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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. I still think they've been keeping the heat turned off in that apartment so they can save money...
  2. Exactly! The worst part is, Tristan didn't even talk to Mia about his intention to cancel his own plan so he could 'just use Mia's'. Tristan assumed. (And as almost everyone knows, when you assume, you make an ass of u and me.
  3. Disgusting. The "experts" managed to talk Mia and Tristan into moving back in together. And they agreed to do it. Was it really because they want to fulfill the MAFS contract --or are Tristan and Mia really that stupid?
  4. Exactly. The thing is, I feel if Tristan has been planning to move with Mia back to his real home in Houston all along, Tristan has been, in a way, just as deceptive as Mia. And yeah, if he's really, absolutely, finally done (not just throwing a big temper tantrum), contacting 'production' and telling them, "I'm out, I can't take this anymore" would have been the decent way to do it.
  5. Obviously, I haven't seen the actual episode yet, so perhaps I was too hasty in commenting. I think that, once Tristan accepted what had happened with the warrant, the 'ex, etc, and chose to continue the MAFS marriage, he should have left that in the past as he had promised to do. (Yet it seems like whenever they argue, he brings it up.) So I guess the answer to your question is that I don't even agree with Tristan "getting her out of his apartment," after he promised to leave the warrant issue in the past and try to make their 'marriage' work. He probably should have waited until Decision Day, or at the very least, waited until the next morning when he'd had time for his temper to cool. And then there's the moving to Houston thing. I'm not convinced Tristan ever really lived in Dallas! He took an apartment there, but it must've been on like a 6-month lease. He represented himself to the show as a Dallas resident, though, probably to try to get on TV and be recognized (which would be likely to help with his "franchises"). Seems like he always intended to move back to Houston asap. Mia didn't like the idea, her family is in Dallas, and she told him that. He said (paraphrasing) "well it's not like we have to make this decision today, but it's something to keep in mind, because our lease is almost up on the Dallas apartment." Then there was the whole "light lunch" thing where, according to Tristan, Mia 'betrayed' him by telling her family they might be moving. I never saw anything on the screen before that where they even discussed keeping the move a secret from family, even though they had already discussed it on camera. But Tristan acted like the world had come to an end because that 'light lunch' with her family had ended up involving a difficult discussion he wasn't prepared for. He made the argument then, that it was "just the beginning of considering" a move to Houston, and that's why Mia should have kept her mouth shut about it around her own family. When he used that dry-erase board to list the 'pros' and 'cons' of moving to Houston, Mia again said (when he asked her to name them if she had any 'cons'): "I'm not sure I want to move to Houston." Tristan pretty much just ignored her, and kept going with his sales pitch". Now, it appears Mia may have expressed reservations again about his plan to move to Houston, and Tristan went bonkers. I don't know, from the editing, if it was Houston or the health insurance issue that led him to dump all of Mia's stuff out of the apartment. But I'm glad to know you at least don't approve of the way he did that.
  6. Sorry gonecrackers. I usually agree with you, but not this time. Tristan has definitely stepped over the line! What you said, that Tristan should've left the show the moment he found out about Mia's multiple-felony warrant is absolutely true. But he didn't do that. And this time, he's definitely in the wrong.
  7. RETIREMENT communities? The show has Dave and Amber talking about retirement communities?! That's so ridiculous I just can't even. If I had a million dollars, I'd gladly bet it that Dave will be "outta there" on Decision Day.
  8. I'm not sure their casting process is quite that simple. They also have to figure out which matches will create the most drama for TV... Jamie Otis? To each their own. I think Jamie is a 7, at best. Shawniece was much more attractive.
  9. I think the blankets, snuggies, etc. were necessary because they couldn't afford heat in that apartment.
  10. I don't think Tristan should be "babying" Mia, period. She was his wife, not his child. And it is Mia's right, not to put him on her insurance during a MAFS marriage "experiment"! Tristan was an ass to just assume she had done that. I think you were right the first time --it wasn't a snafu, Mia just didn't want to pay for Tristan being on her insurance. ...And if that's what caused them to break up, that's great!
  11. ROFL!! Very well said --kids definitely test whether you can love them unconditionally! My adult kids certainly aren't perfect, and they absolutely aren't mini-me's! I did my best to guide them to find out who they are and then become the best version of themselves that they can be. As some people say, "It's the toughest job in the world."
  12. Like many other people, Amber probably thinks babies are an adorable source of unconditional love (which she desperately wants) --and she can finally afford to raise a child . I'm not on the team that thinks Dave is guiltless in all this. But he and Amber didn't choose each other, the show's "experts" did --and I blame them. The disastrous dynamic between the two of them has been picked apart enough that I won't get into it, other than to say I think this experience will undoubtedly result in it being even more difficult for Amber to trust another man and feel comfortable with him --much less raise children. I know. I raised 4 kids myself (none of whom are in prison or addicted to drugs). It's 24/7, and it takes a lot longer than 18 years! Before Amber gets married again or has a child, she needs to spend a year or two seeing a good psych, one who's actually focused on Amber's needs, and then she could re-enter the dating pool and start the process all over again. Because, frankly, Amber is going to need much more psych help after Decision Day, than she did before this whole thing started. (Fortunately, she seems to have a well-paying job, so she may be able to afford all that. If her "eggs have all dried up" Amber might be able to afford in vitro or possibly could adopt a young child, once she finds a partner who actually loves her. And if the dad pulls in good money too --maybe that live-in nanny would actually be possible lol!)
  13. I'm not sure I'd go quite that far. My impression is that Amber has a good heart, overall, but she's definitely got emotional issues. If the child's father is loving, clear-headed and nurturing --and Amber is at work most of the day-- she might be a pretty good mother between the time she gets home and the time they go to bed. A good live-in nanny would be huge 'plus'.
  14. Bobby does seem rather naive when it comes to relationships. And it doesn't help that he looks so very young! Perhaps (although I do like Danielle...) She, at least, wouldn't fall apart every time Dave said something that could be taken negatively. Bobby is too young for her, obviously, but Amber might do very well with someone who's happy doing things to make her happy. Bobby wants his wife to be a stay-at-home mom, though, and I think staying at home with kids would be a bad idea for Amber.
  15. Exactly that. I think Bobby is showing himself to be almost as "needy" as Amber. Obviously, they demonstrate their "neediness" in completely different ways. Plz don't hate me for saying this --I have no control over human nature. The person who cares the least for the other person in a relationship is the one with the most power and control of that relationship. Amber is feeling insecure, angry, and frustrated, but she doesn't grasp the obvious fact that, even though he has sex with her twice a day, Dave isn't into her. No change that Amber could make to herself would make that 'marriage' work. It's not so bad for Bobby, because Danielle loves being with him and she really wants to fall in love with him --but the root problem is the same.
  16. Amen! I feel bad for Amber, but I'm really not a "fan." She seems neurotic to me and obviously needs professional help. Amber should never have been on the show. Back to Dave: ...Maybe this explains why Dave doesn't seem to have a conscience, at least when it comes to Amber:
  17. I guess I misunderstood. I don't give a shit about what any of them do with their hair or their eyebrows (or any of the other completely superficial things). Prioritizing superficial stuff annoys me, too. Marriage is not about superficial things. As long as there's sexual attraction, the rest of that is pretty much irrelevant. I do care about Amber's apparent preoccupation with her appearance, smell, etc. because she seems to think she has to do it for Dave. She doesn't get that it doesn't matter to Dave, he's already written her off anyway. When Amber told Dave she trusted him, that he was the only man she'd ever trusted, I believed her. And I wanted to yell at her through the TV right then: "NOoooo!! Don't give control of your ability to trust to Dave! He already has one foot out the door!"
  18. As I said, a lot of women agree that they "don't see anything wrong with Dave". He holds all the cards right now, and he knows it. He knows he's on TV, and he knows he's pretty easy on the eyes. A lot of women besides Amber are watching him. He probably expects that plenty of unmarried women will try to meet him, hoping for a chance to date him. Dave is not "stuck" with Amber. As you say, he's not too old to be getting married. He may very well meet exactly the "right" woman for him, one who will be confident and can 'handle him'. I'm not at all worried about Dave's future. I'm much more concerned about Amber's. It would be nice if they both ended up having things work out better in the future. I suppose that means I give a shit.
  19. Very sad for your friend. We can only hope that after being married to Dave, Amber will go to a real therapist, change her mind about getting married, and -who knows- maybe she'll learn to enjoy her own company. I won't wish being a stepmother on her --at least, not unless the 'kids' are all adults and away from the house.
  20. A whole lot of women agree with you, and I'm sure Dave will have women all over him, wanting to be the next Mrs. Dave, the moment they file for divorce (and probably sooner).
  21. I don't see Dave being made into Jamie's co-host, but he'd have lots of women interested in him as a potential groom, and (Dave being Dave) those women might also turn out to be 'high-maintenance' and 'needy' --making them a good source of drama for the show.
  22. Actually, I think that's probably why Amber freaked out about the socks. None of the 'socks' event was aired on TV, so we don't know how it all went down -- we only have Dave's version, as told to Jamie Otis. Dave being Dave, I can easily imagine him seeing Amber digging through drawers and immediately taking that Dave "pose" -the one that looks like he should have both hands on his hips, even if he doesn't. The moment Amber saw that Dave "pose," she would feel she was being judged, and that feeling would certainly increase if Dave said something like, "Instead of having another meltdown, just tell me what you're looking for so I can help you find it." At that point she'd be panicked, because of what Luvmyshows said, above. She's supposed to be the one doing laundry, and she can't find her own socks... Her missing socks feed back into the 'you're being lazy because you haven't washed my clothes for two weeks' thing, and she probably still feels really embarrassed (and guilty) about that. It's not as if Dave is the type of guy who argues and then forgets it, letting the past be the past. I once lived with a man who never, ever, forgot an issue we had argued or disagreed about. It was like he kept a running roster of what he considered to be my "faults," and so any time we disagreed about anything he had plenty of "ammunition" to "make his case" for why I was (always) in the wrong. I was afraid of doing anything to annoy him. It was a living hell.
  23. I don't think Danielle will say "I love you" to Bobby before Decision Day. In fact, I'd bet on it. What I wouldn't bet on is whether they stay together... Bobby is hopelessly in love, and it's so very easy and convenient and cozy for Danielle.
  24. Agree with all of this. As I've said before, Dave checked out of his 'marriage' weeks ago, and is just "doing his time".
  25. Tristan is a hothead. Not a Tristan fan. I don't like Mia, either.
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