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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. especially after we saw him shirtless, working out, and packing protein powder, plus vowing to "throw her over my shoulder" and carry her everywhere.
  2. I can talk guitars and musicians all. day. long. I read that as he was surrounded by "talking guitars" not talking ABOUT them.
  3. While he knew she was a Little Person-maybe he was thinking along the lines of Jen Arnold on "The Little Family"-but he was shocked when he saw her bent legs which made her even shorter and less mobile.
  4. I think SojaBoy sees the POTENTIAL in Kim to be his ticket to the USA. Douchebro Caleb has set a new record for the participant I hate the earliest in any season and only three episodes in, my dislike of him has grown exponentially. He has easily wrestled that title from SteVen.
  5. But she makes the poor dog wear a hat!! But she let the dog choose it
  6. “Charge my phone” is code for taking a blue pill.
  7. My late mother-in-law had a “housedress” that looked just like Hamza’s shirt
  8. IKR?! Does Kimbally really think the taxi driver is going to say he might not be a safe driver? Then be sure to stress that you’re there all alone.
  9. @Hotel Snarker, we love you here and nothing you can say about any of these idiots will turn us against you.
  10. I only watched the preview, but I noticed that when she bent over to feed the dog out in the yard, her dress rode up in the back and her backside must have been totally in view, like one of those "bloomer girl" yard figures. Yes, in theory, but not many seem to continue their "journey."
  11. She's specifically looking for an Asian guy so maybe there are slim pickin's around Idaho, but the states along the Pacific coast should have plenty of candidates closer than Asia.
  12. Gino made a big deal about having his first "Panama food." It was a freakin' cheeseburger! With American cheese, no less. I was hoping Kim would brag to the taxi drivers that she was there to meet "The International Rap Star, Soulja Boy," and they didn't know who he was! We learned that she's a Desert Storm veteran which surprised me. And she was cute then.
  13. I've got to say that Jose is a whole lot better looking and more desirable than Gino.
  14. That's the couple! Danielle is supposedly in nursing school now but during their original season, she was just some kind of unskilled nursing home worker.
  15. There's always a huge exodus after Communion at every Catholic church I've ever attended. I'm a cantor and I look out and see many empty seats when I announce the closing song. At one church, they used to have a sign in the back that said, "Judas left early..." I like the supportive friends and relatives better than the "contestants" this season
  16. I think he wanted Karine to take an STD test before they had sex
  17. Plus, at least places in I've stayed in Western Europe, (not sure about Eastern) they don't count the ground floor in the numbering and the "second floor" of buildings is actually what we would refer to as the third floor. She did mention an extra flight of stairs. But the websites have also clearly stated if there was an elevator or not.
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