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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. Makes sense. I guess that's why she couldn't simply take a later flight to Cancun. I'd been questioning that.
  2. Certainly, adolescence has been extremely difficult for Jazz. It's sad that she has battled depression and even suicidal urges. Since I'm a 'normal' heterosexual, myself, I really have no idea what that was like for Jazz, nor do I know if "bottom surgery" will result in her becoming a happier person, or not. I do hope so.
  3. Absolutely. Kids do tend to "choose" one or the other when their parents split up, especially when they're in their teens, but Cass was already estranged from Beverly and it seems like now she has completely cut the cord. So sad, especially since Beverly had been trying to reach out to her and show acceptance of her choices. So sad. Has this show been canceled??
  4. I just want to congratulate Jazz. Yes, there are issues about her mental health and about her being underage. They are legitimate issues. But the surgery is done now, and she seems happy about it. Perhaps it will help to bring her the closure she needs.
  5. It must be insanely frustrating for them. Not surprising that this show attracts fame addicts and egomaniacs.
  6. I've been in that position, as well, and the woman didn't listen to me either. But it does go both ways, because people talk trash and tell lies too. People in love tend not to listen, regardless. Of course, that's not really the case here... they don't know each other well enough to be blindly in love, and that may be a major factor in Dave's response. Perhaps it's sexist of me to say this --but I do think a man scorned is more likely to sex-shame an 'ex who dumped him than a woman is.
  7. Yes, but I keep recalling who Dave brought with him to that 'family' outing. Clearly, his male "buddies" are very important to him, and it seems likely to me that he might believe what one of them says over what his own wife tells him. That would be despite the fact that 'exes' notoriously talk trash (and often exaggerations/lies) when they get together drinking and hanging out. Women do it too.
  8. I really do hope the other wives/girlfriends will defend Amber, as it appears she needs to be defended. She should *not* need to be defended, however. She wasn't married then. She is married now.
  9. OK, so maybe she was in one of those relationships where the guy feels free to play around, but assumes the woman needs to be faithful or else she's "trashy". I admit, I do think it's "trashy" to engage in revenge sex when the person you're involved with cheats --the obvious thing to do would be simply end it-- but it's a common reaction. Or, maybe she didn't consider them to be a 'committed' couple at all, but he did. So she continued having casual sex. Lots of couples never really discuss at which point they're "committed". They just make assumptions. It's stupid, but extremely common. Well said!!
  10. Just because the 'ex' said ugly things about her, that doesn't make it true. Daytime trash TV is full of lie detector/DNA test shows where one or the other 'ex' is telling outrageous lies about the other person to "get back at them".
  11. Absolutely. And, going by the fact that neither Mia nor the "experts" mentioned anything about Mia having ever reported her car stolen, it's clear that they just let her go because they didn't have enough proof to hold her for more than 48 hours (at which point she would've had to be actually charged with all those crimes) --I've got to think Mia never told the cops anything at all.
  12. Exactly!! Danielle was paired with the guy who wants to be "the man of the house" and is eager to have kids right away. Amber was paired with Dave, who is not just a good gym buddy with her 'ex', --Dave also specified to the "experts" that he does not want a woman older than him who is eager for kids right away!!
  13. For sure! I mean, Amber desperately wants babies, and Bobby does too. I'm thinking Amber would probably be just fine with the 'housewife' thing while their kids are small, if Bobby could afford to support all of them. Why weren't *those* two paired, instead of the other way around??!
  14. Glad you resisted the "spoilers". For sure, your bride being held up by customs on the way to your romantic overseas honeymoon would be an eye-opener!
  15. Good point. But that's a case where the 'experts' are largely responsible for the drama that will take place.
  16. I see nothing wrong with this. These are probably the reasons *why they got MAFS. Danielle hears her baby clock going, "tick, tick, tick". That's a "red flag" for most guys when they're dating... but these people are married!! They chose to make a life, and a family, with the stranger that's selected for them, rather than continuing to participate in the dating lottery.
  17. I really hope you're wrong --especially now that there's a child involved.
  18. I'm SO glad we won't be seeing any more of Jon and Molly together!
  19. One more question, before the last show airs. Am I the only one who thinks Dr. Jessica will disappear from the show, after essentially giving Molly and Jon permission *not* to live together at the end?
  20. OK, so... We all know Jon and Molly are out (Thank God!!) And most people seem to think Jefte and Shawniece will stay together longer-term. What about Ryan and Jaclyn? Does anyone think they'll be together for the next episode?
  21. Because Jackson was head of Harper-Avery, and it will no longer exist! It will become the Catherine Fox Corporation (or some such).
  22. 1) From Katherine's own frenzied explanation to Jackson, we know that she had enough "influence" at that point to convince Harper Avery to 'allow' her to compensate the women with 'large' sums of money in exchange for their silence, combined with leaving their jobs and never having anything whatsoever to do with Harper Avery again. Why she (as a doctor, not a lawyer) had that much influence over Harper Avery at the time is a very good question. 2) Actually, do we know that Katherine was in Harper Avery's family at that point? 3) The women H. Avery molested would have been slut-shamed, making them unemployable pretty much anywhere in the nation, if Katherine hadn't done what she did. She was right about that. 4) Probably not. [Unless, of course, Harper Avery is actually Jackson's father, and H. Avery either forced his son, Blake, to marry Katherine (in order to legitimize H. Avery's baby), or else Harper forced Blake to acknowledge a child that was really the result of sexual harassment/rape of his wife by his own father.] That would explain Katherine's "influence" over Harper Avery, and why Katherine never told Jackson anything about this before.
  23. Yes, Arizona should not have passed out cookies without having baked them herself or purchased them at a responsible bakery. I actually thought, at first, that the big "oops" about the cookies was going to be that they *had peanut butter in them,* which of course can be deadly to anyone who is allergic! And Arizona didn't ask people, "Want a peanut butter cookie?" She said, "Want a lesbian appreciation cookie?" Someone might have assumed that if they had peanuts it would have been mentioned... and then gotten very sick. Very badly done, script writers! I also agree with Chocolatine about the #MeToo thing. Catherine may have actually believed that she was doing the best thing she could for all those women, at the time. But she wasn't. She victimized those women again by forcing them to stay silent ...And I don't think she should get to come out of this smelling like a rose.
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