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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. This has become such a freak show, I'd welcome the "Say Yes to the Dress Normal Bride Edition."
  2. I didn't understand why they didn't show the picture to Anna/Natalie's husband and ask him who it was to determine if it was the woman he met, married and brought to the US. Of course, they were both goners by then, so the point was moot.
  3. I think Nate and Sheila's biggest problem will come from his being, as he himself said, "high-sprung." I find Sheila's facial contortions make her unwatchable. Anthony looks much better without the hair product and his t-shirt in the bedroom scene looked positively grungy.
  4. If Martha and Oleg had a baby, it sure would have amazing eyebrows!
  5. I don't think Sheila's admission to the world that she has never had an orgasm was a coded way of saying she's a virgin. More like sexually inexperienced. I can't imagine the show wouldn't play up the untouched aspect BIG TIME if she was, indeed, a Virgin Bride.
  6. Having Nathan's 17 year old brother in the next room just might be an Orgasm-Killer
  7. I might have to mute this show and just read the close captioning because both Danielle and Ashley's "vocal fry" was getting on my last nerve.
  8. Maybe this is too far-fetched and I'm overthinking things, but couldn't Oleg's mother have gotten pregnant by Philip's (prison guard) father and they are actually half-brothers?
  9. I thought Philip in his beard and glasses disguise (when he was tailing Renee) looked just like the EST lecturer! I agree Oleg's father looks nothing like him, so maybe his mother came back from her years in the gulag with a little comrade on board. At first I thought Martha wasn't attractive enough for Oleg, but after he turned down the three "silly young girls" I thought maybe he would be interested in a more mature woman. It give me hope that maybe we'll see an Oleg-Martha meeting!
  10. When they stood that enormous casket containing Turned Sasha upright on the truck bed, wasn't it UPSIDE DOWN? Isn't the smaller section where the person's head and upper body should be when it's opened for a viewing? Imagine what an even bigger surprise there would have been if Sasha had somersaulted out after standing on her head!
  11. I've been the last holdout of all my friends who stopped watching TWD a few seasons ago so this forum became my only source of discussion of the episodes. I kept thinking that it might regain its former glory and again be the show I couldn't wait to watch each Sunday night. I don't like to give up on a program that I've invested so many HOURS in watching and then rehashing, but after last night, I'm DONE! Maybe I'll continue to catch up on things from time to time here on the forum where the posters are far more entertaining, but I just hit the delete button on my DVR's series programming.
  12. I think she was trying to get Eugene to get her some kind of weapon to use on Negan and was devastated when he brought her a suicide pill.
  13. I don't think Martha had a choice between going to the USSR or going to prison here as spy turned informant. She probably feared for her life if she didn't get on that plane and at that point it was too late to turn herself in.
  14. I looked at IMDB to see if Martha was listed to appear in future episodes, but not going to spoil it here!
  15. No, I'm not seeing a romance (Martha's not pretty enough for Oleg) just them becoming "good comrades."
  16. Here's my fantasy scenario...Oleg goes back to the store and Martha is there, still trying to decide between two cans of beans. He literally runs into her, knocking the beans on the floor and Martha lets out some kind of exclamation in English and Oleg realizes she's an American. They form a friendship and eventually come to realize they both know Stan!
  17. I expect Henry to just waltz in one evening with a mustache and beard and say. "We need to talk. My girlfriend is pregnant." P and E both exclaim, "What girlfriend?" that's after they say, "And WHO are you again?"
  18. My "Martha Sighting" was kind of spoiled since I was looking up some info on IMDB on my tablet and saw her name listed in the credits for the episode. Alison Wright sure has been busy since the last time we saw at the safe house. She's been on "Sneaky Pete" and she also has a role on "Feud." I wonder if she'll be on again, or was that the one nod to the viewers that she was, indeed, safely relocated to the Soviet Union. And someone please refresh my memory, would she and Oleg ever have crossed paths in the US?
  19. You forgot the "gender reveal" party... And the smaller "sprinkle" shower for subsequent babies, the "babymoon" and don't forget the husband has to produce a "push present."
  20. He didn't do that. He made a house call, but they never moved back to Kentucky. Thanks for the clarification, I'll admit that was the point where I turned on the episode so I didn't realize they were still in the Houston area. But anyway, Dr. Now was driving around in his Doctor Gear. I also didn't realize that Lisa wasn't his mother until I read this forum!
  21. I had to chuckle at Dr. Now making his Houston to KY house call while wearing his lab coat and stethoscope in the car.
  22. Winter? I can only remember one episode when it RAINED and the group took shelter in a barn (right before Aaron led them to Alexandria.) Yet, last week when Rick and Michonne found the carnival from the roof of the building, it was covered with puddles.
  23. Was it ever explained how The Saviors meet the Kingdommers (which is what my TV listing called them, but all I can think of is "dumbers") always meet at a neutral location and not right outside the gates of the Kingdom? Do they know the location?
  24. You're right! Great catch: http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Macsen_Lintz
  25. Is it really necessary to take 8 people and a huge truck to deliver a dozen cantaloupes?
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