trying to hide Emily’s pregnancy with creative camera angles
  4. “Rob is a very good dancer.” she must have forgotten his airport dance.
  5. Well, if you are size 2,4, or 10 and have $1890, it’s yours. Even free shipping!
  6. Speaking of fashion, Amazon suggested this for me today.
  7. I know Nicole wants to look edgy, but all I can think of when I see her hair color is Raggedy Ann.
  8. Watching late. Has her $100K in debt come up yet?
  9. Worse yet, this Tell All is going to be in FIVE parts!
  10. (Sorry, watching and reading late) could he be the guy who calls you about your car warranty expiring?
  11. She’s a “nurse injector” of Botox and fillers in her “dream job” at a med spa. I kid you not! https://screenrant.com/family-chantel-chantel-everett-new-job-nurse-injector/
  12. Just putting this out there https://www.reddit.com/r/DarceyAndStaceyTLC/s/gy5ZK9zycL
  13. “All kiddin’ asoide, your man’s ‘orrible…”
  14. You're right, they are from Massachusetts, but their last name isn't Sherwood.
  15. From art aficionado to pool shark!
  16. Dr Now got new glasses that match his blinged out stethoscope
  17. Helpful calorie counter on the menu https://cookout.com/menu/ JINX!
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