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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. And he admits it! Also that he likes older women! I wonder what the wife who left him looks like. Has Danielle ever pronounced a final "ng" on a word?
  2. Maybe steering an obese pasty-white American blonde around the bazaar IS considered prize-worthy by Moroccan standards?
  3. That's what I thought, too. But many times those 3rd story dormers are totally fake or on the unfinished attic floor, just there for the exterior "look." She said something about the Cape Cod house looking "homey." Nothing like a pretentious two story entrance to welcome guests!
  4. Not just a "piece of furniture" kind of bar that you could plop into a corner somewhere, but a WET bar with stools! Isn't that kind of "frat house decor" anyway? As a former teacher, I wouldn't like to live in the same area as my students. And as far as wanting her kids to attend the school where she works (instead of where they live), sometimes school districts allow teachers to bring their kids to the school where they work as part of the benefits.
  5. I know! Here's the common definition of what makes a house a "cape": "A Cape Cod is a style of house originating in New England in the 17th century. It is a low, broad, frame building, generally a story and a half high, with a moderately steep, pitched roof with end gables, a large central chimney and very little ornamentation." I don't think it would be possible to design a house that was a two full story brick front McMansion AND a Cape Cod at the same time! And who knew that my street, with a mix of contemporary, Victorian, colonial, ranch, bi-level, CAPE COD, etc. architecture is considered a CUSTOM neighborhood! Edited to add: And between her vocal fry AND nasal Midwestern twang, I was ready to hit the mute button
  6. Wait! Is this the same Nigerian prince who has e-mailed me several times that he is holding millions of dollars for me to claim? Or does Nigeria have tons of generous princes looking to share their wealth? Edited to add: I guess I will finally get to see who I missed my chance with!
  7. That's exactly why I think their story is going to fizzle out, maybe as early as this week when we see her pushing him away in the previews.
  8. 5 weeks, actually! Didn't even know where Morocco is, let alone the local customs, but left her baby at her sister's to go thousands of miles to meet her Skype fiance in person.
  9. Gee, Nick, don't hold back. Tell us what you REALLY think!
  10. Original poster here...Millennium, You're absolutely right. I wouldn't bother watching, OR coming here for the snark, if it was all unicorns and rainbows and happy success stories! What fun is THAT!
  11. my problem watching is that I find every one of these people totally unlikable. Alla is the only one I could possibly "root" for but if she thinks a dolt like Matt is her and Max's ONLY ticket to a better life, while being well aware of Matt's terrible track record with wives, I'm quickly running out of sympathy for her, too.
  12. And to threaten him that this is what happens when you ignore her for more than 5 minutes! She NEEDS constant affection, you know! Azan is destined to become her love slave, never out of her sight and subjected to pawing and dozens of awkward shoulder kisses throughout the day and climbing up Mount Nicole every night. He's quite the trophy in her eyes since she admits she's not used to "super hot guys" paying attention to her.
  13. I'm calling BS on Nicole actually cheating on Azan. She can SAY whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean that it really happened back home, thousands of miles away. At the same time it gives Azan an "out" if she claims to be pregnant. It could backfire on her and Azan can claim the other guy must be the father! Future Skype episode of "Maury"...
  14. Yes, where was The Maxinator during the awkward dinner party at Matt's?
  15. After re-watching this episode yesterday, I Googled Tatiana's giant dress and found it's up for sale! Half price! http://www.nearlynewlywed.com/products/sondra-celli-custom-wedding-dress-6133
  16. And Lillian drives a Lexus, too, although I would imagine she leases it for her real estate work. Maybe "product placement" and Lexus is a sponsor, although they would probably only be showing brand new ones.
  17. I thought the Vienna guy came across as a real unlikable jerk, so I was glad that she "won that round" and got the apartment she wanted. Even then he had to make a comment about it was because he didn't want to have to listen to her complaints about being disappointed in the apartment he wanted in the old building. And what a douche to say "I concur..." And on a purely shallow note, wouldn't a professional photographer know that it was important to wear some kind of makeup to conceal those blemishes?
  18. I still think Nick wasn't really attracted to Sonia on their wedding day but was pressured by his mother (and probably others) to SAY she was beautiful. The old "power of suggestion." His mother asked, "Don't you think she's pretty?" so what was he going to say in front of the cameras? He wanted to be on the show and get the advertising for his business which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't said "I do".
  19. The prospect of Nicole being switched for showing her bare arms will keep ME tuning in!
  20. I don't think Nick was ever physically attracted to Sonia. Wasn't he the groom whose mother had to nag/coach him to tell the bride she was beautiful, like she probably did when he was growing up, "Now, Nick, what do you say to (insert person)...and he parroted back his response like "Thank you, _______."
  21. I get the impression that Matt is the "slower" twin and definitely coddled by his family. I was re-watching the episode last night when they were going to the airport to pick up Alla and Max and his mother referred to him as "Sweet Angel." Who says that to a 43 year old? And realizing his limitations, why didn't his "hands on" mother make sure the pantry was stocked prior to their arrival?
  22. From Azan's comment to the camera at the airport, saying something like he had no idea whether or not she was taller or shorter than him, I get the impression they didn't exchange height and weight stats. Still, just from looking at her chubby cheeks, I can't imagine him expecting someone thin. Plump, yes, but she was "big a little bit" more than he bargained for. TLC spending at least 4 episodes on the trip to Morocco makes me suspicious that he won't be coming to the US. Maybe the "missing couple's" story will fill in the void when Nicole and Azan's relationship has ended before their 90 Day Visa clock even starts to count down.
  23. He did mention that two of the three cheated on him.
  24. Or maybe his best friend was his "wingman" and contacted the local authorities to get him out of sharing a room with Nicole. Speaking of Nicole, if I were her, my first purchase at the Moroccan Bazaar would be one of those beautiful forgiving caftans which would hide a multitude of figure flaws and at the same time would respect the local culture. Much more flattering that that popular "open sleeve" style top which only accentuates her ham arms and don't get me started on the horizontal stripes! On a totally different note, maybe Anfisa will show up on a future episode of "Botched."
  25. I had to laugh when Matt carried Max in to his family gathering, holding him up like a trophy, and Max's Russian translation on the screen was something like "No, put me dowwwwwnnnnnn!"
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