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Carrie Ann

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Everything posted by Carrie Ann

  1. I like Luke Mitchell, but something about his voice/manner makes him come across as younger than he is, to me. Maybe too young for someone
  2. Nah, the reason there isn't a spoiler/media thread with thousands of posts in the Flash forum is simply because that forum isn't as active: In this forum, posters pretty meticulously post every scrap we can find (thanks, friends), and much of it isn't network-created.
  3. I didn't see any Hawkgirl in that. Did I miss it? I think all the other costumes from the shows had at least a shot or two...
  4. One reason people might prefer movies to TV is the schedule/workload. Movies aren't a walk in the park, but the shoots only last a few months, usually. A series with a 16-22 episode order is basically 8-10 months of shooting with very, very long days/nights, plus any marketing/appearances you have to do in the other two months. Julianna Marguiles, for example, just said that there is no way she'd do another series like that again. Now, I do not personally believe that that is the reason NB wanted out of SH, just saying that there are reasons someone might feel that way, and not just out of Caruso-like ego that you're going to make it big.
  5. Yeah, this was really hack-y. The writers were trying to make it seem like the people under the dome were reasonable for wanting to be there--and to inspire Oliver to provide more hope to the city or whatever--but that falls flat because...they're basically loony-tunes Doomsday cultists complicit in the conspiracy to murder every living thing on the planet. They're not victims of DD, they're criminals. Fine, put the minors in protective custody and do a bunch of psych evals on them, but all the adults need to go to fucking prison. This episode was hard to evaluate on a quality level because I thought the tone was very off and I was unconvinced by basically every emotional beat, so, hmmm. I really think one squabble between Donna and Noah would have been more than enough, that "you're pregnant!!!!" scene needed to be cut entirely, the Curtis/Felicity "look at the parallels!!!" could also have gone. It's just typical Arrow, I guess, trying to wrap everything up at the very last moment when it's really not the appropriate time to do it. I would have been fine with any of that in some other episode, but not here, with the stakes at hand.
  6. Basically the only way they could have been worse to her is killing her and throwing her in a dumpster. I guess making her a meta balances out the other stuff?
  7. But even on Earth-1, only Barry and Cisco are not evil, right? And that girl who was blown up in an early S1 episode didn't seem so bad, but oh well.
  8. It's not about trivializing it in the pearl-clutching, 'oh the humanity,' sense, for me. It's...pretending a nuke is just a bigger bomb. This act would reshape the country, and have a huge impact globally. That entire densely-populated region would be evacuated, much of it in an essentially permanent way. Where do those millions of people go? Katrina refugees had a hard enough time and that was a few thousand, many of whom could eventually move back to LA. Does DC have to evacuate? What happens to the national/global economy? Does the whole country/world go into a state of panic? What happens then? Do we finally move toward disarmament, or the opposite? They could have selected any number of deaths that would have made DD incredibly powerful--just killing Laurel seemed to give him enough to make him pretty damn strong, so I would have believed that, say, 5,000 would have been plenty to make him god-like. So, yeah, I still don't think it had to be a nuke, and in terms of having a differentiating factor--ooh, a nuke, not just a regular ol' bomb!--my point is that I don't feel like the show is ultimately going to address it that way, so then what is the point? Any ol' bomb killing a bunch of people would have been enough to rock Felicity's world and provide the necessary motivation for the team and whatever government forces might suddenly decide to GAF about this. Didn't need to be the kind of bomb that has only been dropped twice in history and leads to the kind of long-term consequences this show doesn't care about (and I don't WANT it to care about). It doesn't fit with the scale of the show, or of the fight so far. That's a Justice League storyline, maybe, not an Arrow storyline. JMO. But hey, maybe the fallout from this bomb will be completely central to the S5 storyline and beyond, in which case, okay! Otherwise, I wish they would get a handle on how to write drama on a more reasonable scale. I mean, where TF do you go from nuclear bombs, right?
  9. I thought all the BTS pictures with someone in a BC costume were Atlin Mitchell, but I could definitely be wrong.
  10. She might be, but I hope it's as herself, and not in her BC costume.
  11. Now that Laurel has been publicly outed as BC, it wouldn't make much sense to me for Oliver to want Baby Canary to show up to inspire people (or to show up to a huge battle at all when she's a minor). Everyone would know it was a copycat, which seems like, if anything, could maybe inspire people to become vigilantes themselves someday? I don't think they would want to do that, when most people wouldn't be qualified and would end up getting killed (like the real BC herself--ironic!). I'm still clinging to hope that the "BC" we see in the finale is simply a vision, and the reason they used the stunt double and not KC herself was because of awkwardness (and possibly $$--not really sure how that all shakes out when a series regular is killed off and exits at E19) and because they don't really need her to say anything to Oliver.
  12. This was what I was trying to say. I understand how this action will serve certain purposes, like DD powering up and Felicity feeling major guilt and trauma, but I don't think it needed to be a nuke. Two have been dropped in the history of the world on populated areas. This is too big for this show at this moment, IMO, and I just feel irritated at the writers for being such hacks sometimes. Basically.
  13. Right, and basically 20 miles in any direction from most inland cities (especially cities with millions of residents, like Monument Point apparently) is suburbia. She could have moved it in any direction and the result would have been the same, just a different suburb name. The more I sit with this episode, the more I dislike the nuke thing in the first place. As DR said at the con this weekend, Arrow shouldn't be dealing with nukes. That's just not the scale of the show, and it shouldn't be, IMO. If it were a crossover with all the Flarrowverse involved, then maybe. But this is just too much. It's too big and too drastic for this show to handle, and the amount of drama and story you should get out of a nuke will be wasted here. To me, it seems like what they are going to get out of it is more motivation to defeat DD (unnecessary) and possibly actual assistance from the government for once (the only important piece, if this actually comes to pass), maybe some changes to ARGUS going forward, and then trauma/guilt for Felicity. You could have accomplished that with a regular bomb, not a nuke, and your viewers wouldn't be just rolling their eyes as you completely ignore the huge repercussions for the affected region, country, and whole world after a nuclear bomb was dropped. (I know DD's plan involves nukes, but this could have just been the test run for that, or something.) And because I've watched this show before, I know they will basically ignore those things after a few episodes. Had it dropped somewhere near SC, then maybe we would see more of that, but it's all the way across the country. It just makes it all so pointless. I wish these writers understood how to ramp up drama without just going for the absolute biggest/worst/most melodramatic thing they can imagine.
  14. Well, to be fair, he didn't actually insult Felicity or shout about his dislike for her. He liked some tweets that insulted her, but appears not to have read any of them very closely. That's still on him, but the unprofessional thing is crossing his arms and saying he's going to take his toys and go over to The Flash because a few fans jumped on him about this. If the EPs were saying something about it, then fine, but if you can't take some fans giving you crap then get off social media/out of the business. Man, I can't believe he's still such a baby after so many years.
  15. If so--sorry! Maybe we need like a quick tipsheet at the top of this thread or that one.
  16. Ooh, great point! We know that he looks a lot like Ray, because there was a bust of him in the future PT building. So yeah, maybe it won't be Sidney. Still seems dumb to me to throw another rando CEO at PT when they've intro-ed the Sidney thing, but that casting call does make me feel like "James" isn't Sidney, and maybe isn't involved with PT at all.
  17. (From the Hopes/Fears thread) If the James guy IS the new CEO, then I feel like that would have to be Sidney Palmer, right? Why else would they bring that up on LoT? I DNW that, of course--no thank you to any more Palmers on Arrow and BIG no thank you to redoing anything related to S3--but it wouldn't make sense to me to bring in a new character to be CEO of PT and not have it be Sidney. My preference would be that Felicity just works on her own stuff for awhile, and we don't hear about PT except in passing sometimes.
  18. Responding in the spoilers thread because I think those might be spoilers?
  19. I think she probably meant "murky," not milky. (She makes little malapropisms like that pretty regularly.)
  20. God bless you. I shipped Clintasha after the first Avengers because I'm easily led with ships--and especially with movies because what's the point?--and JW obviously wrote them with romantic overtones. No clue why he reversed course there, but I think I started shipping Steve/Nat after the Clint's family reveal (and honestly, Renner's offscreen persona turned me off too) and was an immediate No on Bruce, and I saw someone mention S/N in a romantic way and I was like, oh. Yes. That's the one for me. I could go into ways the ship appeals to me for many of the same reasons O/F does, but I will spare everyone else. ;)
  21. Olivia de Havilland and her sister Joan Fontaine. I feel like Ryan Murphy would have fun with this kind of thing:
  22. Not just you. Every mention I've seen of it has been opposed. Some because of the familial tie, some because But for me, it also just comes down to the fact that Chris Evans seems to have chemistry with every other scene partner, male or female, but it's just not there with Emily Van Camp. (You know who it IS there with? Scarlett Johannson. WHY LORD am I alone on this CapWidow ship??? Why are they both stuck in pairings with no chemistry, when they seem able to create it almost anywhere else? *weeps for wasted potential*)
  23. While I know MF has undergone several cosmetic "enhancements," it's also possible that she's looking a little...wonkier right now because of that AND the fact that she's pregnant. (Many women's lips and noses swell or widen during pregnancy.) Just sorta throwing that out in the universe because I want it to be true and am hoping that whatever she did can be undone with time. Also totally agree that they have uncomfortable chemistry. I hope it works better in the movie, not that I will ever watch it.
  24. Yeah, to me there wouldn't be anything surprising about her determining that she is a Queen, since she had that "Robert was my father" moment a few episodes ago. And the only slightly surprising thing that could happen down that route would be for her to decide to hang up the suit, but that seems repetitive to Oliver's choice in S3, and in contradiction with her discussion with Felicity in 417. But who knows? Maybe she will decide the cost is too high and she wants a real life. Just doesn't seem like much of a "schism" and I think there's more drama to be mined from her going off with Malcolm at the end of the season. No, this honestly never happened onscreen that I recall. Anyone else?
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