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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Hammies! It’s what I call hamsters. They can be vicious little buggers and eat each other more often than not. I work at a pet food store that also sells small animals.
  2. Well...got my shot today. I was SO against it at first. It was the Johnson &Johnson one dose jab. Got it at 2:30 and it’s now 7:30. I have a giant headache, but that could be because we had a small family gathering outside all afternoon. Plus I live on ibuprofen and couldn’t take any today before or after the shot. It was 70 degrees here in Wisconsin today, just gorgeous! That’s my boring little update lol. Oh and the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the mask mandate here.
  3. I agree. She even joked that she would need to get a second job. I agree with this too! Such a weird verbal tick. It’s the new “um”
  4. So question. Once Natalie would have gotten on the flight to France, wouldn’t she have had to quarantine in France for 2 weeks before going on (if she was even allowed to go on.)? Who was going to pay for that? Interesting theory on the neighbor being a hoarder. Probably why she didn’t have a credit card. I worked in a bank for almost 30 years and hoarders generally aren't financially responsible. They spend money they don’t have on their hoard.
  5. Dude just wants a “hot” Brazilian woman. Thinking with his little head. Brazilian woman wants a new life in the USA. 90 Day has jaded me to all things immigration.
  6. I find Jake so attractive. Give me a tall strong man who can protect me, like my hubby.
  7. Chris is an asshole. That’s all I will say. I’m so over him. He’s like my ex, turning it all against Paige. I’m so angry and suffering PTSD this late at night. Ugh.
  8. That display box of rings looked like something you’d see at an accessory store. They looked fake and cheap displayed that way.
  9. So question. Will you all wear masks when it’s no longer required? I will when traveling. Every trip I get a horrible cold or flu, every time. I used to get three colds a year. Bad ones. This year? None. Masks really help.
  10. Oh hey. A Mercedes chariot for the baby momma and baby. Ugh. And Paige just sits there smiling, hopeful. And. I hate Haley.
  11. Get out of my head lol. Well said!! And next week, more girls gone wild. Ugh. Maybe they are recycling footage. Or maybe not. I too am curious about all that dust. And I’ve never heard a bathroom referred to as a head before. However I am poor and don’t charter yachts lol. Did anyone catch on WWHL that Gary said he’s 5’7”? Just leaving that here.
  12. Our last few homes have been on septic. I too have flush PTSD. I had a hysterectomy years ago but I will never forget a landlord warning me to not flush tampons. Ugh.
  13. Anyone else catch what Robyn said? She said she had pneumonia once and Sol had RSV and those two things make them high risk. Uh, I had pneumonia every year as a kid and several times as an adult. I’m pretty certain that doesn’t make me high risk. I mean, I work retail and have since the pandemic began, and I haven’t caught it.
  14. Then he said “she’s gonna wetbar the sh*t out of this situation.” 🤣🤣
  15. Dying at Kody’s wetbar comment on the bonus scenes!!
  16. Same. And then when they put the wigs on for 80s night it was even worse.
  17. Brandon is a little pu**y. There. I said it. She looks downright frail and way older than her age.
  18. Oh man. I worked for Delta airlines for a short while. It was too far of a drive, an hour and a half each way, so I quit. Employees and family could fly free of charge, other than taxes and fees. She’s so lucky to be married to a pilot. Immediate Stand by status , over the rest of the Delta employees. Even those with 30 years of service. If it was me, I would fly all over. VA just wants to drink with her male friends. Ugh.
  19. I hope she is happily drinking her wine in her (owned solely by her) house. I like Christine.
  20. First, I think that saying Haley looks traumatized by the sex is....reaching. I’m a rape survivor and I don’t take this lightly. There’s been no mention of sex or rape here by Haley. F’ing Chris. On his phone and done with the conversation because it wasn’t going his way. My hubby and I are 50. We check in via text when we get to work etc. Not because it’s a controlling thing, it’s an anti-worry thing. I like to know he is safe at his destination and he likes to know the same about me. Also, we check in with each other about personal plans. Not asking permission, just bouncing it off each other to make sure it fits in with our plans. I think all this is just courtesy between a couple who truly operate 50/50.
  21. I saw that too. The roofs in the background.
  22. So. I’m trying to imagine being a swinger. I’m not an innocent; I’ve seen things online. But to walk in to a party, hoping to have a good time....and seeing mother and father Brandon, her with a feather and he with a whip.....uh. No thanks. Amira with her dead eyes, posing with that stiff neck, just loses me. And her dude, whatever his name is. Over them. Fake. Mike and Natalie. He’s so over it. Why did he bring her over here? Show money? I miss the early days of true couples’ stories.
  23. So I’m actually watching now. I shamefully feel a tiny bit of what Kodouche is saying about Meri. She loves trees. She doesn’t want a house in the trees. She doesn’t want to be by the road. She never said what she wants. Time to poop or get off the pot, Meri. Say what you want or it will be decided for you. This back and forth is a mind game, her power play. Ugh.
  24. Good Lord. Christine’s house just sold this episode? Come on. Let’s get with modern times. I have 30 years’ banking experience. I don’t know a single underwriter who would be legally allowed to approve a mortgage without future income certification. They must have a multi-year contract with TLC to make that happen. Mortgage laws are incredibly strict these days; unless it’s a private investor mortgaging them, they are not going to be approved unless they can guarantee continuation of income. The burst housing bubble of 2008/2009 changed these laws. Sub-standard loans are a thing of the past. I can’t imagine a private investigator bankrolling these idiots. Something had to be guaranteed on paper for mortgages and home equities. This episode. Mariah and Audrey are saints, apparently. Everyone loooooves them, and they looooove everyone and are perfect and wonderful and angelic. Blah.
  25. Sooo maaaaach this! Plus bs that she didn’t know he was wearing it. Girls know how it feels. Plus they smell like bandaids.
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