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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I feel like it’s weird. All of a sudden they are worried about the child brides and abuse etc. Back in the day, they ignored this to be all Rah Rah polygamy must be legal! It’s a huge turn for this season and one that always bugged me. Ugh. And Meri feels hopeful.
  2. Wait. So the Dargers live in Utah. They were on tv, Papa Joe has campaigned for polygamy. They didn’t get arrested or have to flee the state....
  3. I hate how he hangs his mouth open in a half smile, lower lip flapping, blank look on his face.
  4. Question...what are the black rocks making up that beach? Slate?
  5. Exactly. He’s an ass and turning it all back on her.
  6. Yes. Scent is everything to me. My hubby smells so good to me, just the scent of him. I dated a guy who, when he kissed me, I tasted pencil erasers. Every time. He was a big steak eater too....but even with freshly brushed teeth, erasers. 30 years later I can still taste it. Yuck. However, Hayley seems cold to me. Not at all soft or caring. Even her smile seems hard to me. And I think Jake is a cutie. He’s my type, smart and quiet and sweet, at least from what we are shown. Hopefully we will get some answers.
  7. Haley seems cold, she wants to do what she wants. Why would she sign up for this show? I feel bad for Jake. He’s trying. Clara is speaking what we all feel.
  8. I’m so over the stupid Chris crap. Oh he apologized. He’s a man of god. All hail Saint Chris. Poor baby. Ugh. I realize I am behind as I am just watching it now. How do these people not see through him?
  9. Right? I had zero kids....despite years of infertility treatment and IVF. At least she has one. And I’m not out here demanding a huge house. 2 bathrooms is my only ask, and a dishwasher. She loves that card. Ugh.
  10. So. All the back and forth about the million dollar mansion. Kodouche and Robyn were so uncertain about getting the home. Yet the mortgage guy calls and says their loan funded. Um, wouldn’t they have been approved, gone to closing and known they got the house? Isn’t it all said and done at closing? The loan won’t fund before closing. Legally it can’t. No signatures, no loan. Unless they went with some sort of private loan I guess? So they acted all worried for the cameras. What a crock. Also, I hate how they say “peeenk” instead of pink.
  11. Omg. All these years of “what do monogamists do????? Polygamy is the best!” Done in one fell swoop. Hubby and I were yelling at the tv. We were also yelling to watch out cuz Kody looks pissed.
  12. I’m watching the last season again. I am stressed lol. Meri saying she never said which place she wanted yet not saying what she wants is killing me. I mean my God. Say what you want. Ugh!!!!
  13. You know, I miss being able to go to the doctor. Of all things lol. My clinic is still video visits....I hurt my wrist and my tennis elbow is acting up. How would that work on a video visit? Plus my PVCs are way worse this last year....cardiology is taking emergency visits only, everything else is video. I hate people, I hate being touched lol, but geez....let me go to my dr who can manipulate my sore wrist and elbow. Ugh. I too am at a point where I don’t care much about catching COVID anymore. I work retail, Essential business, am exposed to hundreds of people a day. Always had negative tests. I am just SO OVER THIS. My in laws are mid 70s. They have been going out to breakfast or lunch or dinner pretty much daily, way more than they did pre-virus. They feel like they are stuck at home and MUST. GO. OUT. AND. DO. THINGS. At least they canceled their two months in Mazatlan.
  14. Same. I need the dentist. I need the eye doctor. I need the regular doctor for other things. I have had video visits, but they aren’t like getting real help. My main doctor and eye doctor and dentist aren’t seeing anyone in real life except emergencies. The appointments for even that are months out. I’m over it.
  15. I hate Cindy. What a victim. Ugh. Her stupid smile while her weight was checked, moaning and groaning while moving. Hate.
  16. I like Jacob. Maybe because my husband is an IT guy and is also reserved when he is uncomfortable. And I think Jacob is cute. It really bugs me, though, how he’s tagged as “Mr last chance for love”. The dude is 38, not 88. I am 50. I grew up in the 80s, and that was one mean era. Even the movies of the time were all about being mean to others. Blah. Good riddance to the 80s lol. I’m here for Virginia and Erik. ETA Subway probably declined to be mentioned on the show. Might hurt their brand.
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