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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. She also has the role of "Marjorie" a con artist on the Amazon series "Sneaky Pete." When I saw her I thought, "Uh oh, that means Martha won't be back on The Americans," but Margo Martindale has a major role on Pete and apparently she could appear in both shows.
  2. According to my close captioning, her daughters were Malaysia and Jer'Monika (rhymes with "harmonica"?) but I missed who was India with the mohawk and the baby? Sister? Friend? Occasional Pee Pan emptier? All of the above?
  3. An hour into the rerun of this episode and Tanisha hasn't made one bit of progress! Should I give it another TWO HOURS?
  4. magemaud

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    Good thing that car had a sunroof (and presumably the entire back seat folded forward in order for Michonne to get inside the car from the trunk.)
  5. I thought Austin Amelio looked like he was wearing one of those costume hats with the stringy hair attached.
  6. Just a half hour into this episode and I can't help but wonder what will happen to all those tattoos when (or if) Michael loses significant weight.
  7. It probably took that long to force a goddam word out of him. At the dinner table...Daryl licks his fingers and grunts..."Good squirrel, just like Meryl used to make..."
  8. I find it hard to believe that only AFTER nightfall, building a fire, and serving and consuming a leisurely dinner of something like squirrel stew topped off with a big bowl of cobbler, did Carol and Daryl's conversation turn to "is everybody okay?" I know Daryl's not big on conversation, but what did they talk about before then? I used to get Rosita and Tara mixed up, but their weight difference now makes it easy for me to keep them straight.
  9. I wondered about that, too! Thanks to the poster "up up up" thread who proposed that being around all that metal might have resulted in the Scavengers' developing lockjaw. That could explain their terse, monosyllabic grunts.
  10. Every time I see Carol in her cozy-surrounded-by-a-picket-fence cottage, I can't help but wonder what the heck she DOES all day! I see her reading, did the previous owner leave a stash of old "Nancy Drew" books or is she a super slow reader? Instead of just bringing her cobbler, shouldn't Ezekial send some seedlings to start a garden to make her more self-sufficient?
  11. Maybe they could script Negan's demise like an Agatha Christie novel where each person who has a motive to kill him gets a chance to deal the final blow, but nobody knows for sure who it was
  12. I like that idea! How about Eugene being the one holding Shiva's leash and "siccing" him on Negan
  13. My fervent desire is that Shiva is the one to kill Negan. But I admit to being distracted by every time I see the tiger referred to by name on my closed captioning, all I can think of is the Jewish funeral observance of "sitting shiva."
  14. Good point, but what she says and what she does are often two different things, don't forget her mild-mannered Susie Homemaker persona at Alexandria
  15. A friend just told me they thought Boots person leading the army at zombie lake might be Carol?
  16. Could "green and runny" be the result of eating those pigs who fed on Walkers? Changing the subject, I still think Dwight and Sherry may be recruited to lead an inside coup against Negan.
  17. Yeah - what happened to Judith? Isn't Carl even interested? (We know Rick tends to forget about her a lot). FPP is her default guardian and he took off. Last time we saw her Negan was dandling her on his knee on the front porch in Alexandria. I watched the end again and noticed that Carl disappeared shortly after they got back to Alexandria and were distracted when Simon and the Saviors showed up. He wasn't in any scenes after that, so maybe he went off to locate Judith after Gabriel handed off the babysitting duties to someone else because he was on watch.
  18. Judith appears to have suffered the fate of many "soap opera babies" who are only seen or even mentioned when their presence furthers the plot line.
  19. This is my theory on who Rick was smiling at at the end last night: Whoever was wearing boots and using binoculars (let's assume it's a young woman) to spy on Rick and Aaron at the zombie lake at end of the the last episode, is the leader of that group of young, well-armed people. Somehow, somewhere, (off-screen but viewers will find out later in a stand alone episode) Gabriel has encountered her and took the food from the pantry to feed their group and she was the other person in the car. He lured Rick and the others to the boat because he knew this group was willing to help them fight the Saviors, and Rick smiled when he saw Gabriel in the crowd. Edited to add: That would also answer the question that Rick asks when he sees the pantry log, "How would he know we were out at the boat?" But here is the thing that is REALLY bothering me...WHERE IS JUDITH? Wasn't Gabriel her babysitter? Maybe I missed it, but when they got back and found Gabriel had left with supplies and a car, was there any mention of her whereabouts?
  20. I always think it's obnoxious when the house hunter is more interested in having the "wow" factor in the entrance to impress visitors than the comfort and safety of his family who live there every day.
  21. After you punch him, I'LL strangle him! And I only got to see the last ten minutes but that was all it took for me to decide he was a royal a-hole. They said she had given up her law career for the move, but was he also an attorney?
  22. About the London woman's towel warmer concern, do they get hot enough to burn you? Can't you adjust them or turn them off altogether?
  23. Did anyone else think during the car stuffing scene, "I think the door would close more easily if you opened the damn window!"
  24. Perhaps shows like "Kirsten's Story" with her graphic surgery have the positive effect of making the viewers so horrified that it results in a "Scared Skinny" loss of appetite, much like those TV commercials warning about the dangers of smoking.
  25. I might have been watching the marathons for too long but I think I've found a direct correlation between "the bigger the budget, the worse the vocal fry..."
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