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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. The only question left to ask about Amber and Dave is: Will she finally stop having sex with him NOW?!
  2. Amber imploding is painful to watch. I can only imagine what she's experiencing as Dave rejects her attempts to find reassurance from him about the future, as he just gets more and more angry.
  3. All my best hopes and wishes for safety and protection are going to people in Florida and S. Carolina right now. Please, do whatever you possibly can to stay safe. (And hopefully, if your power does go out for a while, it will at least wait for tomorrow so you can catch MAFS! lol)
  4. As humbleopinion said: "Amber and Dave will stay together so Ricky Bobby and Danielle will not be the only couple to stay together this season, they are stubborn and refuse to be seen as losers.... Team DAmber will stay together for Decision Day and even the week later for the Reunion show....then file for divorce the day after the Reunion show...it is all about WINNING ON CAMERA...." I really hope you're both wrong. (...I mean about the staying together at Decision Day part, not about them filing for divorce!)
  5. I think there was another reason besides the money (and probably other perks) provided by MAFS, that Tristan chose to stay with Mia after she was 'outed' as a stalker with a felony arrest. He hoped to become more famous after his appearance on the show, which could potentially have been very good for business. But Tristan ended up making a real ass of himself on national TV. (--I'm not so sure he'll get that big bump in profit from his "tutoring franchises" that he was hoping for.)
  6. Maybe so. Nightfan, I pretty much agree will all you had to say: You pretty much nailed Amber and Dave, Nightfan. ...And I think the majority conclusion, at this point, is mostly in sync with us on this now. I do think Amber's insecurity might actually be a lot more serious, though. I've known women who were sexually abused as children by someone who was part of their lives. And unfortunately, a lot of what I see in Amber reminds me of that. That couple is toast. There's no way they could possibly last as a couple. (And good riddance!)
  7. Sounds more like "Last Chance to Put Love to the [Stress] Test, and Get Ready for Divorce"! At least, maybe Amber will finally refuse to have sex with Dave. (I hope) ...And maybe that one happy couple will decide they love each other and want it to be forever (--but I'm still not holding my breath on that).
  8. No, Tristan didn't kill anyone, and I didn't imply that he had. I said that he easily could have killed someone during the incident in which he got arrested. I take drunk driving very seriously, and yes, I have known innocent people who died because someone else was driving drunk. I am not defending stalking. I certainly have no idea what Tristan may (or may not) have told Mia about his DUI/resisting arrest/underage booze history. But I think it's likely they both lied. I do disagree with the idea that putting innocent people's lives in jeapordy ten years ago is less serious than recently stalking an 'ex and using a credit card that her lover may have given to her in the past. (Just my opinion.) I stand corrected. I had no idea that all those MAFS-selected spouses had criminal records!!
  9. Perhaps --but we probably don't agree as to which one might be possible to "live with". Does MAFS have a new policy that they accept people with adult felony arrests as marriage candidates? Because both Mia and Tristan have felony arrests as adults. Arrest at age 18 (adult!) for not just DUI but also resisting arrest, and drinking under the legal age, should have been an immediate deal-breaker for the "experts"! It clearly indicates that Tristan has a reckless and potentially dangerous personality (he could easily have killed someone driving drunk --and was even more likely to have killed someone as he fled from the law)! Did Tristan tell MAFS the truth about his own arrest? He's been repeatedly condemning the fact that Mia lied to him, when he was still a stranger to her. But has Tristan ever told her what he did when he was 18?? (If so, Mia has never exposed him for that on camera.)
  10. Perhaps a pair of happily matched, compatible, easy-going comics wouldn't be boring. (I mean, it's their job to be entertaining.) Or a couple of talented singers/rappers who worked well together, sharing cool ideas back and forth. That would actually be pretty awesome --but would such interesting, talented, enjoyable people be that desperate to get married?? Still, I'd love it if, next time, the 'experts' actually found two interesting, fun-to-watch people whose personalities were romantically compatible with each other! Because to be frank, I'm getting pretty fed up with watching one miserable match after another. (Am I the only one who feels that way?)
  11. The 'experts' aren't that stupid; they're just not motivated to create happy couples. (...The boredom surrounding Bobby and Danielle explains why!) Dr. Pepper, etc. work for MAFS, and the show wants drama, not boredom! Thus, they pair couples for dramatic potential, not for their chances of "living happily ever after". Maybe I'm too suspicious, but I think the 'experts' did "consider basic things like personality". I believe they considered the drama potential in matching an insecure woman who has "issues" about being "judged," with a critically 'honest,' emotionally insensitive to women, 'bro'-focused man .
  12. Bobby and Danielle are already overdue for an argument -unless there's one they're not telling us about. And we all know MAFS would do everything possible to 'elevate' the drama. Dave and Amber: he's just upping his game. When they divorce, Dave wants every single viewer to believe it's 100% Amber's fault --and oh, by the way, they had sex every night and sometimes in the mornings!
  13. Dave has made it clear he doesn't love Amber, and (I think) he'll probably choose "divorce" on Decision Day. (But he's happy to brag about the sex!) Amber has hinted that she might be in love, or 'falling' in love with Dave --but she's also said she won't tell him that. (She senses that it's not mutual.)
  14. Pretty much. It's sad that *any* woman would be that desperate to convince a man like Dave to stay with her.
  15. Mia spent about an hour trapped next to Tristan, crying --after he "cornered Mia in the car on their way to their first honeymoon". ...And that night, she left him. Mia might be a 'crybaby,' but Tristan is a bully. (I just wish that was the end of their story.)
  16. ...And when Tristan calls his mom, why does it say "Woman"??
  17. He could have been done with her at the airport. And he should have been.
  18. It is, perhaps, more important to know what was filmed just before Tristan booted Mia out. Re-watching it, they'd had an argument about insurance. Mia questioned whether Tristan would continue 'talking over her' and getting really angry whenever they argued, after they moved to Houston (where Mia has no support group). Tristan said [quoting the show footage]: "...So you want to stay in Dallas?" and Mia very quietly responded, "Yes." Then Tristan was all, "I'm moving to Houston. If you're not moving to Houston, I don't want you here." That's when he started packing up her stuff and moving it out of 'their' apartment. It did look like she was grabbing some of her stuff, too -things she didn't want to leave behind. I guess it depends on your point of view -- but to me, Tristan definitely threw Mia out.
  19. "Where are you in your relationship right now?" asked Bobby. "Squarely on the fence," Dave responds. A moment before, he was saying, "Times get tough and she [Amber] can make them tougher." Sorry, Dave, but you're a liar. You'll divorce Amber. You're already planning it.
  20. I disagree. Amber should stop giving Dave all that "extra credit" attention. She is setting herself up for even more emotional pain when Dave divorces her. Maybe there's a perfect man out there who thinks Amber is a gorgeous short brunette, a wonderful lover, and awesome just the way she is- but it's not Dave.
  21. Without question, Mia needs a shrink at least as much as Amber does. (The thing is, Mia's issues may go deeper, be more ingrained and harder to change.)
  22. I agree with you [ about Amber's brunette hair]. While it's true that many 'Gentlemen' Prefer Blondes, it's not a universal preference --and women who look really fake when they go blonde, shouldn't! [Confession: this comes from a lifelong brunette, and proud of it!]
  23. What woman (over 25) doesn't want to look younger than she is??
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