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Bugfrey Von

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Everything posted by Bugfrey Von

  1. Both of you took the words right out of my mouth. Ed is the perpetual “nice guy”, he’s built a brand around being an “aww, shucks, just making the best out of what god gave me, gee whiz” all the while being a true asshole to women. I think we found out all we needed to know about Ed when he said he cheated on his ex wife. There you have it. I also find it really telling that he felt that he could give Rose the dregs and she’d be satisfied. I found it UNBELIEVABLY refreshing that she shut him down hard, in a language that’s not her own at that.
  2. Watching Jeff get rejected is just the kind of boost I needed during these awful times! Varya should be counting her lucky stars there was a camera crew there, he looked like he was ready to backhand her.
  3. Pauline has no internal monologue. She cannot stop giving herself ass pats for the most minute things. Poor Dillion. Hear me out. I think he has a lot of potential. He needs to have the surgery with Dr. Now and maybe see a chiropractor to help him with posture. New haircut, mini-makeover, boom. Eligible bachelor. What are the chances of Pauline being a good mother in law?
  4. I knew David was going to be a shit to his girlfriend from the first scene. He walked ahead of her, didn’t open doors, made her carry leftovers, didn’t even make eye contact....what an asshole saying what he did about her...that at his size he took what he could get....I can’t imagine how hurtful and humiliating that must have been for her to hear. He’s flying high now, and I don’t wish anything bad for him obviously, but he’s gonna have to answer for how he treated that woman. It must’ve been pretty bad if it caused a rift between him and his brother. I wonder what the real story is with Jimmy.
  5. So is this the last episode of the season? In the opening credits, there’s a woman being helped up by EMT that I don’t think we’ve seen yet. This season was a dud without a doubt. Too many sad sacks, but still - please don’t get rid of my 600 lb life! It’s all we have! 🤪😂
  6. Jeez, Ed really thinks he's something special to make this girl jump throughout hoops to have taste of his tiny friend. Sideshow Erica and the youtube chick are boring and fabricated as shit. The arbitrary use of the face mask is obnoxious as shit. She can barely keep her eyes off the camera while she's meeting this chick for the first time. I cannot tolerate the glottal fry, good god. Jeffery or whatever the fuck his name is looks like he's dying to flip the table and start hitting girls. I hope to god this dummy is not with him anymore. How dare he act affronted when he is a lying criminal with a history of beating women. TLC really shit the bed with this guy. Freaking sociopath. He's actually scary. His neck was all red. I really think he would have hit her if the cameras weren't on. He was going to go after that poor dude that didn't want to be there. How could they let this guy on television? Baby girl Lisa is just ridiculous. I'm kind of surprised we didn't catch her going off to eat a cigarette in anger. Tom and Darcy. Tom wanted to come back on to show the world that he does NOT look like Bunsen Honeydew's assistant! Darcy's lip injections are practically in her nostrils. Good god, woman.
  7. Eh, I can't get on board with the Big Ed love. I find him to be of the mind that Rose has to earn his time, and ::swallows barf:: sexy time with him. Shades of Pole. No one in his right mind can think that someone 31 years younger and worlds out of his league is NOT with him for the pesos. You marry for money, you have to earn every penny. Conversely, when payday comes, you better have the checks ready, boss. Youtube and the glottal fry and the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike try-hard bedroom eyes and liiiiiiiike sexual stuuuuffffff and liiiiiiiiiiike pumpkin spiiiiiice and liiiiiiiiiiike youtubuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is a commercial for her youtube page. Someone with her condition shouldn't be flying with her ass and titties out. Airplanes are cold! Full of germs! And she was wearing her mask wrong getting on the plane.....and she didn't have the mask on in the plane....because germs stop at the terminal? What the fuck? Geffrey, Joffrey whatever....he creeps me out with his fake enthusiasm and crazy crazy eyes. He looks inches away from freaking out every time he doesn't get his way. Don't talk back, Varya! Baby girl Lisa thinks of herself as some sort of music mogul. Her attempt to use youthful language is cringey as hell. Mooooooooooom, stop talking about my phone blowing up, GOSH! What does Solja boy think of when he's being manhandled by Lisa? The statue of liberty?
  8. Freaking nailed it. Influencers. People are DUMB.
  9. I'll be honest, I've been slacking this season. I just sat down and started to watch the Darcy moments. I honestly feel terrible saying too much about it because I feel that there is some serious dysmorphia happening with both sisters. Stacy looks INSANE. INSANE. I just want to take a rag and wipe down both of their faces, BURN those synthetic muppet abomination wigs and give them a cup of hot tea and lock them in a room until all their fillers die down. It's not even funny at this point. You've got to really dislike yourself to look in the mirror and say, you know what would look good? Hemorrhoid lips and polyester hair. Let's also add some tanner and apply it via paintbrush. PERFECT. Also, Tom looks like Beaker from the muppets, no matter how much he pouts or smizes in his pictures. Baby girl Lisa. You know, I honestly worry sometimes about the mental health of everyone around me, because of what I do for a living and because my parents are getting older and phone scammers and internet scammers are rampant....but if I was a bacon bit of a woman convinced that a young man with even the tiniest modicum of fame was madly in love with me....I hope someone I love would put me in a nice padded cell and throw away both the key and my access to the outside world. I don't mean to be cruel, but good God, Lemon. Tattooed lady and Ash. I mean, she wants a hot piece and does not give a fuuuuuuh about anything else. The guy is a relationship coach? Sure he is. In this day and age, people can call themselves lots of things and anyone willing to drink the kool-aid will happily follow along. Mayo Ed. Condom Ed. Lost packages Ed. I feel for him, but he cheated on his wife, and is trying to get together with a person younger than his child, so fuck him. Yolanda. Wrong show. Call Nev and Max. The thought that she is in charge of the family finances is scary for me...I wonder what it's like for her kids...
  10. Yes, the food waste made me ill. Sicker than all the belching and farting. Also, is Michael trying to play the simple card, or....
  11. Late to the party on this but I could have written these same sentiments, right down to the elf voice. The chick he was shaking up with LEFT and he went over to fetch Tami, who he KNEW would be easy pickings. He’s a user, just like Gross Gilbert. I echo everyone’s sentiments in that those two lumps should have been the first skin removals these two should have considered.
  12. I am So. Excited. for this dumpster fire. Sooooo many unlikable people. I’m champing at the bit!
  13. That little boy breaks my heart. I just feel like crying when he talks about wanting to snuggle with Anny, someone he just met. He's such a sweet little boy who needs structure and love.
  14. What an intelligent assessment. All I hear when Caesar talks is clown music, but it’s like that old anecdote, both of them know what she is, they’re just haggling over price at this moment.
  15. YES. Honestly, it should have been all over for her when she assaulted Michael and her daughter was jailed for being a fucking sex offender. She's insane. Also, just as a side note (I'm watching the episode bit by bit bc I can only handle finite amounts of bullshit before my eyeballs start to hurt from rolling.....) but Avery needs to chill with the advice giving. You're 19. Calm down. I giggle thinking about her brother saying how she'd sneak meat upstairs when she was a "vegetarian". Classic Avery. Caesar and that jean jacket. Tragic. Maria can get it. A fool and his money are soon parted and if not her, then some other catfish. Did anyone catch his tiny tiny tiny TINY tie in that video he sent to her telling her he looked sexy? I might actually like Caesar. Shit.
  16. Gah, gas lighting Jesse sucks so fucking hard. I'm sure Darcy is a pill, but fuck off already. Take your Osh Gosh B'gosh vest with you. I giggle to think about how grossed out Jesse was by Angela. Before anything even happened, he visibly cringed when she hugged him. Not who he wanted at his defense, FOR SURE. Angela is so freaking gross, my god. Seeing as her entire life is a Jerry Springer show, someone should have thrown a chair at that shit-head. She made my blood boil. She's a huge (metaphorical and physical) bully. Aww shit, I just saw the clip with him and the old folks. I cannot. I am laughing so hard. I love old people, I work with them myself, but they looked bored as shit. Also, him at dinner with those "friends" (actors)....he really needs to work on their acting skills because they could barely control their eye-rolls.
  17. SO MUCH to talk about with this shitshow. My god. OK. Akini and Ben: Good god, man. They've been married for half an hour and she already seems sick of him. I mean, can't say I blame her with his pontificating and sweaty bible reading, but why make it so obvious that you dislike the guy so much? Her family is eye-rolling-ly obnoxious. Also, we get it. Sex was bad. Real bad. Avery: The great Islamic experiment is not going your way? No shit. I feel bad because I feel like Omar might actually have some adult feelings, but this is more about putting her foot down and letting people know that SHE'S A GROWN UP AND SHE CAN DO WHAT SHE WANTS MOOOOOOM. Her brother had more sense. It's a sad situation, but I have a feeling will grow boring soon enough for her. Darcy and the sheriff of Rottingham: How is it that a woman in her 40's, with children, fucking foaming at the mouth for an engagement ring. That dude has seen one too many Hugh Grant movies and that last heaving jog toward Darcy wasn't romantic as much as it was a sad truffle shuffle toward a lady who needs a serious self-esteem boost. And Jesse is going to the tell all? What a loser. Hopefully he does his own makeup this time. Angela is just a sad, racist shithead. Makuhhhl, stay home with your mom. Caesar needs to go on and get himself off the show. Next time he finds someone, he should add a captcha code to his profile because Maria is A ROBOT.
  18. Tim's head does not fit his body. His girlfriend thinks she's A LOT hotter than she actually is. I hated, HATED the scenes on the farm. We can do without seeing an innocent animal get tortured, I tune into this show to see ASSHOLES get tortured. And speaking of tortured assholes, Caesar's storyline is awful and fake as can be. I mean, come on. They couldn't hire a better actor? I'll even write the script, observe: "Ug. Damn. How is this happening? This is the worse dinner of my life. Oh man. Ug. I still want to work it out. Ug. I've left 17 messages. Oh man. She's not responding"
  19. I just had a baby not too long ago and watching Karine hold her baby for the first time after a hard labor made me tear up. Damn you, 90 day fiancé and beautiful babies for making me feel my feelings!
  20. Tiffany looked genuinely scared with Ronald's driving. My take on things is that Ronald had the itch to gamble and she didn't have what he needed (his card) in order to flit off and do what he wanted.
  21. AHAHAHA! Oops. I obviously meant to write "hunky-dory", but jeez Louise. I love linguistics, thank you for the lesson on the fly!
  22. Soooooo true. I was embarrassed for her. How awful to feel like you've got to kiss up to some Beaker looking mf-er to get a ring. He doesn't seem like a bad dude, to be honest, but he SURE KNOWS HIS ANGLES. Like, I'm talking Rachel style face-tuning. Also, when he told her to get some cheesecake under her nail, I vomited a little bit in my mouth. Honestly, I bet that kiss ass shit worked like a charm with Jesse and his monstrously huge, faux tanned ego. Beaker looks scared, though. Mind boggling. And she's still out on the town with her dentures looking for that D. How she can leave her house all honky-dory is insane to me. Truly.
  23. Didn't Angela's daughter go to jail for child endangerment or something? And she's still acting a fool? Fuuuuuu. Michael, I hope that disgusting underwear was worth your soul.
  24. Edited to add: WTF is with Darcy's drunk friend???? I had a friend like that when I was in college, there was absolutely no man that was within a 15 foot radius that she wouldn't flash her tits at. Reina was majorly inappropriate, I'd cut her out ASAP. Poor Darcy, she's sooooooo cute, but omg, the makeup. I am willing to bet she'd look a million times better if she toned it down by half. Also, her "James Bond" looks kinda plump. There, I SAID IT.
  25. Evilen is sooooooo in love with her ex it's crazy. Corey is just a momentary placeholder for when he comes back. I wonder if her ex is the same old guy that young Haitian woman was dating before she met her panty-providing OTHER old guy in "Before the 90 Days. (I am awful with names, but I'm digging the monikers.). It's all starting to blend together! She just regards this dude with such vitriol. And poor old cereal box head is like, wuuuuuuuuuh. 40,000 dollars! Jenny makes me sad. How is she going to survive in India? Laura takes really nice pictures, but fuuuuuuuuuuuh, she really thinks she is cute as a bug's ear, doesn't she? Her constant sneer is not endearing. She really did absolutely NO research before going to Qatar. Also, WHY DOESN'T SHE WEAR SUN SCREEN, GOOD GOD ,LEMON. Tiffany and her whole "I really don't know what I'm getting myself into" bullshit.... Girl. GIRL. You're a grown ass adult. You know what you're doing. She seems like the type that lets life happen and kind of throws her hands up and goes with it. Devan, I will blame pregnancy for the makeup job. Many a times did I just want to say fuck it and only do one eyebrow while I was pregnant....but maybe blend a little bit. Just a tad. And don't use red lipstick as eyeshadow.
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