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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I enjoyed this episode too! Loved Beth’s honest opinions. I almost didn’t watch but glad I did.
  2. So I’ve been watching, but only the PT episodes, not the actual episodes. I love it! So much funnier than the PG version on regular tv. Ed stresses me out with his worrying and hurrying. Can’t stand Brittney. I’m rooting for Danielle. Colt needs therapy. I don’t see why Vanessa stays with him. I mean, he’s clearly a sex addict, right?
  3. Shoot, you should see it here in Wisconsin. Our state no longer has a mask mandate, but businesses can still require it. Even the servers in our restaurants are maskless with no minimum capacity rules. And I’m only 20 minutes from the Minnesota border...Minnesotans are flocking here in droves. Our bars and restaurants are packed. I got the J&J one, about ten days before the clot news came out. I’m now a little over two weeks past and hoping I’m ok. I’m 50. It kicked my butt for about five days, but I worked the whole time (my job is not stressful, but it requires a ton of physical stuff, I think that helped.).
  4. Lol. I have a horse. Been a horseperson all my life. I know firsthand all about their flight instinct...and I think Vincent’s horse was being a booger while being led. I’ve been on many beach rides and most of those horses are used to doing what they want because all they experience are inexperienced riders. So he wasn’t wrong to build up anxiety while simply leading. But he didn’t have to punish Bri afterwards with his snotty self. That’s no bueno.
  5. I’m so worried about VAs cats. He is allergic and doesn’t want them in his house. My ex husband was like this. He was all “this is our new house, no cats allowed” while I had 2 cats. I won and my cats came along, but not after they spent weeks alone at our previous apartment. I am so stressed about this lol. And Vincent with the horse thing. I have a horse. Hubby and I, a few years ago, went on a beach ride. He was a good sport, not a baby like Vincent.
  6. Well, he wasn’t wrong about the privileged brat part 🤣
  7. My first husband had a terrible life threatening car accident. I stayed in a Ronald McDonald House. Everyone else staying there had tragic circumstances, with death in the picture. No one was there due to a scheduled surgery. It was all very bad cases of family members. It was a lovely experience, they really do it right. Janelle. Like my dog with a bone. Obsessing over conversations about communication. I wanted to scream at her to leave it be! Much bigger things going on here. She kept saying she wants to change her communication style but never gave real examples. Just nattered on about it. And fuck you Kody. Fuck you. Prime asshole. So supportive of Christine on the call...then hero to zero. Meri was so checked out in her folding chair, it was comical. Someone, maybe the Grand Poobah of Assholery, said there were scenes filmed by socially distanced film crew. No words for Ysabel. Poor thing. We are finally seeing his true colors, I bet he’s been this ugly all along. But hey, polygamy is great, folks!!! ETA didn’t Christine have some big fundraiser for Ysabel’s surgery?
  8. I think Jake wore those shorts as a joke, knowing it would be funny and ok. My husband is a joker and it’s totally something he would do, had he thought it would be ok. I mean, he once had a t shirt printed with a big picture of his boss’s face and wore it to a meeting. It was a big hit. I too would have been cracking up. Haley was just disgusted. I don’t see a problem with jeans and dress shoes though. I’m also team Jake on the bracelet thing. It’s just rude of her. She sent it home with her mom? Maybe I’m old, but a nice gift given by a spouse on a wedding day deserves to be treated as special. I also agree with the poster who said that a house trained dog who suddenly wakes you up in the middle of the night, then has another accident probably should be seen by the vet. VAs comment equating his combat ribbons to Boy Scouts...what an idiot. Not cute at all. But Erik can miss me with his comments about he knows what a marriage should be like. He’s way too rigid. He would drive me nuts.
  9. Ok, I’m old at 50. Heh. But who spends 450 a month on clothes???? Holy crap. Where do you even store so many clothes? Do you throw everything out/donate it every six months? I agree with the Last Chance Saloon comments. “Mr. Last Chance at Love?” Ugh. They are kids. And anyway I bet the women are coming out of the woodwork for Jake. He won’t be single long.
  10. I absolutely positively can not stand Kalani and Asuelo. I’d rather eat dirt than watch them.
  11. And he was so rude to his mom about her present. The Apple Watch got barely a reaction. I mean come on dude.
  12. Natalies dress looks blue from the back. And the people watching can’t see...their phones are up covering their faces as they film.
  13. This has got to be all put on for the show, right?
  14. Her hair, in the bun, is behind one ear but pulled tight over the other.
  15. Oh and I got my shot yesterday. Johnson and Johnson single dose. Had a fever last night and tired today, but so far so good.
  16. Andrew looks dirty. At least trim that nasty beard. Oh, and bathe.
  17. Apple Car Play!! I was a teenager in the 80s. It was awful, people were encouraged to be mean. See:all the movies of the times like Breakfast Club, etc. Being mean was cool. As an introverted smart teen, it was hell lol. I like Jake. I think he won’t have ANY problems finding someone after he’s been on tv. I agree with the poster who said Vinny moves like he’s uncomfortable in his clothes that are just a little too small. It would make me crabby too. As for Clara, it would be no bueno to me or my friends and family if my spouse was on tv blabbing about the lack of sex. I too cringe.
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