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Everything posted by ClareWalks

  1. Thanks! I was unaware of this site but a google search got me there, here's a link in case anyone else didn't know about it: https://thejeopardyfan.com/
  2. I know it's too early to discuss today's episode but I am bummed because my stupid DVR didn't record it! (It's set up for a series record, and it's never just skipped an episode for me before) So when we are able to discuss, if someone could list the contestants who played and what their totals end up being at the end (approx) that would be so appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
  3. I was gobsmacked that she didn't bet it all. If she lost, she wouldn't have a shot at a wild card anyway. Might as well bet it all. That was a terrible, terrible bet.
  4. Agree. When Brent acts this way, he is punching down, or at least he THINKS he is punching down. IMO that makes it worse. Although they are similar in that their behavior was largely tied to insecurity.
  5. Does Professor Darlene know that Sam is on the spectrum? She seems completely flummoxed by him and gives him zero slack in ways that I would expect if she knew. Strange that she doesn't even seem to have an inkling, although it might just be her philosophy (heh) to treat him exactly the same as any other student.
  6. That might explain it. The character just doesn't read 60 to me and the actor's age supports that. YMMV!
  7. The baby boomer line was great, but I was a bit distracted by it because I didn't think Brent was a baby boomer. He seems late forties, fifty tops. Sure enough the baby boomer range ends with 1964 births, and the actor was born in 1968. Not a huge deal but still, baby boomers are definitely older than this show indicated.
  8. Brent reminds me of Sean Spicer on DWTS - complaining (in Sean's case, on Twitter) that he isn't being praised enough for something that he sucks at. I totally get the archetype that they're going for, but like others here, I find it tiresome to watch. According to next week's episode description,
  9. Agreed, and the Mountain Dew Code Red would have turned into vinegar or something by then.
  10. The judges can whine all they want but they're the ones consistently overscoring Sean. Giving him 6s is way too generous for what that was. If they really wanted to get rid of him they'd give him such low scores that the votes couldn't save him. As it stands I bet we lose (at least) Lauren and Kel before Sean is finally put to pasture 😞
  11. To be fair, the first four seasons had bizarre, incoherent storylines as well. The only season that I thought made some amount of sense from start to finish was Asylum. I've just stopped bothering trying to figure it out and started enjoying the visuals and the camp. I'm hardly a teenage fan girl, either.
  12. Calling it now: Toni Basil and Billy Idol are the only survivors.
  13. Me last episode: "I don't understand why everyone is complaining, this season is campy fun!" Me this episode: "Okay, what the actual fuck is happening?"
  14. My guess is this 90s record store dreamboat turns out to be somehow abusive and she eats to cope.
  15. I dunno, I laughed my ass off when Michael blew up the Boobercycle and Jason moaned "not again!"
  16. I got Wayne Brady immediately from the fox. Sounds exactly like him.
  17. "Linda" asked Eleanor if there was a fitness center. That was our clue.
  18. Oh my god, yes. I can't believe I didn't clock that.
  19. Oof, this was bad. The writing was terrible. Bradley Whitford is amazing but even he couldn't make that character work. Anna Camp sounded like she was more concerned with the accent than the acting.
  20. I am just enjoying the ride. I refuse to overthink it this season. It's ridiculous and fun and America needs that right now, LOL
  21. See, it's this kind of brilliant reasoning that I come here for. You are totally correct.
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