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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I'm pretty sure Nicole bragged about "living on her own" although I couldn't figure out how that was possible on a barista's salary. Would she receive some kind of government assistance if she had some type of disability? Would she qualify for welfare? Food stamps? Something for May? As far as her claim that she slept with some guy before Morocco because Azan "wasn't paying enough attention" to her, I suspect that she throws herself at guys and offers free sex which some might find hard to turn down.
  2. I can't wait for the new special, "Christmas in Morocco with Nicole"! Please, TLC, make it happen... I looked online and saw that from LAX to Moscow, there is only one nonstop flight a day, on Aeroflot, that leaves at 3:00 PM. I suspect they missed the chance to go that day, but since they didn't have Anfisa's luggage, Jorge probably had no intention of leaving her at the airport then. I don't know why Jorge didn't get a ticket on the next available flight but knowing how this is scripted, I think it was all manufactured drama. We know from the previews that Anfisa is here for the Tell All show and probably had their courthouse wedding in the scene of them both dressed in white.
  3. It definitely was aptly named "Tell ALL," and in graphic detail. More than I wanted to know...
  4. My next door neighbor has one of those "capiz shell" wind chimes that looks like a Portuguese Man of War jellyfish hanging on her porch. Its CONSTANT clanging sounds like someone is emptying their recycling bin, 24/7.
  5. May might as well be her sister's baby for all concern Nicole showed about her during the five weeks she went to Morocco. The only time I remember May was mentioned was in a phone call to the States where Nicole wanted May to call Azan "Daddy." (he loves her, you know...) Some sharp poster noticed that Nicole's sister appears to have potty trained May in Nicole's absence. I'm willing to bet May's aunt and grandmother also provide free babysitting while Nicole is working her shifts at Starbucks.
  6. I realize the very brief preview of the "ever after" episode has been edited to fuel speculation about what has happened to the couples, but I'll bite. Even if they're still in relationships with their tickets to America, Azan and Lowo couldn't possibly be there, but why isn't Narkyia shown on the couch in the coming attractions?
  7. I think the brown color might have originally been called "coppertone" although it eventually became a true brown rather than an "old penny" reddish brown. This could have been my parents' kitchen in the 60s:
  8. My mind was numb after three hours of "The Busbeys are back! Girls! Girls! Girls!"
  9. Did anyone else laugh at Nicole's comment that she's "situationally sad"? (my spell check is questioning that being a real word)
  10. I don't think Anfisa would know what to do with a duster! Her mouth continues to fascinate me with her really plumped up lower lip, thin top lip with a tiny bow and the upturned corners which give her a permanent smirk. If anyone is in the Irvine, CA area, be on the lookout for a big dimwitted schlub with a school-picture-day haircut. He's got at least $ 10K in his cargo shorts! Jorge might as well be wearing a "rob me" sign on his back. (I forget, how many times was he robbed already?) I'm going to call Chantel's hastily printed (for her parents' benefit) internet form a "Shut Up Pre-Nup." So, now that they got married, maybe Father Chantel will take everyone out for ice cream?
  11. Danielle was wearing false eyelashes for the reunion show! I also thought that her eyebrows looked a tad more groomed. They still resembled woolly caterpillars, but a little thinner, I thought. A few times she has been shown without her glasses on but she doesn't look better without them because she has a "cast" to one eye.
  12. It looked like a new stove, because of the orange plastic covering the top, sorta like the plastic that comes on new TV's and other appliances. She'd install them herself "to put her stamp on it" and because the stove was probably shipped without the knobs being attached. Ooh, I think you may be right! Good eyes! If that's the case, it's yet another example of one of these pretentious house hunters who immediately rips out a perfectly usable stove in order to replace it with a more prestigious brand.
  13. The more I think of it, maybe that Wolf stove was there all along and all the Chicago woman replaced were the red knobs? Why else would she be installing them herself? And the red knobs do add a nice "pop of color" to the white, oops make that gray, cabinets.
  14. I have to say my gaydar wasn't pinging as far as Patrick's relationship with Matt, however my "meddlesome douche-dar" was.
  15. They also played the Chicago scene twice where the realtor says, "These are nice high-end appliances, you wouldn't have to change a thing..." and the wife smugly replies, "Oh, but we WILL!" in the kitchen they eventually bought and immediately swapped out the existing stove for the coveted red knob one. I also had to laugh when she kept talking about knocking down walls and him saying that was too much work, too expensive, etc. then in one house HE was the one who said that in order to get his open concept it would be necessary to get rid of several walls. Which brings me to another pet peeve of mine, these couples who just blithely walk into an old house and assume it's easy to eliminate walls to open up the place. I've learned from "Flip or Flop" and "Fixer Upper" that load bearing walls can now be dealt with by using steel beams but it involves structural engineering and it's quite expensive. It seems many people like the looks (i.e. "character" and "curb appeal") of a Victorian house only from the outside so an easy solution is to stick a turret, porch and some gingerbread trim on a new build and you can have the best of both worlds.
  16. Patrick isn't Matt's brother. He's (supposedly) his best friend and I believe he works at the car dealership with Matt. Matt has a twin brother with an M name, Mark maybe?
  17. They never said what Chicago couple did for a living. She was a real piece of work. The house had to have "character" and a white kitchen but no ghosts because she had SEEN one. She was adamant about needing a special garage door! She was so pretentious, too, when she commented on the "fwah-yay" in the last house. I had to agree, though, the second house in the city had absolutely no curb appeal. From a distance, I thought the brownish bricks on the bottom was boarded up plywood.
  18. I don't recall any mention of him before and last night when they were putting her in the ambulance and they asked if there was someone they should call, she said, "I don't have anybody." Sounds like the King has abdicated.
  19. I think possibly the disappointing diamond might result in a huge argument that triggers her van keying rampage in the coming attractions. Stay tuned...
  20. It always amazes me when these mothers go on and on about how much they pay for entrance fees, hotels, glitz dresses, hair, makeup, flippers, manicures, spray tans, not to mention coaching--everything pageant related, then the ONE top prize is only $ 1000? How could anyone EVER recoup the cost? It probably is more for bragging rights for kids like private Jet Setting Abby, and the (suspected, wink wink) Goat Poop Twins traveling in their fancy tour bus, but these people living at or below the poverty level in a double wide, what could they possibly gain by shelling out this kind of money except a bunch of oversized tin crowns, trophies and sashes?
  21. Why would she have to change her name at all for her CAREER? Even if it works out, she could just go simply by "Paola" as her supermodel name.
  22. I think that when you're looking at a closeup of one person without anyone or anything else to put them in perspective, it's very difficult to get an idea of their size.
  23. There are pelvic floor SPECIALISTS? Who knew!
  24. you must have forgotten the pink fuzzy handcuffs!
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