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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. OK, so they went there: all 13 women who took money for their silence are now shouting, "Me, too!" It might not be legal, but I think a bunch of people on last episode's thread were right on the mark.
  2. Jackie didn't run. Wrong choice, Girl! You'll regret it, and a year from now you'll wish you'd never met him.
  3. It's like 5 minutes into the show and it's basically just been Molly crying crocodile tears -- "Oh, poor me! I feel so sorry for myself..."
  4. Jephte teaches 2nd grade, so yes, some of the stuff on the show could be very inappropriate for them. And I bet he's concerned about what their parents & the school administration will think. Especially since I bet a lot of those kids will find a way to watch their teacher on TV! I usually *do* watch the show as it airs, but I'm not sure I want to tonight. I mean, a 2-hour "finale" episode? That means they're gonna drag everything out as much as possible. And if I watch it later, I can fast-forward through those inevitable commercials in the middle of sentences when they finally say what their decision is. I wonder how many people commenting here will actually be watching as it airs?!
  5. Not sexually, in any case. Any student (or student's parent) who is watching Jephte will have seen his temper, though.
  6. That's it. He really couldn't care less what Jaclyn's experiences are, or how she feels about them, or what she wants or needs from her marriage to him.
  7. Two words: Stormy Daniels. [Once public outrage is present, those "hush money" agreements go out the window.]
  8. Absolutely accurate! We fostered a niece, who (after we said we wanted custody, and went through the process of becoming accredited to *become* foster parents) had already been in a couple of other foster homes. Although we did not live anywhere near to that state, we were ordered to come get her immediately once the judge accepted our petition to foster her. When we got there, she was wearing clothes that were too small for her, her teeth were totally rotten, and she had no clothes or toys (or anything else) to put into the little suitcase we'd bought for her. We hadn't expected that... We had to immediately buy her wearable clothes, shoes, and pj's --as well as a couple of toys-- and then race to catch our plane home!
  9. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens.
  10. I did, too. Anyone who wasn't around 30 years ago, really doesn't get it. That would be an interesting twist... and a completely believable one. It would mean that (a) Harper forced sex upon his own son's girlfriend/wife, and/or (b) Because there was a child involved, Harper Avery insisted that his son marry Katherine.
  11. I'm not a lawyer, and you may be absolutely right. Cerone certainly *seemed* to believe that Merideth had the power announce that Cerone's name was being added to that research, since she and Ellis Grey had worked on it together. But I have no idea what the legalities are. I *do* remember an occasion a couple of years ago where one company had bought out another, and the company that had bought the other one out [I don't remember the names of them] was being sued for something the (first) company had done before they were bought out. I never found out the result of that lawsuit, maybe the judge threw it out of court, maybe not. Anyway, my original comment was just conjecture based on the revelations about Harper Avery and Cerone during the "Judgement Day" episode.
  12. Oh. Two reasons: 1) As I said, Cerone *asked* Mer to put her name back on that paper, explaining that she and Ellis worked on it together and she deserved half the credit. Mer refused. (Mer didn't know why her name had been taken off, and her mother's diary didn't say.) When Cerone finds out she was one of thirteen women to be paid for their silence about Harper Avery, she's certain to be even more furious about that injustice and she will probably be out for revenge. 2) [Unless I'm mistaken] Mer is still a part-owner in the hospital, which is mostly owned by the Harper Avery foundation -- which would make her a legitimate target for a lawsuit against them.
  13. Because of the confrontation between Mer and Cerone previously, in which Cerone told Mer that she had done at least half the work on the medical discovery that Ellis Grey got her Harper Avery for, then suddenly Ellis Grey removed Cerone's name off the research study. [Ellis had to do that, because of the stipulation in Cerone's "hush money" contract that her name would no longer be associated with Harper Avery in any way.] But, again, Mer will end up having to clean up her mother's messes. I don't have any 'spoiler' knowledge, or anything like that, but it sure seems like a Grey's Anatomy plot twist to me.
  14. I agree, but for somewhat different reasons (although your reasons were good). If Merideth and Jo are chosen, at the same time as Harper Avery is 'outed' as a predator who sexually attacked Marie Cerone, the press will start digging. The truth will be revealed, that Mer's mother dropped Marie Cerone's name from her Harper Avery-winning research after they had done it together! And Merideth could be facing a huge lawsuit because she didn't give Cerone credit for their research.
  15. Yeah, and of course she and Owen will get back together and they'll end up keeping the baby boy too --raising them like twins. Obviously, the 'getting back together' part won't last very long... then they'll fight over custody of the kids.
  16. ...And if she did, I *definitely* don't think he'd get through the honeymoon! We all know what Ryan's idea of "spending 'quality time' with his wife" is.
  17. Indeed. They were speaking in more general terms, about the level of emotional investment they had developed in their 'marriages'. Glad you pointed that out.
  18. Actually, if I recall correctly those comments by Ryan were made *after* Jephte said he didn't love Shawniece, either. And (of course) Jephte's comment came after Jon's declaration that he and Molly are "separated" and he's done with her. Someone (I think maybe it was Ryan) asked, "Do you love Molly?" And Jon said something like, "No, but I was really dedicated to making this marriage work. She made it impossible" [paraphrasing].
  19. Yeah, Jon may have farted in bed --but Molly's personality farts every time she opens her mouth.
  20. And what about the things that the wives say about their husbands, when it's just the girls? Although I'm inclined to agree with you about Jephte being respectful to Shawniece by not 'telling tales out of school,' the so-called 'experts' who put these people together in the first place have made it clear that they decided to arrange for the couples to meet and socialize with each other specifically so the wives and husbands would hang out together without their spouses and talk things over with 'the only people who can really understand what they're going through'. I'm not sure it was such a great idea, judging by the way Molly and Ryan have been gaslighting their spouses and planting gossip in the minds of the other wives/husbands. As for Molly's "Daddy issues," I couldn't agree more! She is looking for a man she can manipulate as completely as she did with her Daddy, a man who will agree with Molly herself that she's already perfect in every way and doesn't need to change a thing. (And that, of course, is the reason Molly probably won't ever go to a therapist for her "Daddy issues".) Probably just as well. It would take decades of therapy for a shrink to try to help Molly become a halfway decent human being, and (even so) the chances of that therapy being successful are very slim.
  21. I have no idea about what Massachusetts laws are concerning annulments. Maybe they could, but these days the part about "not consummating the marriage" isn't usually the main issue. Unless they're Catholic, of course. If they had a Catholic Church wedding, and they want to remain Catholics in good standing, getting an "annulment' within that church, by church rules, should be possible for them since the marriage was never consummated.
  22. Yeah, it's not surprising that Molly is a manipulator though. She's even got the other 'wives' listening to her 'advice' as if she's some kind of marriage counselor!! Do you even think *those* two will stay together after decision day?
  23. Actually, I agree completely! Ryan blowing Jaclyn off and pretty much telling her he lied about wanting her to he his "wife" is the best thing that could have happened! Hopefully, he'll continue thinking like a sociopath and declare he wants a divorce -- that would be the "something good" I've been hoping to see this week!!
  24. Exactly! After spending the evening drinking with the guys, he went home, told Jaclyn he still doesn't know whether he wants to be married to her and he doesn't even want to talk about it. Then, of course, he drank some more beer...
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