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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Man, things have changed since I was in college.
  2. And....gasp....the doctor might figure out that they are....gasp....polygamists!
  3. You’re awesome. Now I want banana bread. Warm, with butter. Yummmm
  4. Meowwww


    My niece lives in Portland. She says 99% of the city is normal, the news is way overblown. Also, it begrudges me to give them credit, (no pun intended hah) but they’re doing something right if they have good credit and money down for a new house. They are no longer first time homebuyers, and banks and mortgage companies are so tightly regulated these days that approvals are hard to come by.
  5. That’s my observation too from recently re-watching the earlier seasons. It’s gone so wrong, and now I understand the need for the new murder-mystery opening. The producers know what’s going on.
  6. 14563 steps so far today. I worked. It was slow so I moved approximately 60 30 lb bags of dogfood from end caps to the back stock area.
  7. Was brought down by a migraine yesterday. Worst aura I’ve had in a while, I get them a few times a year. Slept all day, literally. Woke up at 11. Migraine hit at 1. Slept from 3-6 then 7:30 till 9 am today. Blah.
  8. 12,148 steps today. Im off tomorrow and Saturday, so my steps will be about 3000. I will be motivated by you all to increase them.
  9. I also used to work for an airline. Even as a baby newbie, I lucked into first/business seats every once in a while. Shoot, when you have to fly around the country, taking 8 legs just to make it home (to Minneapolis lol) you luck out every once in a while. You also learn to work the app to get the prime seats.
  10. I am starting to be on Christina’s side just a bit. I feel like in real life, she gets by on her flirtatious personality. I even feel like she’s a good FA, she talks and seems like she can be warm. I think she’s over Henry. I think maybe she’s tried so much and is frustrated that he isn’t succumbing to her charms. Yes she’s bossy and yes she’s rude. But I kind of feel for her if I put myself in her shoes. I think she was giving Henry a taste of his own medicine when she didn’t come up with answers for his questions. Damn sure she knew the answers, but she’s over it and him.
  11. Yes! Even hubby commented on it. We are probably both old farts, but thought that if our new doctor came in the room looking like Wedding Amelia, we would be set back a bit. In that random TH, she looked professional.
  12. Japanese Taiso exercises! Quick and great fun! I was introduced to these in my Delta Airlines training classes at break time The whole class would do them together. What a hoot and they get your blood pumping There are a ton of them out there
  13. I agree. She’s always at Lizzie’s. Perhaps there’s a correlation between that and Mariah being quiet on her social media?
  14. Just posted on small talk... anyone have a Fitbit? Or other device that counts steps? We can do a challenge here, weekly or daily, for steps!
  15. I’m in! I have a physical-labor intensive job, but it’s not enough. Anyone else here have a Fitbit? Perhaps that’s a way of accountability?
  16. Agreed. They are not even a story. Ugh. Question. Mid-season finale, they’re back in October? Why is that? What are they going to show in between?
  17. Shoot, you can even go to Buckingham Palace and buy Buckingham Palace Preserves. 3rd party company. It’s normal. And it’s unappetizing to see their lack of hygiene and thinking about eating something they’ve made. Yuck.
  18. Erikee did a heck of a good impression of Larissa talking. Dude is in this only for his Only Fans money. The Andrei storyline...so fake for the show. It drags on and on. I wish he would snap and ask Chuck and Chucklet about their own records, on camera. Equalizer. Totally gunning for their own show. No way would Andrei’s friend agree to meet without telling Andrei. When the previews showed Pole bringing Karine to the water treatment plant, I thought “that’s where he will dump her body.” I am truly alarmed for her.
  19. Logan’s cute with his stache.
  20. That must be it. Doctors appointment, I have a 30$ copay that I pay up front. Labs, MRIs, xrays, holter monitor, surgery etc, there’s no up front payment. I have Healthpartners insurance, and it’s been great. I’m in western Wisconsin and my doctors are just across the border in Minnesota. The annual deductible is 100$ also paid up front at a doc appointment but never for the previously mentioned stuff. It’s all billed.
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