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Bugfrey Von

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Everything posted by Bugfrey Von

  1. I don't think that Marissa can have it both ways. She can't be on the edge of sanity, and then jet off to New York without her infant daughter. I don't know. I can't get behind her. I hope that everything works out for her, postpartum depression is a bitch, but there is so much about her that I can't stand. When Caroline Stanbury was making her toast, Marissa was making little heart eyes at her. Then when it came to her talking head, all she had for Caroline is hatred and harsh words. I don't like the duplicity. Caroline Fleming should tape her voice and listen to it over and over again because it is obviously the most dulcet and soothing thing in the world to her. Jeez, she just thinks she is the most precious thing to ever walk God's green earth. How anyone can tolerate her is baffling. She must be really really really really really really really rich. Julie is just stupid. I can't believe that she thinks that taking over Mapperton and all its TEA TOWEL DUTIES is the hardest thing she's ever had to do. What a delightfully privileged rich white woman complaint. She drowns in half a glass of water. She needs to take up charity, or something. Something that helped her realize how unbelievably unimportant and trite her complaints are in the grand scheme of things. What can I say about that little rodent Juliet that hasn't been said already? Outside of the complete and utter vitriol that I feel toward her, I sincerely hope that no one close to her ever succumbs to depression. She is an idiot and I hope that the show is the last anyone ever hears of her. I hope that she and her tacky blog fade into obscurity, because she is completely and totally wasting space. Bitch, bye.
  2. YES. Yes yes YES! The show is called "Married by Mom and Dad", not "Vapid dodo decides whether you're worthy of marriage after reviewing your stock portfolio". (...although to be honest, I'd probably watch that trash, too.) Dad actually struck me as kind of a jerk. I didn't like that he took the dudes shooting to scare (?) potential suitors. Guess what, dude? That sweet little angel you're protecting probably needs less help than these dudes' bank accounts once your silly daughter gets her "traditional" hands on them. There is undoubtedly a type of man that would love to have this young thing on his arm, at a price. Someone should tell this girl that she is fully capable of supporting herself through her own merit and skills - and that people who marry for money have to earn every penny.
  3. I could go the rest of my life without hearing captain glottal fry's voice. That girl is insufferable. It's a shame, considering her mom seems pretty decent.
  4. Yes, good Lord! I have no idea what it is with people trying to get married to a "Great Gatsby" themed wedding. Do you like the 1920s? Have a 1920s themed wedding! Have they read the book? It doesn't exactly end very well for Gatsby. Also, I don't remember a moron in a red tuxedo, but I haven't read the book in a while so there's that. I think his dad is very sweet and has great intentions, but his mother thinks that he hung the moon and she is just as obnoxious as he is. Fucking man child. Also, and this is petty as hell, but the wedding planner that he fucked (proudly), was ratchet as hell. Someone should tell him that if he's going to act like such a diva, he needs to be better looking. I would say that Ursula could do better, but she's not exactly rubbing me the right way either. The blonde girls husband and his "best friend" (another young, blonde girl) kind of set off signals for me. She seems the most normal of the bunch, but her mom and her sticky sweet southern down talk just doesn't do it for me. She'll "Bless your heart!" while sticking a knife in your back. No, thank you. Her dad seems simple. Why doesn't the girl with the red streaks just say that she wants a sugar daddy? Why doesn't she just come out and say it? Listening to her talk is like a mental game of taboo. The word you can't say is MONEY! It would be so much easier for everyone involved. I love how she talks about her dad being traditional type, but they have to wait on Mom's job to give her leave so she can take part in this debacle. SO TRADITIONAL. OH-KAY. Also, please wear a bra when your dad is around. My God.
  5. I was pretty impressed by Caroline F's handstand. That's probably the nicest thing I'll ever be able to say about her.
  6. Good Lord! So true! I'm glad that Marissa and the baby are OK of course, but I cannot stand her simpering, meek "oh me oh my!" wide-eyed bullshit. She's got a knife behind her back and she's ready to use it. I wouldn't trust her in a dark alley. Also, I see you with those little "slips" into Brit. Madonna did it better. And yes god YES, SAVE MAPPERTON! Because God knows that those thousands of dollars every year couldn't be used to help children or families in need in the area. The gardens must be kept! The bushes must be perfectly cylindrical! WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE ROSES? Julie is seriously one of those people that drowns in half a glass of water. She can bounce anytime now. Buh-bye. I can't wait to see Juliet's little rat face throughout the course of the season. Who will she latch onto this time!?
  7. My God, Caroline Fleming loves the sound of her own voice. She loves the way her hair looks in the sun, she loves the twinkle in her eye. She probably spends hours in front of the mirror practicing expressions and blowing kisses at herself. She would drink her own bathwater if she could. Seriously, one of the most obnoxious and self promoting douche bags in the history of reality TV. I don't think that she has any idea how she comes off, and it's mind-boggling. Although, I will say, she can party and look amazing. Juliet should take note because she look like she been run over by a semi at the end of the night while Caroline looked fresh as a daisy. And Juliet, that fucking remora. She would hang out with a turd if she thought it would up her status. Pathetic.
  8. Jeez, Danielle is such a damn fool. I understand feeling lonely, but she is making the same mistakes over and over again. This is going to sound mean, but every time she does that ratchet school girl giggle that she does, my blood boils. Her poor children.
  9. It has taken me a few days after watching this travesty to become articulate enough to comment. It makes me sad that we are watching a show where in the main character slowly (humiliatingly, excruciatingly) dies with every episode. I have always maintained that Quitney is intelligent. She seemed like a funny person who at first, was making her situation work for her. I appreciated her hustle. As the show has progressed, friends and family who at one point begged for her to lose weight have taken a big gulp of her "no shame" Kool-Aid and have gone from being supporters to sycophants. Her friends are in it for the ride. The fame is intoxicating, Buddy is an aspiring comedian (who has gained at least 30 lbs since the end of last season) and Todd and Tal are probably just fame whores, but I don't understand her parents. Her mother (whose "charm" has always completely missed me) obviously adores her and her father desperately clings to any hope of her losing weight. They can't have it both ways. You can't want your child to live a full and dignified life, participate in a fake funeral and then "support" her fat-loving life where she can't even put her own damn shoes on. Those things are mutually exclusive. The comedienne is not my cup of tea personality-wise, but the all out attacked that was staged toward her was repulsive and against everything that Quitney stands (sits) for. I don't know who that asshole host was, but if Kerryn does fall off the wagon, she is partially responsible. That kind of character attack would be hard for a non-addict to take, let alone someone who is fresh in their recovery. That is shameful and probably one of the worst things I've ever seen on reality television.
  10. Dude, I am so sorry but Luann such a super asshole. I can't even believe some of the things that come out of her mouth. The camera is the worst thing for her personality ever.
  11. Oh my gosh! This is brilliant! He did marry his sex idiot. Unfortunately, his sex idiot is not only an absolute moron, but a condescending douche bag. She's one of those types of people that you actively root against. She is just disgusting. And the way that she talks about her maid makes me cringe and sick to my stomach. Imagine the things that she says off of camera if she thinks that the things that she is saying make her "cute". She probably routinely dresses up in blackface and pretends to be Al Jolsen. So cute!!!! I noticed that weird thing about her face too, but after some serious scrutiny under the HD TV, I realize that she just need some serious help with her foundation. Whoever is doing her make up hates her, and rightfully so. I love it!
  12. It's been forever since I posted about anything, but I had to say something about Whitney and her eating. The way that she shoveled that cake in was terrifying. I think that with this whole nobody shame campaign, she has lost herself. She is constantly lying to herself and people around her. I've always thought that deep down, beyond the realm of this stupid show, she's probably a pretty pleasant and nice person, but this persona that she has taken on and the platform she has chosen could not be worse for her health. I don't think that the comedian was particularly funny. I think that her approach was kind of shitty, but the truth is that Whitney does not portray the life of a happy person. Again, the comedian was harsh and her approach, but deep down I think that she might have been coming from a place of understanding as an alcoholic. She lives addiction every single day, and she thinks that fat people have a serious addiction to food. I think ultimately, she came at Whitney the way that she probably wishes that folks had talk to her when she was deep in her own sickness. That approach does not work for everyone, nor does it help when you make light of it in your act. I don't know. I had really high hopes for the show at one point, even though Whitney hasn't always been my glass of sweet tea. I can only hope that she sees that she does in fact, have a food addiction. I hope she watches the footage of her eating the cake and notices how her eyes glaze over and she disconnects. This is not the behavior of someone who claims to have a relatively normal relationship with food.
  13. I just saw this episode and I have to agree wholeheartedly with this assessment. Although I can completely understand the stress of having a special needs child, there was a childish delight that Dottie took when eating her pizza in front of her sister and showing her that she can do whatever she wants now! Her husband seemed positively terrified of her. He did try to curb some of her eating when he brought over that bag of chips and asked her how much she wanted, but she quickly nipped that in the bud when she told him "I don't need you to dole out my serving." Positively shitty behavior. As for her cheese salad, it reminds me of this time that I went to a restaurant that had a "healthy" option salad advertised that had fried chicken, 2 types of cheese, croutons, fried onions, bacon and ranch dressing on a bed of iceberg lettuce. At the time, a boggled my mind that this would be healthy in anybody's mind, but seeing Dottie's take on health, I can see that they definitely have a niche market. I sincerely hope that she can get her life in order for the sake of her children, she's going to have to stop using food reward her self and punish her mother for being absent throughout the course of her early life.
  14. Emily is an asshole. A straight up jerk. If Mitch wasn't in on her great scheme to become yet another reviled reality tv dumbass, then she really is disgusting to go through this whole charade with his parents and wedding. Of course she didn't want to tell her parents. They would have been so disappointed that their kid was pimping herself out for minimal exposure on a basic cable network. ::SIDE EYE:: I hope that frozen face April and super sexy horny, not AT ALL abusing viagra dad are happy with their choice. His mom called it. She was never comfortable with Emily's secretive nature. Chandler dodged a bullet. Easter island head John wanted the yoga office assistant, not a seemingly independent person with whom he had NO chance of coercing into another reality show spin off. Maybe Emily should consider relocating. I felt for his parents. His dad was very candid when he said that both he and his (adorable) wife took time out of their real lives and jobs to participate in this bullshit that John had no intention of going through. Methinks that this dude, being one of 9 kids, thought his parents owed him this special snowflake time to help further his career in film. And speaking of special snowflakes, Christina is one of a kind, but not in the way she thinks. She came off as incredibly immature throughout this whole process. Didn't she have enough teddy bears to stand as bridesmaids and guests to throw herself a million pretend weddings? It was PAINFULLY obvious that all of this rigmarole was for a wedding and a spotlight for her dancing skills. I bet a million billion dollars she becomes a wedding planner after this - specializing in wedding dances! Tom is just giddy he got hisself a purty woman. Geez Louise, what a shit show! Edited to add: Mitch's friend dropped the ball. If he is indeed not gay, he should have come to his defense MUCH sooner, and not dilly dallied with that "He's just not a macho bro" shit. He made it seem like he wasn't 100% sure either.
  15. My God, I love this! RC Charter, are you me??? It was Jeremy's time to go. Why he hasn't been kicked out yet is beyond me. His flavorless risotto was enough to send him a-packin' IMO. Marjorie is just so dang monotone and joyless. Talented but goddamnit girl, it's not your food vs the world! Isaac is the twin of a guy I went to high school with. Mad into Pokemon and video games, very intense and opinionated about the stuff he really liked. Kind of a pill in the "geez dude, RELAX, you're talking about pikachu, not the assassination of the archduke Ferdinand, goddamn." kind of way, but a good guy overall. Fell head over heels in love with my friend and started calling himself her boyfriend before she even knew his last name, but again, a good dude. I like that he hasn't let the snobby bullshit snubs from the other chefs get to him. Shows lots of character. Team Issac!
  16. I just saw this episode and I am agog at Tom's attitude. The dude acts like he is so over this gig. If that's the case, he should seriously bounce. His grimacing and sighing and eye-rolling really makes the show unpleasant. I have never really understood the process in which they choose the guests for these restaurants, but I'd venture a guess and say they are not paying for their meals. That said, my god what an obnoxious bunch of shits they chose for this round of restaurant wars. That guy snarking on the lack of alcohol in his complementary drink? Just shitty. Padma was positively GIDDY at the prospect at being cruel to a server. She really flourishes with the opportunity to be mean. She was glowing while tearing down the losing team, more than usual. I've never really gotten the vitriol toward Philip. He's tone deaf and awkward, but I think he is mostly harmless. Kinda like the guy who makes weird comments in class while everyone rolls their eyes type of harmless. I find Marjorie, with all of her obvious talent, to be MUCH more obnoxious. I wanted to reach into the screen and smack her when she was so pointedly ignoring Issac. I was thrilled when he won.
  17. I am willing to bet that part of the agreement that deigns a woman with a relationship with sun-damaged Rob is a requirement for a new set of bolt on boobs. He just seems like the type to pony up the dough for fake titty balls and play it off as a present. He is a ridiculous man child. The circumstances of his relationship with his ""Persian princess" (BARF) were shocking to any culture. I don't blame her sisters for not attending the wedding because to be quite honest, this marriage is not going to last long. Rob tallys up "slights" and WILL tear Tara away from her family. Big baby needs to be #1!!! Didn't he mention not having contact with his mother? Now, I think that distancing oneself from a parent that is narcissistic or harming is one thing, but methinks that the reason that Rob doesn't talk to his mom is probably over a perceived slight, i.e. - She didn't get him the clown he wanted for his 39th birthday party. It really made me sad to see Tara's mom crying, but this is a situation that her daughter has created through her manipulation and deception and out right terrible choices.
  18. I read once that during the early 1900s (The Gilded Age), rich New Yorkers would throw "hobo parties" where in the guests all came dressed in rags, and there were half smoked cigars throughout the room and people ate dinner out of cans. It was a hoot! You know, to make fun of the poors that we're probably outside of the window at that point freezing or starving to death. This is kind of what this challenge reminded me of. Can you imagine how much better it would've been if they would've taken the food that they were going to feed those bloated rich people and actually taken it to the LA food bank? Mind. Blown. And if there is one thing in the entire world that I hate more then maybe anything is outright waste. I always disliked that Hugh eyebrows guy because I think that he is a highfalutin asshole, but when he threw that piece of meat, I could feel my blood pressure going up. How disgusting, to throw food at a banquet for people who have nothing to eat. Way to go dickhead.
  19. bichonblitz: Tara needs to ease up on the sexual dynamo BS. Ain't no way she's ever gonna convince me that troll of a husband of hers is blowing her mind in the sak. Is she trying to make us believe she's bi now? Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that I think she's full of shit and trying way to hard to be a rebel. Go away, girl. Her Persian mommy and daddy must have disowned her after watching this show. Yes! So much yes! They have absolutely zero sexual chemistry. When they were kissing on the beach, it looked so freaking forced. Reminded me of one time when I went to my mother-in-law's house and she made a meal that I was not into AT ALL, but forced it down anyway because I wanted to be polite and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Yum! This is so good! Delicious! Yes, I will take another serving!" There is no heat or spark between them at all. And Tara being into women? Sure. The way she talks about it reminds me of those girls during freshman and sophomore years of college who make out in front of guys in order to turn them on. Way to set back the LGBTQ community back a thousand years, ass. You're gonna get "fris-kaaaaay"? Cringing, Tara. You fucking made me cringe. On my couch. In my home. Ug. I felt kind of bad for her dim friend Tai. She was kind of being presented as a gift for Captain Skin Damage. I think that Tara suffers from special snowflake syndrome to the nth degree. Her story about buying short shorts against her parents wishes so fucking pointless and boring. Who the fuck hasn't done something like that, and is this really the pinnacle of your rebellion stories? jennylauren123: I loved Tara saying how great the sex is, and then the camera shows us Rob's short little calves on the beach. To each her own. This made me ugly laugh. Edit: quote function is acting weird!!!!
  20. Oh my God! I have to agree with almost your entire post, except for the part about carrots - only when they're raw! Jason such a bitter beer face the entire time he was on the show! Oh! You wear different types of shoes and clashing colors? How different and original of you! Maybe you could try being a nice person. Or even smiling every once in a while. Even though he was worlds more pleasant during last chance kitchen, he couldn't help but make a nasty comment about Angelina's food not being as good as his. Dude, a little humility goes along way. Really hope he doesn't last much longer.
  21. So much to say about this rachet ass episode. Yandi needs to worry about her life and her man going to prison and stop pretending that she is a producer. Are we supposed to fall behind the line that she is a business maverick now? Girl stop. I was giggling throughout the entire scene with Peter and Amina at the piano store. You can practically hear him poking her and whispering "Play FASTER" so that he could get down her track on the piano in that store. Mole (typo and it stays) really thinks she's cute. I know that she is wealthy, but my God, can dad not spring for a full facelift or something? A veil? A burka? Something? That scene with Self and Rich and Pap at the pool hall was sad. It reminded me of two dirty uncles trying to give their nephew the "women be trippin'" spiel. He needs to stay as far away as possible from those two dingbats as humanly possible. They are miserable, lonely old men that will end up alone. Why listen to anything that comes out of their collective, herpes-riddled mouths? I did not like the scene with Lexi and Rah. I agree with the above poster who said that it seemed like a pimp meeting with her hooker. They've looked like ghetto ass Carmen Sandiegos in their matching hats. Lexi was embarrassing as hell at that studio session with that French person. I really had to fast forward to that scene. Tara is disgusting. Peter is gross and dirty footed and pathetic, but the truth is that EVERYONE knows it. Peter got two women pregnant? It wasn't that to women willingly laid down with him, without protection mind you, and got pregnant together? No, Tara is an innocent victim in all this!! You mean having unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy? That's nuts! What hasn't anybody alerted the surgeon general? And I have to also say what everyone else on this form has said: Tara, he is NEVER going to marry you. He's never going to wife you. He is just not that into you. And the truth is that being the wife of the type of man is not that great a deal. Just ask Amina.
  22. I think that you bring up a lot of interesting points. I love a good discussion, especially because my husband flat out refuses to watch this drivel and I'm left alone stewing in my thoughts. :) First of all, I have to give Rob an ENORMOUS credit for getting clean. It is not an easy road and it requires a great deal of strength of character. I also understand that for some people, recovery requires an intense, almost laser like focus on sobriety. For Rob, part of that focus is the constant reminder that he can lose everything he has worked for, namely his material wealth. My problem with him is that everyone has to fall in line to his line of thinking, there is no give or wiggle room. He has villainized a set of people that seem to be incredibly decent toward him, especially considering the fact that their daughter slept with him and abandoned her four-month old marriage. There is no ethnic group in the world that I think would be OK with that. Sure, they could be acting for the camera is, but it doesn't seem like it. I haven't seen her family treat him in a way that was rude, or obnoxious. They want to include him in their Persian traditions, and her mother even playfully offered to teach him Farsi! Instead of thinking to himself, "Huh. Perhaps my 28-year-old woman-child wife has exaggerated her parents influence on her life and our relationship", he is going to make her choose between them. Mark my words. Although I think he is a total douche bag, the real fault lies in Tara. As I mentioned before, I think that she reveled in her role as a victim and doesn't know how to change her story without leaving her relationship with Rob. She has drawn herself into a corner, so speak. I really don't think that her parents have any need of Rob's money. They seem fairly well off, and I think that paying their cell phone bill is more of a gesture of anything else. They don't seem to be hurting for cash. Just my two cents!
  23. I know that Craig is really annoying with his spending and his messy ways, but he reminds me so much of my late golden retriever that I have to forgive him. I swear to God, whenever she would poop on the rug or eat something she wasn't supposed to, she would give me the same face that Craig is giving Brandon. I kind of love him. Young Rob is a super asshole. He has no idea how to fight appropriately, and the only child excuse only go so far. He is downright cruel. Also, LOL at his "beats". Is he serious with that shit? Tara and Rob. Where to start? I think that when they first started going out, Tara demonized her parents. She told Rob that they were adamantly against their coupledom, and that they wanted her to reconcile with her husband - which, I think is a very reasonable request, especially after four months. She reveled in her victim role, and he saw himself as her savior. Now, she is over fighting with her parents and wants him to forget all the shit she talked about them. But he is petty, and small, and will not forgive perceived insults. Maybe instead of playing on her phone, she should have listened to the things that his "meditations" were stating. I heard the words money, luxury, wealth. Instead of focusing on mindfulness and overall mental well-being, he worships at the altar of the almighty dollar. Is she surprised that he doesn't want her parents to get any of his money? Is it shocking that he is bitching about what *might* be a $200 bill for cell phones every month? Tara is a moron. She doesn't know the greedy little watch Gollum that she married AT ALL. He will never ever forgive her parents, even if they come begging at his door with his $10,000 and a belated wedding present.
  24. I legit thought Adonis said his new business was selling internet strippers. I assume he said "streamers" (?) Poor dude and his toofusesss. What a mess these couples are this season!
  25. Also, the doughnut on Lexi's head during the maxi dress extravaganza of ratcheteria was mad distracting. How can you let someone put breakfast food on your head without a fight?
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