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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Saw Kyle, Lisa R and Teddi on WWHL the other night. They all appeared so incredibly self-important. Not knowing anything about this season, I'm glad Ken threw Kyle out of his house. All of the Hiltons need to be taken down a peg or two.
  2. I was team FU Adrienne. What if nobody helped you serve your salmon tacos on the boat? I thought she had a lot of nerve bringing up a mix Sara said contained 3 ingredients she used as a base for her waffles. I am now actively rooting for Adrienne's demise in a very public and painful manner.
  3. Just found this forum. While I give Rhee great credit for revitalizing a small OK town, and that really is amazing to me, anybody who cooks using cream of mushroom soup doesn't need to be on TV. I'm also snarky about her daughters. One looks like she has gained a lot of weight and the other has made an unfortunate hair color decision.
  4. This statement intrigues me. I think we are lead to believe the upcoming season of RHWOBH will be rough for Lisa because of the folks who are paid to be with her on TV. I generally like Lisa but she has her flaws, and yes, don't we all. I'm not sure I understand her need to be on two reality shows. She has money and fame and Ken will start to really embarrass her before too long. Get while the getting is good.
  5. I've never heard of porchetta before nor have I seen it on a menu. It sounds tasty but was this supposed to be a riff on a roasted sucking pig a la a Hawaiian luau? Because I've never had it, I'm not sure why it was so unsuccessful. I think I remember that is was brined but shouldn't have been and it wasn't roasted correctly? On the surface, it sounds like it should have worked. Please note I'm not going to comment on service from a hot tub....
  6. I completely agree with everyone's comments regarding Josiah and Adrian. My sense is there is enormous pressure to keep the guests happy so they will tip well. Josiah was good natured enough to go out and have the night end well. Adrian is generally cooking up some good food so they are probably cutting him some slack for it. I do hope Captain Lee addresses it in a blog or something. Mario Batali, anyone?
  7. Stassi's mom was wildly inappropriate. Stassi can be a piece of work but I don't know what I saw. Was she tipsy? I've been peri-menopausal and menopausal and those conditions can be difficult (and everybody is different); it doesn't change the frontal lobe of your brain. Something else is happening there.
  8. I think you're thinking this is logical. :).
  9. Valerie is a television personality who also has her own cooking show; I believe I can comment. I'm amazed at how large she has become. That alone is reason enough for me to tune in!
  10. I live in C Springs and go to Brother's restaurant at least once a month. I heard he is opening a second restaurant around here. Bro, good for you; you have lots of local supporters.
  11. It has been 10,000 years since i put my way through school at a 5-star resort hotel (Broadmoor in Colorado Springs) but I seem to recall polishing silverware after it has come out of a dishwasher as a health code violation. Perhaps it is stemware.
  12. I'm not sure why food kept coming back to the kitchen for the Third Coast. RW menus are limited. If you take entrees to the wrong table, won't some of them be served? Or, if not, wouldn't a server apologize with a "Sorry, wrong table" and keep moving? Go to the next table and say I have a plate of the beef and a plate of the fish, etc. Feed them! I agree it is ideal to serve the table at the same time but if guests are waiting 90 minutes to eat, all bets are off. Forget the tickets, just start walking around with plates and stopping at tables with the two choices for each course.
  13. I agree James is a terrible person. No question. I also believe he was provoked while he was drunk. Didn't Katie say something like you look like an ass and he responded along the lines of you're fat? I'm not going to go back and rewatch it but that is how I remember it. If they really cared about James, they should offer to send him to rehab. Perhaps they will. He is a story line, good for business and is a good VPR villain. Send him to rehab, Lisa.
  14. Unfortunately, I understand this. I've been married 35 years and there have been a few things that have taken me some amount of time to get over (think a BIL and wife move into our home [we were waiting to sell it and weren't living there] and BIL had a downturn in his finances so he never once paid us rent for about a year--his wife didn't go to work but I was going to work every day). That took me a very long time to get over it. In the end I decided I wanted to stay married but it wasn't just a switch being turned off. I'm over it now but it really took time. I never want to see the BIL and wife ever again and thankful I don't have to.
  15. I read this differently. Vickie lacks education; doesn't matter where you get it, she is uncouth. Kelly directs this as no college education? I'm cool with that.
  16. I understand this feeling but I politely disagree. Forget about being a debutante or "society," didn't she say she was a DASD or something? That is kinda big in my world. I'd need to know more about her appointment before rendering a final judgement. Kam, OTOH, bugs the shit out of me. I think I would shun her in real life. I'd shun her MIL as well. They project every bad stereotype of Dallas "society" I have in my mind.
  17. My take on the Reunion was it was a Shannon pile-on shit show. Andy Cohen went pretty easy on everybody else. I don't feel like rewatching last night's episode but did Tams ask Shannon if they could be friends again? If so, quite calculating. She knows where the cameras will be next season (if there is one). I could go on and on about Tamra but she is pretty good at playing the victim, too. As far as Shannon not going to Cut Fitness and Tam's beef with that, why didn't Tam send a personal trainer to her? The trainer could wear a Cut Fitness T-shirt and problem solved. The Plaza Hotel incident? Shannon strikes me as a reasonable sort. If Tams had said The Plaza would be difficult because the rates exceeded their Per Diems, I think Shannon would want to stay somewhere else to be with them. Asking a make-up artist accompanying you to do make-up? M-Kay. Being late for dinner reservations? Uh, Manhattan, hello, the city doesn't sleep. Go somewhere else. It will be interesting to see what tweaks happen in the off-season. It is clear they need them.
  18. I think the Chef should have served both lamb sliders (delicious) and cheeseburger sliders so the guests could have a choice. I'm not a fan of truffle oil so the fries would have been lost on me. The lobster mac and cheese didn't look like lobster mac and cheese to me; it looked like lobster stuffed shells which may be how Unicorn presented it. Didn't hear every word. I'd do mini lobster rolls and mac and cheese separately but that is just me. Laura, Laura, Laura. This is no way to win friends and influence people. You've been hired to be the third stew; please start acting like it. I've moved a lot (military) and I can't begin to imagine showing up to a new duty location and start with the attitude. Get the lay of the land first. We used to call people like Laura, those who would make her comments as saying "Base X in the other Command...." Everyone rolls their eyes.
  19. I've never really understood the Vickie/Tam alliance. In the end they really seem to like each other (IMHO) because they keep making up. That says to me--two peas in a pod--both are despicable. I see this franchise going the way of Miami. That is fine--lots of other franchises are much more fun at the moment.
  20. She does love a good "Gotcha." She was so smug about Emily going home/not going home after one of their dinners and Emily then corrected her with the facts. 1. Who cares? 2. Was she stalking Emily? Seems like such a strange point to make. I think Bravo needs to get rid of Tams, Vicki and Gina (as if) and look for women who are more educated and demonstrate better comportment. Do you remember the season Heather started? Didn't she and her friends take a helicopter into LA to scout out a restaurant? I'd like to see more of that and less of Andeles with Tams flashing her grandmotherly bolt ons.
  21. Amen. Tamra, if you didn't want to stay at the Plaza, why did you? You're an adult, stay where you want and meet up for WWHL and a restaurant meal. I have never liked Tamra and she sin't becoming more endearing this reunion.
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