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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought she was going to nursing school at a community college, but I don't know about any other source of income other than coaching.
  2. There's a David's Bridal 9 miles away from Snellville. I'll bet you can leave the store with something that very day especially since Chantel looks to be a sample size, but remember she's only got 5 days to whip up her dream wedding. I still think if they get married, it will be at the courthouse but maybe a big wedding later since she's got Daddy wrapped around her finger and he'll forgive her for the lies.
  3. I can't find anything about Pedro's work experience back in the DR but I seem to recall part of the student visa lie was that he was coming here to study airline mechanics? (or am I hallucinating or mixing him up with someone else?) Why isn't Chantel's family curious as to why he hasn't taken any classes in the past 85 freakin' days? I just watched their casting audition video, hoping that would clear up some of my questions but she only says something about how he will need to get a job and help pay the bills. I also wonder how she's affording that apartment on a cheerleading coach's salary.
  4. When they were showing previews of Nicole and Azan arguing at the sidewalk cafe about her phone use, I stopped the video and it appears that she is wearing a wedding ring next to the engagement ring he gave her last night.
  5. I thought it was strange how when Melanie met Devar's second sister she said "And you're?" like Devar had never told her his sisters' names! I had to chuckle when they said "We never thought he'd marry a white lady" and the camera cuts to practically purple faced Melanie! I also suspect the older sisters are not at all related to lazy Pankesha.
  6. OMG, I'm ready to open a vein. I just typed my comments from last night's episode for over a half hour and now they're gone. I'll try and remember them... Jorge and Anfisa: The photographer couldn't hide his incredulous expression when she claimed to be 5'7". You can't lie about that! Stringy hair, botched surgery, weak chin, and duck lips--it takes a really creative photographer to disguise those problems. She says outright with a smirk, "I want to be rich and famous" then Jorge, with his ready-to-burst-into-tears expression says, "I hope being rich and famous isn't more important to her than ME!" Poor delusional Jorge, I hope his pot selling business acumen is better than his ability to "read" women. Nicole and Azan: He's a personal trainer, so maybe he's the type that motivates his clients by berating them. He says, "I just want her to be able to do the things I like to do with me" (yeah, like walk a block without collapsing?) I had to laugh when she was in bed looking at the engagement ring on her sausage-like finger and said, "I can't believe this is real." You and me both! Note she didn't say real DIAMOND. In fact, it looked very similar to this, on clearance at Wally World for $ 10: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Silvertone-Halo-CZ-Solitaire-Engagement-Ring/36550784 that big plastic box it came in screamed cheap! I predict he won't be coming to America but that Nicole will try and make it look like that was her idea, and of course Azan will be relieved that he dodged a bullet. Matt and Alla: She can't have her dream Beach wedding because Matt was already married on a beach? She needs a venue that won't dredge up bad memories? That's like saying she can't get married in a church in a white dress because HE has already done that--three times! Chantel and Pedro: It took her 85 out of the 90 days to come clean with her parents? Then she wants Pedro to tell them? No bueno, Baby! And I didn't understand her crying comment about not going to have "big rings" because I thought she had a ring from him but she didn't wear it around her family. I distinctly remember Pedro saying, "Why you no wear ring, Baby?" when he first got to the States. Narkiya and her Prince: I have seen wedding gown shops that specialize in plus size brides and from the size of the store owner, this might be one of them. I agree that he is going to ask her to wire him money to help him get the required papers to get his visa. There was so much more I intended to say, if I can remember anything, I'll be back...
  7. Auntie Pam: Even though the basement apartment had large rectangular windows, wouldn't just more than a couple inches of snow totally block them? And you're right, I never can understand people buying property in a foreign location right away. Then again, knowing how fake all this is, maybe she had been renting there for a few months and was ready to buy her own place.
  8. Iceland episode: I was totally distracted by Christina's (?) 60's hairstyle. She'd get a lot more "natural light" if she were to trim those heavy bangs that came down to the middle of her nose!
  9. Just from the brief glimpse I got of the ring, I thought it was way too big to be a real diamond if Azan had purchased it.
  10. Singapore couple, Josh and Kylie (Kaylie?), got on my last nerve. First, school teachers working in a few foreign countries hardly constitutes a "jet setting" lifestyle! Second, there must be some kind of do it yourself way of keeping the shower water from going all over the bathroom floor if it's such an issue. Like sandbags or standing in a kiddy pool. Third, I think they broke the record for eye rolling at each other. Fourth, I couldn't stand Josh's stupid hairstyle!!
  11. Oh my, two of my guilty pleasure shows combined! Must see TV!
  12. The Aruba couple, David and Brenda seemed like caricatures from the early 60s. Yes, what was with that huge ponytail (as large as her head) off to the side? And that nails-on-the-chalkboard VOICE! I couldn't figure out why he was so determined to get a Tiki Bar to practice his bar-tending skills making drinks. Won't any counter do? When he proudly showed the bar he added at the end, it looked like the cheap kind you can get at Party City: http://www.partycity.com/product/tiki+bar+hut+55in+x+56in.do
  13. She's also way too short for that dress AND a modeling career.
  14. At least with Heather and Derek we'll be spared the drama of the final conference with the experts where they ask, "Do you want to stay married or do you want a divorce..." OR WILL WE? Maybe they'll sit them down and say, "Okay, you two. Last chance to change your minds. Are you sure you STILL want to get divorced?" And Derek will nervously twist his wedding ring before he says "I still think we can make this work" but Heather will have already left the room
  15. Do you think Matt is running a tab at the Classy Castle (with suits of armor decor) for ALL FOUR of his engagement and wedding rings? Alla's diamond looks to be a good size, but it could be they specialize in those "$ 399 a carat" extremely occluded stones.
  16. Had to re-watch and yes, Nicole is definitely licking her fingers after she compliments Azan's mother on the tangine. But what surprised me was that Azan also appears to be licking his fingers, but on his LEFT hand. Somebody please correct me, but I always thought that Muslims ate with their right hand and the left hand was reserved for unhygienic tasks.
  17. IMO, more like a "high priced whore" since I don't see ANYTHING remotely classy about Anfisa!
  18. Apparently the tacky jewelry store where Matt took Alla ring shopping is a KY/OH based chain that bills itself as a "discount jewelry and pawn" store. https://www.thecastlejewelry.com/
  19. I don't mean to monopolize the conversation but I agree with the theory that Azan is tolerating Nicole because his family has agreed that she will be their ticket to American wealth. Immediately after that awkward first meeting, when Nicole asked Azan if his mother liked her, he reassured her that, "She LOVES you!" Of course she does (cha ching!) and Azan isn't going to jeopardize the family's dream by not marrying her no matter how much he is repulsed. And a totally random thought, I was wondering about the bathroom facilities out in the Sahara. I can't imagine Nicole peeing (or worse) behind a sand dune. I also second the motion that Chantel and Pedro should just go somewhere and get married to satisfy the 90 day rule (why can't the Bishop marry them privately) and then sometime in the future have the big wedding she's always dreamed of.
  20. I wish I could find a full length photo, but just the top will have to do. To me, the gown looks like it's covered with dried cracking globs of toilet paper. (Am I seeing those ginormous nips again?) And she goes into the salon asking for something sleek and sexy but then changes her mind and goes for a totally different look--the full skirted gown and tiara--based strictly on it being the most expensive dress in the store.
  21. Especially if the phone was supposedly STOLEN! I just figured Lowo (I can't even pronounce that!) was on his computer when he called her but what would taking a picture of his phone prove anyway? Oh, that's right, she made him produce a dirty plate to prove he had just eaten lunch. The Nigerian Prince sure appears to be a smooth talker and gifted liar. Maybe that's why the couple joined the show so late in the game, and Narkiya is going to wise up before this doomed relationship goes any further.
  22. For a minute when I tuned in tonight, I thought I was watching a cross-over episode of "Say Yes to the Dress" complete with "what price point are you comfortable with"? I don't know what kind of math they're teaching in Russia, but here in the States a 60% deposit on a $ 45,000 wedding gown is $ 27,000, NOT $ 20,000! (Of course if Jorge can't come up with 20K...) I totally cracked up every time Pedro mentioned "the father Chantel" or "the family Chantel." The brief glimpse of the ring that Azan will give Nicole next week looked like a big hunk of glass.
  23. Like many others, I don't understand why it's important for Heather and Derek to "part as friends." It's not like they have children to share custody of, mutual friends and travel in the same "circle", or even have accumulated shared belongings to divide fairly. Despite being legally married (TO STRANGERS!!!) they are no more invested in the relationship than millions of other couples who were initially attracted to each other, DATED briefly then decided it wasn't going to work out. Some part amicably, others can't stand each other, but I can't see any reason why the so-called experts are shoving this "friendship" idea down their throats except that they (experts) don't want to fail again in their pairing.
  24. I can't figure out why Azan wants to come to the US in the first place since he claims to love Morocco and his culture so much! Could his plan have been to convince Nicole to STAY there (would that even be allowed?) until he met her and found out how resistant she was about everything?
  25. I'm not positive, but I don't think Azan either denied or confirmed that he had sex with Nicole the first night. His stunned expression when she announced the deed on camera seemed to suggest she was perhaps lying about it taking place or maybe she forced herself on him then bragged about it!
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