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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. A House Hunting Mermaid! That's got to be a new one for all the real estate shows.
  2. I just couldn't watch the potential disaster of aspiring stand up comedian "Stevo" and his wife moving to Cambodia with limited savings and no jobs or connections. He mentioned how they both had taught English in other countries, I hope they were able to find work in Phnom Penh. And, is pursuing a stand up comedy career in a foreign country a new theme for HHI? Remember that guy "Kelly" who moved to Costa Rica?
  3. I have my back to the TV and the new episode with the woman who is house hunting in Tampa is on. I wasn't paying close attention, but hearing the voice of the person she's hunting with, I thought it must be Harvey Fierstein. I was stunned to turn around and see it's her MOTHER!
  4. Danielle looks so different without her glasses. Not better, not worse, just different. I didn't recognize her at first in her TH. Mo might be accused of having a "wandering eye" but she literally does!
  5. I have to chuckle at the irony of the rerun on right now about the couple buying the house at the Jersey Shore. Her "old-house-a-phobia", feng shui rules, gravel yard, fear of ghosts and his insistence on being close to the beach but NOT in a flood zone, shot gun style house, plastic furniture covers and outdoor space to play Corn Hole. On the eve of Tropical Storm Hermine, I wonder how they're faring... Well, so far Hermine has been a non-issue here at the Jersey Shore, so I guess they're fine. Also, their place is in Ocean Gate which is not on the Atlantic beachfront at all (although you wouldn't know that from watching the opening of the show when they describe the miles of beautiful beaches along the Jersey Shore)
  6. Apparently Andrew FOUND a girlfriend on his own, with no advice from his parents!
  7. I came here, too, to urge Andrew to CUT THE DAMN CORD! Talk about Helicopter Parents! One of the main reasons his parents wanted him to get a two bedroom apartment was so that they could come and visit, so they were willing to chip in another $ 250 a month. I was practically screaming at the TV, "Keep your $ 3000 and put it towards a hotel room or Air BnB rental when you DO come to see him!"
  8. Did Lillian really say the bus was "beautiful" and everything was "high-end?" All I saw was plywood, a bathroom that looked like it was at a camp but oh yes, a DISHWASHER! Did I miss something?
  9. So Lillian is a self-professed clean freak who requires Tom wash his feet before he gets into bed yet she thinks it's okay to take her dog with her house hunting and put him on people's carpets and furniture?
  10. I didn't see the Chicago episode so I'm just going by the comments here. If you insist on a "million dollar kitchen" and your budget is $ 1.1 million, doesn't that just leave you $ 100,000 for the rest of the entire house? And I don't get the popularity of these huge professional stoves unless you're cooking for a large family! I have cooked for a family of four for years and can only remember a handful of times that I used even THREE of the burners on my stove at the same time because of having a microwave to heat the things that my mother's generation might have heated up in a saucepan on the stove.
  11. There was a huge discussion of the NY to London couple, especially the nasty woman, back when the episode first aired, June, 2014 and it starts on page 2 of this thread.
  12. Just watching the rerun of the "successful" Maryland to Costa Rica couple with grown-ass sons in tow. Ugh, that woman was such a sourpuss!
  13. My husband walked by the TV room during the Mobile couple episode and asked me, "Is that a CHILD talking?" when he heard the wife. When he saw her in that baby doll dress that barely covered her...you know...he said, "M-kay..."
  14. Family sizes ARE getting smaller, but heaven forbid a child should be forced to share a bedroom or bathroom with one or more siblings! If there are more bedrooms than people, the extras become rooms for the constant influx of overnight guests (who also must have their own bathroom!) or the requisite "craft room" or to display the husband's collection of antique guitars.
  15. The Santa Marinella couple ruled out the third place-far out of town, all white, totally impractical and over budget. But I can't remember if they chose the first or second place, it was the under budget one with the winding staircase (NOT the steep modern one with open risers that went straight up the wall of the living room)
  16. Can someone refresh my memory, what was the name of the town in Sicily?
  17. Phyllis (how many times did her husband say her name, like every sentence?) struck me as the type of flight attendant who would only work in the first class cabin and look down her nose at those of us back in coach! I bet the only issue the producer could dream up for drama was the paint color of the house they bought. And I agree with the theory that they didn't move to Sicily year round, they would have had a much larger budget if they had sold a home in Carolina plus the flipping aspect really leads me to conclude this is an investment which they will live in part of the year and rent out the rest. I was half expecting them to buy BOTH the pink house for now AND the studio for future use.
  18. Only halfway through the Sicily episode and I'm already ready to strangle Phyllis! What kind of experienced house flipper is going to reject a house because of the color! Paint is readily available in Italy!
  19. According to FB, he's still in CR. https://www.facebook.com/gainskelly However, he seems to have returned to OK for a visit in May. Also, Marci and son Jacob have a different last name, so maybe he's not Jacob's biological father. Or Kelly is using his professional name on FB.
  20. I figured the comedian husband from the Costa Rica episode would be working as a lounge act in an English speaking beach resort. But how much money could he make doing that as the sole breadwinner? Wouldn't it make more sense for the wife to continue working as a nurse and the husband staying home to take care of Jacob's special needs? Wouldn't his comedy act be a night job anyway? I'll bet that's what they're really doing and the drama behind the move was all fabricated for the episode. Also, he didn't strike me as being a particularly funny guy, sort of dour and negative, maybe a Don Rickles type of comedy?
  21. Oooh, link please! I couldn't narrow down the sellers on Etsy, although I did see a rectangular one that was supposedly Colorado, or was it Wyoming...I wonder if she's also outlining European countries, there might be less competition.
  22. No, I thought it looked pretty amateurish, like a string art kit from the 60s. And even if anyone wanted an yarn outlined state, who would want to pay shipping from Spain to the US? I knew they wouldn't take the second apartment with the balcony because it was obviously currently occupied, but when she complained about the bedroom with no natural light I wanted to scream at the TV, "Use the DARK room for sleeping and the brighter one for your tacky crafts!" Imagine my surprise when they did exactly that, but with the first apartment, the one without Tony's coveted balcony (which I was ready to push him off by the end!)
  23. I didn't see the episode last night, but was the Hipster Girl obsessed with the house having a "chandy"?
  24. My daughter thought the bride was on old picture Barbra Streisand!
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