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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Only if it’s officially approved Mormon underwear
  2. Gawd those torn jeans look like shit. Apparently House of 11 will ship to Ethiopia
  3. for someone who claims his Mormon faith is "supremely important" (his exact words) he is certainly hypocritical. However, I'm Catholic and there are lots of people at my church who "cherry pick" what rules they follow (including me sometimes, Bless me father, for I have sinned...)
  4. I always marvel at the vast knowledge you bring to this forum, Mr. BB
  5. Vanessa isn’t heavy, but she has one of those “fat collars” at the base of her neck
  6. That's why they put them on the bed! Imagine the luggage Darcey brings for an overnight. And, sorry, shared bathrooms is a deal breaker for me.
  7. She acted like adjusting the anesthesia dosage for a baby's surgery was an idea no one in Ethiopia had ever considered before. Kenny will probably push Daddy A. to make a speech!
  8. Here’s a “Glamour Magazine” DON’T: Your Mormon underwear should not be longer than your pants
  9. I couldn't believe it when they told the Turkish doctor they didn't want their breasts to look natural and in fact they LIKED the fake boob look. Breasts, hair, eyelashes, designer knockoffs, diamonds-they don't want ANYTHING authentic. In their case, I think they believe "the faker the better."
  10. I was scheduled for an external ultrasound for fibroids but the technician determined my bladder wasn’t full enough so she had to switch to the transvaginal test with the wand that looked like a horse penis. Believe me, the next time I drank so much water beforehand I was floating.
  11. Yes, and he is still in Connecticut and runs a soccer academy. He appears to be far more successful than Darcey's ex: https://www.goranvasicsocceracademy.com/
  12. Not sure about that, he's listed as living near Schenectady, NY, so I don't think he's in the Catskills very often
  13. Since somebody brought up Darcey's ex-husband, I thought you might want to check out the Catskills motel he owns with his family: http://www.thetwilightlodge.com/index_a.php and he's also listed as the manager of a Bob's Discount Furniture store! Oh, and he sells real estate... edited to add: I read his net worth is $ 500K, which I don't find particularly impressive nowadays
  14. Oh god, now I can't UNSEE that! I was surprised when Darcey claimed that this would be the first time she had anything done to her face. I guess lip fillers and Botox don't count as work?
  15. I did notice that any man in the temple who wasn't wearing a turban was wearing some kind of bandana including Sumit, his father and brother*. I found this info: "Even in Punjab/India, ~30–40% wear turban only for special functions (i.e. weddings, etc.), especially the younger generations. This may vary from region to region." Also, the majority of people who identify as Sikhs and follow the rules of Sikhism are not baptized so wearing a turban is optional. * on re-watching I noticed Sumit doesn’t wear any kind of headcovering, and appears to meet with his family outside of the main temple area which gives me the impression that he’s not particularly religious. He basically just showed up later for the "celebration." I remember him telling Jenny there would be food there, so why didn't we see any kind of party?
  16. But isn't that true for many people and their degree of observance to a religion? (The term "cafeteria Catholics" comes to mind and remember how Natalie was so religious in the Ukraine but the subject was never brought up in the US?) I think this is the first time I heard anything about Sumit's family following any religion and I don't recall that they objected to Jenny for religious reasons, so yes, they appear to be Sikhs when it suits them to be.
  17. Remember this infamous blowout..... What about this blowjob, I mean blowout...(I say that as a joke to my husband when I make a hair appointment, but I'm afraid someday I'll accidentally ask for it when I call the salon)
  18. Maybe he tried with his town’s “Evelin”
  19. I get the feeling that SteVen can be annoyingly persistent and maybe the women just had sex with him to shut him up. Plus, I still don’t believe he’s had multiple sex partners, more like one or at the most two.
  20. Maybe on one of her required every six months trips outside India she should go to Turkey for a transformation
  21. Maybe they are in need of humane bug exterminators in Russia?
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