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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. PERIOD! PERIOD! PERIOD! (Maybe Sheila's always on her period?)
  2. Sheila's fighting style seems to be to say all the nasty, hurtful things she can then when someone attempts to explain or apologize she shuts it down and ends the discussion so she "wins." She herself says "I'm vicious when I fight." Well, that's nothing to brag about or claim that "it's just the way I am." I think that's a huge character flaw that she's not making any attempt to change.
  3. So where is Lil' Brother Tyrique during Nate and Sheila's fight and does he have his own key to the apartment? Was anyone else surprised at the amount and variety of liquor bottles on their kitchen counter?
  4. did they ever explain if Cody and Danielle's "wedding vs. birthday party conflict" was resolved?
  5. Pao's behavior is reprehensible. Instead of shutting down the conversation immediately and springing to Russ's defense by saying something in Spanish like "You will NOT say things like that about my husband!" she translated Juan's comments and joined in the laughter at his expense. And why didn't she get off her ass and follow Russ when he left the table? She stayed behind and continued to make fun of her "amor." edited to add: Quite simply, I think Paola is the definition of a "mean girl" who surrounds herself with other mean girls including Juan.
  6. At least Sheila seems to have toned down the "I've never had an orgasm" talk. Can you imagine Nate's reaction if she had brought THAT up at the couples' meeting? Cody: Enough with the gas station bouquets! They will not get Danielle into bed with you. She didn't even bother to put them in water at the Romantical dinner!
  7. I haven't paid close attention so I might have missed it, is that poor cat still living with Jorge and Anfisa?
  8. Finishin' that college degree might help?
  9. I thought Pnina Tornai gowns were exclusive to Kleinfeld's, but on the UK version I watched last night (not sure if it was new or a rerun, they all tend to blur in my mind) David Emanuel's shop was offering some Pninas. edited to add, never mind, I see that I missed the Pnina Invasion
  10. She cries out: "I hate Mohamed so much!" - but really she'd take him back in a heartbeat. Thanks, after viewing the commercial countless times, I had to come here for the translation. All I got was "eeeeyahahyahaMohamedyoohhheeeeuhhh"
  11. I'm calling bulls**t on this! I could believe smoothie Nate saying he had sex every day, but awkward CODY?
  12. When the FBI surveillance guy in the car outside Alexei's house stared at Philip, I thought he might be saying to himself, "Where have I seen that guy before? Was that face in a sketch artist's drawing at the agency? But now maybe he's disguised wearing a BAD WIG? Wait, he IS! I've seen him coming and going at all hours down the street wearing an airline pilot's uniform but it doesn't have any kind of identification on it! Hmmmm"
  13. I know that Alexei was "high up" in the Soviet Department of Agriculture, but aren't the Americans supposed to be the ones with the Super Wheat secrets and not the other way around? It just seems like an elaborate amount of resources and manpower to pull off this charade. And call me Gladys Kravitz, but if a family moved in on my street with two parents who were away for days at a time and left a teenage boy home to fend for himself, I'd be watching the comings and goings through the blinds.
  14. I apologize if I'm being dense and I missed this, but could somebody explain why defectors Alexei and his family are so important to the Soviet Union that the KGB has three agents maintaining the pretense of living in a pretty fancy house a few doors away? I know "Brad" and "Dee" have the cover story of being airline employees, but nobody thinks it's odd that Tuan basically lives there alone most of the time? And he just showed up one day (probably alone) to enroll in the local high school and now has to attend classes, do homework, etc?
  15. Every time now they show a scene in the Moscow grocery store, I'm anxiously trying to spot Martha among the babushka clad shoppers! Maybe because I'm still shipping her and Oleg
  16. Yes, I caught it, too. First I said to my husband, "Paige isn't going to hang herself, is she?" followed by, "No, Oleg, don't jump off the bridge!" followed by Tuan's description of how he taught Pasha how to cut his wrists without actually committing suicide. I can see three outcomes from Pasha's actions, 1) P, E and T reach him in time to save him, 2) Pasha botches the cutting tutorial and accidentally dies or 3) he DELIBERATELY cuts the arteries that Tuan showed him how to avoid.
  17. I had to chuckle at the small computer printed sign on the door of Joe and Sarah's rehearsal dinner venue that said, "No firearms allowed..." with a little clip art gun.
  18. I have a feeling that both Pastor Tim and Tuan are both going to be "taken care of" soon. E & P confiding in Tim signaled to me that they can tell him anything because he's a dead man. And Tuan has become a loose cannon and a liability they can no longer trust.
  19. After catching this episode today, Gilbert has easily replaced Gareth as my "Most Hated Husband."
  20. This has become such a freak show, I'd welcome the "Say Yes to the Dress Normal Bride Edition."
  21. I didn't understand why they didn't show the picture to Anna/Natalie's husband and ask him who it was to determine if it was the woman he met, married and brought to the US. Of course, they were both goners by then, so the point was moot.
  22. I think Nate and Sheila's biggest problem will come from his being, as he himself said, "high-sprung." I find Sheila's facial contortions make her unwatchable. Anthony looks much better without the hair product and his t-shirt in the bedroom scene looked positively grungy.
  23. If Martha and Oleg had a baby, it sure would have amazing eyebrows!
  24. I don't think Sheila's admission to the world that she has never had an orgasm was a coded way of saying she's a virgin. More like sexually inexperienced. I can't imagine the show wouldn't play up the untouched aspect BIG TIME if she was, indeed, a Virgin Bride.
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