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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. 3 cheers for Jackson Avery! It turns out, he actually has a pair. ...Who knew?!
  2. For sure, sex helps to make life enjoyable, and Meredith would almost certainly be happier if she had more of it in her life. But it certainly doesn't have to be with a single partner, and Riggs has a lot of baggage.
  3. Agreed. There are many people who live happier lives without a "significant other". Although it's lame to say this: for some people there is only one true love. Meredith is like that. Her true love is gone forever and can't be replaced. If they try to 'lather, rinse, repeat' the whole Meredith/Derek/Addison thing using Nathan, I'll be mad. That would not only be a cheap plot twist, it would be inconsistent with Meredith's character.
  4. Excellent analysis. Except, I still love Meredith. I just wish they'd allow her some happiness again!
  5. Losing a child-- even it it's "just" a miscarriage --is always painful. It happens to a lot of us. There is a 'baby bump' to make plans for, to buy things for, to give names to, to dream of the future with. Of course both parents grieve when all that is lost. It's a really tough time. But when the parents have each other to hold on to, each other's shoulders to cry on, each other to talk it over with when they're ready (knowing that the other person truly understands)--then they don't have to feel so alone. Maybe April didn't want or need her husband around at the time- but Jackson needed her. And the very *last* thing Jackson needed was to have his wife suddenly disappear, not telling him anything at all. The man didn't even know if she was dead or alive! I'm sure he thought she might have gone off a cliff or something in her grief... He must have been terrified that he he'd lost both of them at once.
  6. That. April is so self-centered that she left for war without telling Jackson anything, then didn't call him for a long time, and even then didn't bother keeping in touch. But when she suddenly showed back up in Seattle, she expected to immediately step right back into her life at Grey's, and continue her marriage with Jackson as if nothing had ever happened. [And when he didn't go along with exactly what she wanted, she did her best to make him into the bad guy!!] No. Just no. That's not simply "taking some time out to grieve the loss of her baby". Oh, and after that she didn't bother to mention to Jackson that they were having another baby together...
  7. I'm not a fan of the Jo character, but I do agree she has been good to Alex. My main issue with the Jo character is Camilla's acting. She does come off as a "princess," not as a tough, strong survivor with a street/foster kid background, and IMO that's probably because Camilla doesn't have the talent to portray a character so very different from herself.
  8. Sounds like a really chaotic episode. I hope the writers and actors don't mess it up this time!
  9. So true! And I noticed in this latest episode that there was absolutely no backlash from that boy's death. A questionable death of a patient (especially a child!) during surgery should have at least triggered Bailey calling for a medical review, even if there is no malpractice suit filed.
  10. For the most part, I like Daisy's version a *lot* better than the real one: I did like the part (in the real episode) where Meredith *agreed* that Richard himself would have wanted to hire someone like Minnick if it meant better training for their doctors --but still completely disagreed with Bailey's choosing to shove Richard, aside because Minnick demanded Richard's job. Richard accepted Minnick rather quickly --until he found out that Minnick had actually stolen his job. Richard had really listened to her ideas, and he saw the merit in them. He also saw the potential risk to patients if they weren't properly implemented. [And last episode, with that little boy's death, proved how right Richard was to be concerned about that!] But Minnick was/is a power-hungry bitch. She refused to work together with Richard, and demanded his job or else she would have walked away. Bailey had a choice to make in that moment, and she chose wrong. She should have told Minnick, "Bye, it was nice meeting you..." After all, Richard had already embraced most of Minnick's ideas and changes. Those changes were already being implemented, and the residents would still have gotten to do more surgeries. But that little boy would probably still be alive. I am still 100% in agreement with the attendings who think Bailey was wrong, and that April is a suck-up to accept Chief of Surgery. (True, some of the attendings' behavior has been unprofessional, even childish. But, c'mon- any regular viewer *knows* that Grey's doctors are often unprofessional, and sometimes they're very childish.) I know, right?!
  11. I still despise Minnick. I'm not sure if it's bad acting or bad writing (or both) but she isn't believable to me as a good person 'underneath all that'. And there was no reason at all why her working with the residents had to shove Richard aside like just so much trash!
  12. Perhaps it would have been more ridiculous for brain surgery to be Stephanie's first ever solo --although drilling a burr hole (to decompress the brain) is actually a relatively simple procedure, compared to some that are done on other parts of the body. In any case, IMO the choices for "first ever solo" surgery should 'never' be either a pediatric procedure or brain surgery. Performing surgery on a child is always different from performing it on an adult, and Stephanie wasn't even being 'seconded' by their pediatric specialist. Her 'second' was Minnick, whose specialty is sports medicine! And, of course, if (somehow) drilling a burr hole to relieve pressure on the brain had to be someone's first 'solo' surgery, I would *certainly* expect that Dr's "second" to be an experienced brain surgeon, not some completely unrelated specialty.
  13. They will not make Hunt a dad until, and unless, he has 'rebound' or 'revenge' drunk sex with someone he doesn't care about.
  14. Gator, I'm feeling pretty much the same way about Grey's. I don't even find episodes like these last two entertaining, so why watch? [It's kind of like watching a train wreck: you don't want to see it but you just can't look away.] Baseops, I don't know Gator, and I certainly can't read Gator's mind. But I obviously didn't read that comment the same way you did, because I don't think Gator's objection to Arizona and Minnick hooking up was all about Arizona being a lesbian. I used to think Arizona was the most impressive and likable character on Grey's. She has always been professional, she's a good teacher, and she's an amazing pediatric surgeon. During the 3-way relationship with Callie and McSteamy, Arizona seemed to play a calming, peacemaker/compromise role that I admired. But ever since she and Callie's ugly divorce, it seems like Arizona has been choosing worse and worse temporary 'hook-up' partners. If she were a real person, I'd suggest maybe she should take some time to work things out in her own head before getting involved with with anyone else. She's gone through some really traumatic things, and talking to a therapist about her issues might help her to move on, and to find a real relationship with someone a lot better than Minnick!
  15. Yes, I got the name wrong. Sorry. My bad. But that Avery woman (Catherine) is behind all of this, and she's a manipulative, vicious, power-mad egomaniac who is even willing to tear down her own husband without shedding a tear, if it somehow gets her what she wants. She has no conscience.
  16. Alex. Another character with potential that they messed up. At this point, I don't care what he thinks or feels about anything.
  17. Sorry, Gladrags. I don't know why my brain wants to confuse the name... but my bad. It's Catherine. (Even after she married Richard, I mostly think of her as "that Avery bitch".) As for April: I do think she's more confident due to her time as a military doctor. [She might have gained some PTSD, as well --we'll see if they actually go there]. She gained confidence, but *not* emotional maturity. She's like the fragile little girl raised on the farm to be a 'pretty princess' pageant winner, but in the real world she always got chosen last. Now she's a Big Shot but she's still childishly defensive about it. "Oh yeah?! You think I can't do it? I am *so* a good enough doctor to be Chief of Surgery [I am, I am, I am!] and I'm gonna prove it to everybody and I don't care who gets hurt!"
  18. There's no question that loyalty and disloyalty are major factors in the current story thread. And so is guilt. Guilt for being part of that boy's death. Maggie's vague guilt for not welcoming her own mother's visit will almost certainly grow into a pillar of guilt that she didn't spend every possible moment with her Mom --whenever she finally finds out her mom is dying. Bailey's guilt for being disloyal to Richard while taking secret orders from Caroline to shove Minnick at the hospital staff as his replacement. Other doctors' guilt for betraying Richard by allowing Minnick into their ORs (because they don't want to be suspended like Meredith was). The only person who probably won't suffer any guilt at all is Caroline Avery. I don't think she has a conscience.
  19. My understanding is that Stephanie was performing a laparoscopic surgery (inserting trochars and scopes into the body) and she tore a blood vessel as she did that. And yes, since it was a problem caused by the surgery, it might be considered a medical mistake - the sort of thing that is less likely to happen if the surgeon is well-experienced [but Stephanie wasn't, she was still learning]. The person whose job it was to supervise and teach Stephanie to do that surgery properly is the one most of the responsibility would fall on [and that was Minnick].
  20. Lawyers make the worst exes. They can talk circles around women and confuse them so much they think they're in love -and then when they dump them, they confuse them again and make them think everything that went wrong is their own fault. Let's hope Mr. Big Bad isn't Jo's ex.
  21. I'm disappointed in this whole story thread. Does anyone besides me remember when Bailey was such a tyrant, the interns she was overseeing called her "the Nazi"? That's the Bailey we're seeing again now -without any reasonable rationale for why she suddenly switched back from Dr. Jeckyl to Mr. Hyde. Yeah, I get it that Caroline is behind the whole scheme with Dr. Minnick (which is *totally* an excuse to get Arizona into another relationship). I don't think the attendings' defense of Richard is unreasonable. The way Bailey and Caroline and Minnick have carried out this scheme of theirs is dirty and underhanded and manipulative and just *wrong*. No-one likes to be manipulated like that. As for Jo being the 'editorial' voice of the episode: looks like Meredith is going to be away for a while...
  22. I am totally disgusted with what they just did to Grey's, suspending Meredeth and then making April (of all people) Chief of Surgery?! I've got to give April credit for tenacity, but she's a flake. She has always been a flake -but not telling Jackson that they were pregnant was really stupid. No way that could have ended well. If there's one thing you need from a Chief of Surgery, it's stability and reliability and clear thinking under pressure. That's not April. I think only Alec would have been a less appropriate choice for Chief of Surgery than April. Not to mention, there's an issue with nepotism. April isn't married to Jackson anymore, but she was, and she's raising Caroline's only grandchild! I'm a forever fan of Grey's --but tonight, I won't be watching it. I mean, Even weight loss surgery for 600 lb. people is starting to look good, in comparison to this story line!
  23. I'll be disappointed if MAFS Miami doesn't have even one Hispanic couple. David has explained why he was carrying some extra weight during his disastrous 6 week "marriage" to Ashley: because of a foot/ankle injury, he hadn't been able to work out for a while. Now, I notice, he has not only shaved the beard - he's lost that belly flab, too.
  24. It's official: Ashley is the Mother of All Frigid Ice Queens.
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