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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. I do think Amber would be a much more chill person paired with a more relaxed, more easy-going husband. The big problem with Amber having kids is, she couldn't handle being a parent alone.
  2. That!! ...And of course, Dave and Amber are yet another blatant example of the "experts'" motives. We've been married over 40 years. I don't think that makes me any kind of 'expert' -- but I like to think I'd never put a couple together that are obviously not going to work out.
  3. Very good explanation! I'm not sure that's exactly what's happening with these two, but I'd like to think it is... It's so much better than the other scenarios that come to mind.
  4. I think we both know which of those options it is.
  5. Amber needs to be taking something like Xanax. But Dave wouldn't want that --she'd be too sleepy to boink him whenever he wants it!
  6. I'm pretty sure that's Amber's way of trying to get Dave to love her. And that's pathetic. Amber should never have been 'chosen' for MAFS, she has far too many emotional problems. (There's the main reason I think these 'experts' are either unspeakably incompetent idiots, or choosing the subjects for their "experiment" by focusing on who will create the most drama for the show.) As for Mia and Tristan, I'm sure you've noticed that I've lost most of my sympathy toward him. He seems very domineering in the way he tells Mia what to do, and that's a characteristic I despise in husbands. Of course, that does not mean I like Mia any better than I did before.
  7. I think you're right that Dave wasn't trying to tell Amber she needed to go brunette to make him happier with her as a 'wife'. Actually, I'm convinced the only thing that makes Dave happy with Amber as a 'wife' is all the boinking they do. (Twice a day, most days.) I'm concerned that Amber may be willing to copulate with Dave that frequently, because it's the only thing he seems to really like about her. Tristan treating Mia like a child, ...and even calling her one, did *not* make me more of a Tristan fan!!
  8. It was a little piece of "bonus footage" they put in (I think) right at the end of the "Dr. Pepper answers viewers' [useless and non-controversial] questions" session, where they showed a much shorter, re-edited version of last week's show. No way. I wish I could say Amber will pull the plug on their 'marriage,' but she won't. Dave will walk away and never look back (except maybe when there's camera footage involved).
  9. I don't think it was all editing, but a lot of it definitely is. The editors clearly like Dave a lot more than Amber, and she's obviously getting the 'bitch' edit. Like when they left out that furniture shopping footage where Dave said it was just for "temporary" housing.
  10. He doesn't. It's just his personality to add something vaguely critical when he gives her a compliment that doesn't involve her "rock'n body" or how often they have sex. ["You smell nice --maybe a little too nice."]
  11. I noticed that. Maybe he doesn't know (or understand) the difference?
  12. True --but Bobby didn't say any more to the guys on their "night out" than Danielle said to the women. I think he wanted to, but he's respecting her preference to keep it private. What an awesome husband!
  13. You do have a point --except, I don't recall Tristan ever saying anything like, "Don't tell your family about this." (At least, not on camera.) Maybe that's what he meant for her to understand, because he said something like "let's just keep this between us". ...Maybe, for Mia, "between us" means "nobody outside the family". (I wonder if Tristan has told his mom about it?) As far as "broadcasting" goes: if it was such a big secret, why would Tristan bring it up to Mia on camera?!
  14. Jeanne222 said: "You said everything I am thinking! Lol Dave hasn't ended it because the sex is outstanding! Do you see the way they look at each other! Every night and most mornings! I dunno. He is very happy with the sex! Is it enough?" No, it's not enough. Dave may be going along with the exercises and 'playing the game' because the sex is "outstanding"--but he fully intends to dump Amber on Decision Day.
  15. Tristan's mom was very skeptical, but she also has a strong belief in family. If Tristan loves Mia, she wants to accept her too. On the other hand, I suspect that because family is so important to her, Tristan's mom would probably agree with Mia as far as letting her family know asap that they (she and Tristan) were thinking of moving so far away from them.
  16. The sex is definitely not enough for Dave. It will probably be 'enough' for him to string Amber along till Decision Day, then dump her.
  17. Actually, she did. It was that comment Dave made: "You smell nice-- maybe a little too nice." Amber was hurt by yet another (needlessly) critical remark from Dave, but she decided to take it as more or less a compliment, and went on to have a nice dinner with him.
  18. Dave obviously agrees with you and your husband (and most other posters here). But he's still getting laid very frequently, so he'll "suffer through" living with Amber until his contract ends.
  19. I've never felt sorry for Mia before. But this time, I think Tristan was in the wrong. When your family is in Dallas and your new husband is talking about moving to Houston, that is something you need to share with your family right away, or it will hurt them much more in the long run. Family is Mia's hearthstone, her support group --she needs them now, to help her figure this all out. You don't cut your own family "out of the loop"! I'm even inclined to agree with Mia's annoying sister, that when you've just gotten married is a terrible time to make a major change like that.
  20. I completely agree. Dave has just been going through the motions for at least a couple of weeks now, putting in his time till their MAFS contract ends. So Amber needs to do the same. And *stop* giving him sex (in Dave's words) "...at least once a day, and often in the morning"! That's all Dave cares about, at this point (if he ever cared at all).
  21. It was "bonus footage". (Or, in other words, they edited it out to make Dave seem more sympathetic, more of a 'victim'...)
  22. Oh, and now Dr. Jessica is saying Amber should "take it [the 7.5] as an opportunity for growth..." What a pile of steaming...
  23. Now Jamie is trying to convince Amber that a 7.5 rating is perfectly appropriate and acceptable... Some people will disagree, but I'm glad Amber's not buying it.
  24. I wish I could give you five "likes" on that one!! Those so-called 'experts' have chosen spouses completely inappropriate for marriage to anyone, one time too many (at least).
  25. I agree. Amber should never have been "chosen" for this "experiment," and I can't help thinking the "experts" may paired her with Dave precisely because the two of them would provide plenty of drama for the show. I think Amber is probably a good person at heart, for the most part, and I suspect that (while he probably does believe 'honesty is the best policy'), Dave -at this point- is deliberately saying things that he knows will upset her. -- I think that's what the show's "experts" were hoping for!! [What Amber really needs isn't marriage. She needs a couple of years with a good clinical psychologist who can actually help her with all those fears and insecurities.]
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