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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. You're right, of course. He'd probably be a great SAHD, but their kids will most likely end up at day care (or Grandma's) because Bobby does have strong feelings about that.
  2. It is, perhaps, more important to know what was filmed just before Tristan booted Mia out. Re-watching it, Mia had been questioning whether Tristan would continue talking over her and getting really angry after they were living in Houston (where she has no support group). Tristan said [quoting the show footage]: "...So you want to stay in Dallas?" and Mia responded, "Yes." And Tristan was all, "Well, I'm moving to Houston!" That's when he started packing up her stuff and throwing it out of 'their' apartment. It seems that when Tristan and Mia "discuss" things, Tristan talks over Mia a lot and/or sometimes doesn't even seem to notice she's *trying* to say something to him. (And Mia, in turn, looks down at something while Tristan is 'discussing' things at her, probably muttering "uh-huh" occasionally to placate Tristan -without really listening.) They may have had "multiple discussions" about a topic and ended up with completely different beliefs about what conclusions they came to! ...At this point, it's clear that if there ever was "truth" in that relationship, it's all tangled up in their lies and assumptions and miscommunications. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As Drew Paul said: "The train wreck is upon us. No amount of duct tape or Dr Pepper is going to put Humpty together. We did see the ugly side of Tristan this week like a volcano exploding under pressure. I think the only remaining question is if they hang in until the last show."
  3. I'd bet against odds that Dave and Amber are done on Decision Day. But you could be right. Dave may be so eager to come off as the 'good guy' that they both say "stay together" and are lauded as "yet another MAFS success". If that happens... For sure, 6 months later they won't be together anymore. Yeah, maybe she'd prefer 'doggy style,' lol. Or, unfortunately, maybe Danielle prefers more dominant men.
  4. I'm an animal lover too, and I 'get' that. But I bet you and your hubby have been married more than 6 weeks, and you probably established your love for each other years ago.
  5. I really hope you're right about that. I'd love to see those two get their "happily ever after".
  6. Hmm. I think "ice maiden" is a bit harsh. Danielle smiles at him, sometimes cuddles up to him, and is always thanking him for things he does for her. She's even asked a couple of times (on camera) what he needs her to do for him --but Bobby usually doesn't answer with anything specific (except for the one time he asked her to clean up the puppy diarrhea that night). I've gotta admit, when Danielle came home from that business trip and zeroed in on kissing the dogs, not even looking at Bobby first, I was aghast. Hopefully, she'll learn some better ways (besides sex) to give Bobby the affirmations he seems increasingly desperate for. No, I don't want her to say "I love you" unless she means it. I'm talking about things like saying how much she enjoys leaning against him on the couch, and (especially) telling him she really missed him while he was gone. (Instead, she talked about how much she really missed the dogs!) If these "experts" were real counselors, they would already have spent a lot of effort toward avoiding the situation you described, in which Bobby really gets hurt. I get it that Danielle has difficulty expressing her feelings. --But just like Amber had to learn to think before freaking out and assuming every word of criticism from Dave was the ultimate rejection, Danielle needs to "defrost" a little bit and deliberately say those kinds of things, for the health of their relationship and because Bobby needs to hear how she feels.
  7. Amber looks much better with less bleach and a good hair cut. It's pretty easy to find photos of her online as a brunette --in fact, one of the so-called "experts" mentioned that she had been brunette when they first cast her for the show.
  8. I think that stressful couple is almost finished. Actually, I think Dobby would be an awesome House Husband/SAH dad --and since Danielle makes more money than he does, and he's obviously the more nurturing one in that couple, it would make sense. I'm still hoping that they will be the ones to stay together.
  9. Thanks, humbleopinion! Those were quite enlightening. You are awesome at finding the latest scoop on these couples!
  10. This is the best description of that couple's dynamic that I've seen, ever. Even if it wasn't a coffee mug.
  11. I guess that conversation must have taken place while I was on the phone for a bit --I would have remembered that. With respect to Mia --I completely agree!! While there's nothing Mia can do to change her past felonious crazies, if Mia were going to stay married to Tristan she would have to learn to argue assertively with Tristan, rather than passive/aggressively doing whatever she was going to do, anyway. Amber, on the other hand, has been counselled by the "experts" on quite a lot of things: the hair issue, self-affirmation, and (especially) taking a long pause to think about it before reacting, when she thinks Dave is saying something critical of her. And Amber has actually "gotten better" --at least at holding her tongue (which probably helps to explain the extreme awkwardness of most of their conversations recently). [Not that anything Amber tries to do matters, of course... Dave is dumping her on Decision Day, anyway.]
  12. Tristan talks over Mia, and Mia has learned not to dispute what he says (because he gets furious). But Mia isn't completely compliant. If she thinks Tristan is wrong, she'll silently do it her way. I definitely disagree that "she must've said "OK". Mia probably said nothing at all, and/or never had a chance to say anything because Tristan did all the talking. They do have the dynamic for a future wife-battering situation, if they stayed married! These "experts" are such a joke! ...Too bad it's not funny. They're playing "Create That Drama" with real people's lives. ...and I'm definitely not. But I do think Dave will be far more successful finding 'wifey' candidates in the future, than Amber will be in finding a baby-daddy hubby.
  13. T&M are the 'winner' for me. Even a womanizing hubby would be (marginally) better than raging, money/fame-motivated Tristan --and even a neurotic woman obsessed with dying her hair blonde 'no matter what' is better than a woman with a felony warrant hanging over her head, always hiding in hubby's armpit.
  14. He [Tristan] could have [avoided all the frustration, distrust, and anger that we've seen bursting from recently] by stopping the whole train; it was his choice to continue. But odds were that his anger and frustration would come out at some point. He was pretending to put on a shiny happy face when she "came back" (and slept with him). Not that I think he is an innocent at all. He overreacted and was unkind to her during this encounter. I agree with her that he should never have cancelled his insurance without verifying that he was covered by hers (and most of us know that doesn't immediately happen. Activation can take some time). Not to mention that he already mentioned that she had been hard to pin down to get it done in the first place! He set her up so that he could unleash on her. And that he did. Apparently, Mia at least believes she could live in Houston and continue to do the same job --that was something I didn't catch. Dallas is a huge hub for USA airlines, though; chances are, her supervisor(s) are in Dallas. (Yes, I know - there's always "face time").
  15. Sorry, guess I didn't notice that. Sounds like that discussion occurred while Tristan was still claiming that a move to Houston was "an option," not something that would become 'mandatory' for Mia.
  16. One thing about that makes no sense at all to me. Mia works, and has insurance from it. Tristan wanted her to put him on her insurance (because he lost and/or was planning to drop his own insurance, although he somehow "forgot" to "mention" that part to Mia). But, apparently Tristan is also demanding that if Mia is going to be his wife, she needs to move to Houston with him. That means she would have to quit her job in Dallas. And considering he's already in the red, there's no way that living on whatever Tristan makes is going to be more than having both salaries!! On top of that: If Mia quit her job to move to Houston with Tristan, they couldn't stay on her work insurance much longer! (I mean, yeah there's Cobra, but that gets expensive fast). [Correction: apparently -and I didn't know this- Mia's job working for an airline can be done online only, and her supervisor said she was happy for Mia's "fresh new start" moving to Houston.] It's still a terrible idea for them to stay together, any way you look at it.
  17. lol me too. I guess the only difference is, I think Tristan has tipped the scales against himself with his latest BS, and is now acting an even bigger jerk than Mia did with her initial freak-out lies.
  18. I've noted that, even on camera, when Tristan and Mia "discuss" something it's usually Tristan *telling* Mia what he wants her to do, as if she were his employee instead of his wife. Mia actually said to him, during that "recent" fight, that Tristan always talks over her. And it's true -- he does. I used to think of Tristan as a love-struck "victim" of the way MAFS "experts" pair their couples. I don't think that anymore.
  19. Yes. I doubt if they actually had an "agreement" that Mia would put him on her insurance, though. Tristan is big on saying, "I told you to..." Meaning, Tristan tells Mia what he wants her to do, and expects her to do it --even if she has never actually agreed to do so. In this case, he obviously didn't explain why he wanted her to put him on her insurance, and Mia knew it would mean a lot of money deducted from her paycheck for a man she might not be married to very much longer, and she passively resisted following his "orders".
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