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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Thanks for providing the link to Alicia's backstory. Apparently much if not all of it was just that--a story! After the episode originally aired in March, I felt very guilty and cold-hearted that I wasn't particularly moved by her tale. I couldn't put a finger on it, but something just seemed fishy and she gave off a kind of "entitled" vibe. I even posted about being distracted by her non-stop crying which it turns out must have been just for the cameras.
  2. His hair looked even nastier without the do-rag! Yes! I remember that one! The dress that looked like the bride was pooping giant roses. I'm a wedding soloist and last year I sang at a ceremony where the couple was a rich older guy marrying a trophy wife (second wedding for each, she was in her forties, same as his children) and at first I only saw her from the front. From my vantage point on the altar, the dress looked totally unremarkable but at the end when they turned to go up the aisle I realized I had just been treated to a glimpse of the "Tailpipe Ass" dress in person!
  3. I won't spoil the surprise for others, but I guessed it correctly! I don't have time right now for the whole slideshow, but I imagine there were also several of those Sondra Celli Gypsy bride atrocities.
  4. Thanks, RedHawk, I was just going to post the same info. But what really bothered me was that it was obviously NOT shot in Rock Creek Park or anywhere in DC at all. I looked it up and found the bridge scene was shot in Croton Gorge Park in Cortlandt, NEW YORK.
  5. I missed the original "Joe" episode so this might have been addressed then, but did he have any kind of job? Although he selected a modest engagement ring for Sarah, I wondered how he could afford ANY ring at all. And to just stop in at a jewelry store in a town you've never been to before, the same day you're going to "pop the question", in the hopes that you'll find something affordable seemed very unbelievable to me. Perhaps that store donated or deeply discounted the ring in exchange for the mention on national TV. And who paid for those TWO seats on the plane? I was also surprised at seeing Sarah in person after the Skype calls, she looked a lot different with those thick glasses.
  6. actually it was more like UNSAFE sex in the SAFE house!
  7. Warning, once you become aware of vocal fry, you can't unhear it!
  8. Thanks for the clarification. I'm still wondering, though, just WHERE they find to change into or out of their disguises. Ripping them off quickly is one thing, but I would think it must take a while to skillfully apply wigs, beards, etc. and can't imagine them pulling off the road to do so.
  9. Ever notice how the Randy and the consultants wrinkle their noses when a bride gives them a budget under $ 2K?
  10. Was Philip's blonde wig/beard a new disguise from his bag of tricks? It was more convincing than usual because when he met William to get the rat, for a second I thought to myself, "Who's THAT guy?" And speaking of their disguises, aren't there times when they leave or return to the house in them and doesn't Stan notice?
  11. some idiotic excuse about "always having to make an entrance." I also caught the rerun of the 3 "VIP Pnina" brides. Pnina said something like "When you spend $ 100,000 for your wedding dress, you want it to be perfect." I've got news for you honey, no matter how much or how little someone spends for their wedding dress, they want it to be perfect! And the other rerun with "Bride on a Budget," Shoshana, the vocal frying actress who supports herself by babysitting. (?) If $ 2,000 is the absolute maximum you can spend on your dress, go to David's Bridal, NOT Kleinfeld's!
  12. So Matthew comes to stay with his father (for the weekend, he's not permanently moving home, right?) and within minutes Stan is "See ya in the morning, gotta work all night...and oh yeah, babysit the neighbor's kid..."
  13. What a depressing two hours! I couldn't bring myself to "root" for Lupe to be successful because she was just so negative and whiny. The thing that most intrigued me, though, was the broken toilet seat incident. You would think that Dr. Now's office, accustomed to seeing 600+ lb. patients, many of whom are in wheelchairs, would have some kind of "industrial strength" toilet facility. This leads me to wonder if that whole scene was staged (not that I'm complaining about the hunky rescue squad.)
  14. Martha wasn't lying when she told Agent Alderholt (why aren't they on a first name basis?) that she was in a relationship with a "married man." As far as she knows Clark IS married--to her! edited to add: Gabriel's apartment has to be one of the most depressing sets I've ever seen on television. Edited again to add: I don't think finding a wedding ring in a single woman's apartment should raise any Red Flags (sorry.) I have my mother's rings in my jewelry box. And I don't think it's unusual for a woman to have a prop ring to wear in a situation when she doesn't want male attention.
  15. I found it kind of ridiculous that they were supposedly reading maps with local street names instead of highway or route numbers. Instead of "We can go North on 18 then pick up Route 3" they were saying things almost like "We can take Honeysuckle then hang a left on Bluebird" as if they were driving through a familiar residential area.
  16. I called BS on the Faroe island backstory when the couple was shown in the same room as the mother and only after Brynhild had gotten off the phone (supposedly calling everyone she knew looking for an available apartment) Mom pipes up with "Oh, I JUST remembered..." I'm getting pretty tired of HHs treating the viewers like we're idiots.
  17. About the gappy front, I was thinking "For goodness sakes, shorten those straps!" but then the seamstress appeared to be doing just that by the end of the fitting scene.
  18. Could it be that Pastor Tim and Alice's "accident" is supposed to proceed as planned but since Paige and Henry are now home alone one or both of the Jennings kids get somehow involved in the situation?
  19. I think that Elizabeth has become "Patty" the Mary Kay newbie in order to gain access to Young-Hee's family, specifically her brother, Don, (wine guy.) Don could be the key to get to Level 4 of the Bio Lab and Elizabeth will take advantage of him being more "Americanized" than most of his family and start a relationship with him. And we all know how irresistible Elizabeth is when she turns on the charm!
  20. I was confused by the airport scenes, Philip just took a little road trip from DC to JFK, at the very least an 8 hour round trip? Why not Dulles? But I was really impressed at that convenient parking spot he got right near the shuttle! As far as the girl on the shuttle, rocking out to "Tainted Love" while oblivious to what was going on behind her, were we to believe her headphones were blasting the music THAT loud?
  21. I couldn't bring myself to watch the entire episode but I thought Closely Guarded Surprise Beyoncé Inspired Dress Ali said her budget was $10K. Did she really spend four times that amount?
  22. I also think Daryl was fooling around when he continued to grind the gears on that truck, and just doing it to "bust chops". And I'm amazed that Denise saw a cooler in a car and after risking everyone's lives to get it, she found a single elusive Orange Crush! I mean, what are the odds! Too bad that apothecary didn't sell lottery tickets...
  23. Was I the only viewer who wasn't chilled by the sight of the bloody baby shoe because I COULDN'T TELL WHAT THE HECK IT WAS? I rewound, froze the frame and I still had no idea what I was looking at! I thought it was some kind of plastic thing, a toy or maybe a mouth guard, and I was totally surprised when it was identified on TD.
  24. Aha! Amy, the vow renewal twin who lost 55 pounds is a bodybuilder! https://karenmullarkey.com/2014/07/team-mullarkey-steals-show-dennis-james-classic/ And she does like to show it off!
  25. Yes, same Illegally Blonde twins back again. I believe she was on the second time when she chose her vow renewal dress and last night was the follow up downstairs fitting of the renewal dress followed by clips of the ceremony. I hope we're finally done with them, oh wait, is the other twin married?
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