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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. What's with all the repeat customers on these programs? Instead of 15 minutes, the NYC guys have gotten an entire hour of fame! Last week it was Kurt in Key West's third appearance and there are other couples who have been featured more than once, and they are always the ones with the big budgets.
  2. Key West Kim was certainly proud of her "assets." In every scene she appeared to be posing, shoulders back, boobs out and legs in a weird (yes, masculine) stance. Did they say what kind of business Kurt was in that he sold? Now I've done a little sleuthing online and found this article about the Telluride house dated February 2015: "Local broker Lorrie Denesik...served as the buyer’s broker. Denesik helped Kurt Fazekas, a business owner from Indianapolis, buy a vacation home in Telluride for him and his four kids. In the episode, Denesik walks Fazekas and his daughter Rachel through three different houses — two historic homes in the town of Telluride and a new townhome in Mountain Village — to help Fazekas find his dream vacation home... ...“I have a huge wish list and the house delivered,” he said in the episode, which first aired on Dec. 29, [2014] again on Friday and continues to air in reruns on the network. “The price for these properties are expensive, but I can see why. This place is beautiful. There’s no place like it in the country. It’s just a dream come true.”" THIS IS WHERE I GOT REALLY CONFUSED: This isn’t the first time Fazekas has been featured on the TV program. He was previously in an episode in Key West, Florida. It was such a popular episode that the network wanted to feature him again in Telluride, Denesik said. So, the Key West episode with Kim was filmed first but edited to appear that they had BOTH left Telluride then went to KW? EDITED TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY! It seems that last night's episode was actually Kurt's SECOND Key West house hunt and third appearance on HH!!! The first time he was on was an episode called "Buying a Piece of History in Old Town Key West" which aired April, 2012. That time he was with his wife "Dani": "Kurt and Dani split their time between a home in Indianapolis and a vacation bungalow in Key West. But that one bedroom bungalow doesn't offer much space for Kurt to work, so they're looking for a bigger place with a historic past. ...Will Kurt and Dani find history - and an extra bedroom or two - without breaking the bank?" First Key West episode April, 2012 Kurt and Dani Telluride episode December, 2014 Kurt and the kids Second Key West episode January, 2017 Kurt and Kim oh, and he had something to do with racing cars in Indy.
  3. Gangi Sicily was way too "sleepy" and isolated for my taste, but I guess it would suit an artist who wanted to "get away from it all." Yes, he did say that he spent $ 90K on the reno and that it was almost finished. I found this info about the "One Euro" house incentive: In 2014, the local administration under a dynamic mayor began disposing of abandoned houses with some being given away and others being sold for a nominal price. The recipients had to agree to spend at least 35,000 euros on restoration within five years. The giveaway is a means to stimulate tourism-related activities and diversify the local economy, which was primarily dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. The scheme has proved a great success.
  4. It's often because they use the excuse, "You're going to work, but I'm the one who will be HERE all day..."
  5. I always wonder in the long run how much such a relatively small amount would add to your monthly mortgage payments.
  6. Oral surgeon Russ moving to Costa Rica--UGH! He was such an opinionated jerk. I had to laugh when they were at the roadside fruit stand. Even with my 50 years ago high school Spanish I know he said to the proprietor, "They have fruit!" Yes, Dr. Obvious...
  7. Actually, the whiny guy's name was Victor, and there was quite a discussion of them when the episode first aired in May that begins on page 51 of this forum.
  8. I'm guessing it's leftover gore from the armless zombie he tangled with when we last saw him. Although, it begs the question why wouldn't he wipe his face afterwards. I'm guessing he wanted to make it look like he was working hard. Thanks, that makes sense (in an often senseless ZA world) and his leaving the blood on his face to impress the Saviors would explain the comment about how he must have worked hard to get the loot. Now, another question--at the end, when Rick is ticking off the list of groups that could band together to defeat Negan, he includes The Kingdom. How does he know about the Kingdom?
  9. Did I miss something at the beginning? Did they show Spencer getting beat up by the Saviors when he was turning over the stuff he had collected for Negan or did that happen off-screen?
  10. Jesus is bundled up like it's Winter, and Negan never removes his leather jacket even in the house (!), while everyone else is wearing short sleeves and in Michonne's case, tank tops!
  11. I think this show has jumped the Zombie Shark!
  12. (re: Enid's whereabouts) Oh, THAT'S right! Now I remember. I knew it had something to do with those yellow balloons. But since Carl essentially ditched her outside the Saviors' compound, he really doesn't know if she's alright or not? And I never thought I'd be typing this, but could Jesus have been a Savior? With all the new characters, I can't recall if he was in any scenes with anyone who would recognize him. That would explain how he seems to know his way around Neganville and the outposts. And maybe that's how he got his nickname Jesus at the Hilltop when he showed up claiming to be a (former) Savior.
  13. Thanks for the clarification, I know NOTHING about bullets, shells, cartridges, etc. or how they're made. Also, where IS Enid supposed to be anyway? I lost track of her outside the Saviors compound after she and Carl shared their first kiss. I figured she had skated her way back to ASZ alone, but Carl's comment to Olivia that she was "okay" made me think she wasn't there.
  14. I haven't ready the entire thread yet, so I apologize if some of these things were brought up already... Why would Eugene go to all the trouble of making a SINGLE bullet for Rosita? Shouldn't he have cranked out as many as he could? Why were the speed bump zombies intact and Michonne hadn't beheaded them (as usual) like we saw her do with the one in the opening scene? They actually looked comparatively "fresh" by zombie standards. I'm still confused about Spencer finding that hunter out in the woods with the crossbow. Did he somehow get bitten while he was up there in the tree or did he die of starvation and "turn" without being bitten? I was disappointed Olivia hadn't poisoned Negan's lemonade and brought him a single glass. She didn't realize at that point that he was holding Judith, although I could imagine him giving the baby a sip. There were so many missed opportunities to take him out!
  15. Kyle and Sara moving from Colorado to London: Two nights in a row that a house hunter insisted on a second bedroom for potential visitors from the US and this time the sensible British rental agent tried to talk them out of paying so much per month to have an extra room "languishing" empty for most of the time. He even suggested the money they were saving could go towards putting guests up in a nice hotel. This time they went over budget to get the second bedroom, but conveniently Sara found a job to help pay for it AND they had already hosted family there.
  16. Finally! Duwando's friend in the Melbourne episode was the voice of reason and said what I have been screaming at my TV every time people insist they need a larger place just for when family and friends come to visit...something like "Do you really want to go $300 a month over budget because people may come and visit? I've been here for two years and my family came ONCE!" Duwando had said that if someone came all the way from the US, he felt he should provide a place for them to stay. I'm willing to bet there are plenty of Air BnB rooms in the neighborhood that he could book for the occasional guest.
  17. Yes, I saw it, too and even re-wound to watch it again. But I didn't think it was a child, I thought it was a petite woman with really nice blonde highlights which was in sharp contrast to all the sand covered walkers. Maybe it's someone who helped Heath escape, you might be on to something.
  18. Maybe Negan killed off all the men and boys of the Oceanside group early in his reign of terror, then decided that wasn't a good solution and it would be better to have the men working for him instead? Sorry, but I totally forgot about Tara and Heath going on their scavenger hunt when IRL Alanna Masterson's pregnancy got too far along to hide her behind strategically placed objects. That was only TWO WEEKS AGO? Wow, a lot has happened! I also think that part of my forgetting about Tara's storyline is that I still get Tara and Rosita mixed up! Am I the only one? Speaking of my being mixed up, just how many separate groups are we expected to keep track of now? Alexandria, The Saviors, Hilltop, the Kingdom, the WOLVES (remember them?) and now Oceanside?
  19. Jamie's claims that her kids and their moms are "sassy" and "classy" comes across instead as "nasty" and "trashy." JMO
  20. They MUST have some kind of phonetic cheat sheet for the announcer, how else could they figure out how to pronounce these (ridiculous, IMO) creative names with even more creative spellings? You can bet these moms would go ballistic if anyone mispronounced their special snowflakes' monikers! Edited to add: For example, if I was the announcer and they handed me a paper that said "Selyse" I probably would have tried "Ummm...Suh-LIE-zuh?????"
  21. Regarding the Utah to Houston family of 10, the show was first aired this past May and there was a big discussion of their pickiness beginning on page 52 of this forum.
  22. My gaydar was pinging at the San Diego former baseball player, too. (not that there's anything wrong with that!) But I was surprised at the end that there was no marriage proposal since they seemed to chose the house without much discussion of pros and cons of each and I thought the episode might have been edited to leave time for him producing a ring at the end.
  23. Okay, now I'm confused. I thought they went with Option #2, the windowless gut job in the city center and not the move in ready place near Montmartre? Anyway, those metal city scape silhouettes looked like they should have been in the Moulin Rouge!
  24. I think I saw the painting in Gregory's library in a lawyer's office somewhere. I didn't realize it was priceless artwork!
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