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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I’m surprised Stacey didn’t hire Pnina Tornai or Sondra Celli to make her dress.
  2. absolutely. But would people watch a show based on ordinary meeting stories?
  3. Tom also referred to her as a "cheater with a drinking problem"
  4. My brother, father, grandfather and I all have/had ptosis, moreso on one eye than the other. We refer to it as the "Murphy droopy eye." My brother had the surgery on his which was covered by insurance because it affected his vision. I had plastic surgery on a skin cancer a few months ago and the plastic surgeon said all I would need to get was a letter from my opthamologist that it was medically necessary, but I'm so squeamish about anything involving my eyes, I probably won't do anything about it.
  5. Maybe she can't get her prescriptions filled anymore in the US and is counting on being able to obtain them easily in Colombia?
  6. I remember Amy saying that following WLS you’re super-fertile. She apparently knew she was supposed to be extra cautious but wanted a baby so badly that she didn’t do anything to prevent pregnancy
  7. That's an excellent point! Tammy claims to be so bored with life at the rehab so you'd think she'd spend hours online planning her perfect wedding. She could delegate some tasks to Amy, after all "I was yours" but to turn everything over to her sister and then smugly say, "And guess what...they deliver!" is sheer laziness. I think the whole "are you pregnant" story is just for drama. I really doubt Caleb is able to have sex at his size. That's one of the things that I see on 600 Lb. Life all the time and couples can't be intimate even if one of them is average sized. Brittany seems to be very sweet and docile. I'm surprised Chris still uses the language he does around her.
  8. I suspect their relationship fizzled out and production didn't have much to film about them so they're spreading it out as much as they can. edited to add: They're teasing us with the donkey scene. We've seen that with other couples. Remember how Yazan made Brittany put on the hijab in the car on the way to meet his parents? Otherwise she could just wear her $ 600 wig in public.
  9. I can't help but compare Nicole to Avery who was one of the few "Other Way-ers" who moved to a foreign country, embraced the religion, dress code and local customs and wanted to adapt to the foreign culture instead of being an American ex-pat who could pick and choose what she wanted to follow and expected everyone to change centuries old LAWS to suit her. Statistically, the Other Way format has been quite unsuccessful
  10. Well, I'm POSITIVE Jenny never went to those countries (I'm laughing at my mental picture of her awkwardly jumping through hoops) but Jen claims to be a world traveler, so maybe she DID go to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Do either of these countries have cheap plastic surgery?
  11. They never have! I guess Shaeeda didn’t get pregnant the night of the Tell All
  12. Apparently there is also a 10 year Tourist Visa which I think is what the OR Jenny had. Wasn’t she supposed to leave briefly every six months but Covid changed that? There’s also a way to convert Tourist visa to Spousal when you marry which is probably what New Jen was counting on doing
  13. I was just reading an article a woman wrote about getting a tourist visa for India. In it she warns you to make sure you check the box for “multiple entries” so Ms Double Masters must have missed that little detail.
  14. I just checked. She met him on SM and after chatting for six months, she flew to Morocco to meet him in person. Now it’s three years later and he invited her to come back and stay this time (or so she THOUGHT)
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