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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Now I’m remembering that she hadn’t even told her parents that she had already converted, so she obviously wasn’t practicing her new religion while in the US
  2. I remember a time when Catholic prayers and responses were in Latin so people just repeated them from memory, pronounced the words badly and probably didn't have any idea what they were saying. But at least there was some attempt to teach them. There must be some kind of Muslim equivalent to CCD that Nicole could study.
  3. Who looks at a picture of a bare-chested man and says “I’m getting tingly all over”?
  4. I'm still really confused about this whole story. I thought the whole premise of TOW was that Jen was MOVING PERMANENTLY TO INDIA AND MARRYING RISHI? Then she found out she got the wrong visa so she has to go home after 30 days? To be honest, she seems kind of casual about having to return to the US without knowing when she'll be able to return. Like, "Oh well, bye bye, see ya, off to the airport." Then in the preview, she's still there wrapped in a towel and confronts Rishi about sending photos to another woman? Was that scene filmed before the farewell? And another thing, although I'm sure immigration isn't his area of expertise, but Rishi has a law degree. Didn't he do anything about making sure she was coming on the right visa?
  5. When he only lost one pound at the weigh in, his smug response was "At least I didn't GAIN!"
  6. I remember there was one so called “journey” where the poundticipant never even got out of BED and didn’t travel to Houston at all. The entire episode was filmed in her bedroom.
  7. Never drink and snark I read this as "Michael" at first glance and didn't know if you meant Parrot Head or their deceased brother.
  8. in full makeup and hair extensions. Don't forget they are "goddesses" and highly desirable
  9. I've always wondered how many potential patients' "journeys" are filmed each season. Some must fizzle out and end up on the cutting room floor.
  10. I guess that's the idea. There are surgical and non-surgical methods and I guess the injections at the Bachelorette Party fall into the latter. I was looking at one website that promised a "Designer Vagina". I'm cringing just thinking about it! More like "OOOOOOOOOOuch!"
  11. Just wait until she gets her vajayjay rejuvenated. She'll become Grangela!
  12. Well, it was actually the camera crew. I was trying to be optimistic
  13. Just rewatching this episode and I noticed the “Stomach/Rooster” in Room 5 was replaced with some kind of kidney model.
  14. The Live Chat is closed but I wanted to comment on the post that said that Dr. Now wouldn't have sent Patrick home the day of the surgery after he was already gowned up and ready to head to the OR. Am I imagining it, or did this exact thing happen to a poundticipant when they failed the pre-surgery weigh in?
  15. I have a nightgown that looks like a much smaller version of that
  16. My local Dollar Tree has much nicer wedding decor options than Amy chose. They probably even have fake sunflowers. Couldn't she have ASKED somebody (Tammy?) what size clothing Caleb needed instead of just guessing? Amy annoys me no end. That was a terrible, crude, rambling toast that hardly mentioned Caleb or the couple at all. She always has an excuse for the way she acts. Now it's post partum hormones. I know they're real, but Glenn is hardly a newborn. I guess her vow to get back on the diet is to ensure another season?
  17. I’m sure her son would be relieved and she wisely kept her house so everything would quickly return to normal. (Or was passes for normal in Debbie’s world)
  18. So, who had WLS this season? The poundicipants were: Geno yes Nico yes Latonya no Wess yes Mark no, he was approved but changed his mind Stephanie no Chris P no, but he lost weight on his own Patrick yes Did I get it right?
  19. She said Tammy’s wedding was “butter sweet”
  20. Caleb crying over the wardrobe problem made it seem like he was afraid of Tammy and her reaction. Amy's self-centered wedding toast was terrible and ending it with a fart comment was just obnoxious (and probably noxious, too) Wasn't Michael in the third row of the van, wedged between the two baby seats on the way to the wedding? I thought it was weird that Amy had the whole second row to herself. I figured he was off-camera, maybe taking care of Gage, when the siblings were having their powwow.
  21. When you see someone whose hair looks like yours and you like the style, ask her where she gets it “did” (as the Slaton Sisters say)
  22. I always like the Laura Ashley print gowns that hospital uses
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