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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. This still seems to be the only thread about the new show. Did anyone else watch it?
  2. I hope she can. But either way, she's much better off without Dave. It's pretty obvious the Gym Guy trashed Amber in every way he could. And the finale made it crystal clear that yeah, whatever Gym Guy said made a big difference to Dave (kudos to GoneCrackers!) The Gym Guy's words were always in Dave's mind during their short "marriage". One of them will be filing for divorce... and, yes, it will probably have to be Amber, because Dave still doesn't want to look like the 'bad guy'. (Not fair, since he's the one who called it 'quits'.) I was actually really proud of Amber when I learned she had moved out(!!) --until she crumpled like a napkin and begged to go back to Dave. Amber still needs a real shrink.
  3. That's the truth Dave should have told after 8 weeks. But he wanted it to be Amber who "looks bad" to the experts and the public. A big win/win for Dave, I guess.
  4. Mia walks in on Tristan who's immersed in his phone, watching a video of a woman in a bikini. Mia: Who's that you're looking at?? I'm supposed to be the only woman in your life now! Tristan: Yeah, it's no big deal though, just something from my 'ex. You need to learn not to get all crazy! Mia: You were watching a video of your 'ex in a bikini. Tristan: Just checking my social media. All the ladies love me, I get stuff from women all the time. You need to stop being so insecure, Mia. I can't believe you're causing another fight! Mia: You didn't have to open that video. [Hangs head, leans toward Tristan's armpit] Tristan: That's it!! I'm done. (Stomps out of the room dramatically.) Mia (mutters to self): Doing what you always do. [She begins packing up her stuff.] [15 minutes later] Tristan: So, Mia left me again (licks lips)... I got back and she was gone! She packed her bags and left! ...I can't believe she did me like that!
  5. Not really looking forward to this one --but it is what it is.
  6. I think a case could be made for increased stress among Millenials. They live in a world where selfies, fake boobs, enlanged butts, and (at least) minor "enhancement" medical procedures to people's faces are the norm. "Just being yourself" really isn't an acceptable option. People notice every little thing, and everyone is a critic! There is also the issue of what they eat. Hair is essentially made of pure protein and connective tissue. If breakfast is a green 'health' shake and lunch is half a banana, that's not gonna qualify to help strengthen and grow hair.
  7. Actually, (if the parents can afford it) most kids go to pre-school these days. (Otherwise, they end up starting kindergarten a little bit behind their peers.)
  8. So do I, but it's none of my business. Danielle obviously likes wearing a "strong brow," the overdone version of which was a fad for quite a while. And, well, with Groucho Marx eyebrows, she needs extra lashes or her eyes would just disappear! Even if he keeps taking her fishing?
  9. Or not. That I know of, Dave gave Amber flowers exactly once, and that was part of his "romantic gesture" assignment, when he rented that fancy "Princess Carriage" for them to ride in. As for "calling her at work" --I've always tried to avoid calling Hubby during work hours because he's, well, working --and bosses do tend to frown on such things. I can understand why Amber might not be enthusiastically appreciative about frequent calls to her at work! ...Besides, I doubt very much that Dave was calling Amber to say, "I love you, Amber, and I'm missing you. See you tonight." (That would be 'romantic'.) I think he might be "the sweetest person" in bed --but that's about it.
  10. Yeah, I think that's probably why he finally decided to "stick it out" with Amber for a little bit longer. lol
  11. That's not been announced yet, to my knowledge, but considering how bad they've been fighting, it sure seems like a good guess. Not sure who might have said that there are no "anti-Dave people". I did say there was a "Team Dave," but not really a "Team Amber" --I believe I referred to it as instead being "Team That Wants Something Better for Amber". (Meaning, of course, better for Amber than staying married to Dave --which is a toxic match.) I said it that way because, while a lot of people seemed to like Dave just fine the way he is, almost everyone had issues with Amber's stressful, repeated meltdowns. Some of us were understanding/sympathetic/compassionate toward what Amber was going through, while others seemed to be strongly "anti-Amber" and putting pretty much all the blame for that couple's problems squarely on her shoulders. Doesn't matter now, of course. It will be interesting to see who's still married (and who's not) for the Reunion show.
  12. OMG, not Dave & Amber!! And there's no way Tristan and Mia could even last another week, much less long enough to film the Island show... so definitely not them. Besides, that would make everyone who watches the show really pissed!!
  13. Ugh. I just threw up a little bit inside my mouth, thinking of that.
  14. They'd be crazy to choose Dave & Amber. Even these "experts" wouldn't be that bad.
  15. So they chose Amber First, and she said she wants to stay married (which is what I expected). Now it's up to Dave, who obviously doesn't want to stay married, but doesn't want to get a divorce (at least, according to what he said earlier). ...And Dave says he wants to stay married. Now I'm really sick. Maybe it's the stomach flu?
  16. Dave: "I'm not going to stay in a bad marriage, just because I don't want a divorce."
  17. Tristan and Mia chose to stay together. I think I need to barf...
  18. Dave says, "I did miss Amber last night," and then immediately mentions sex. Amber, on the other hand, says it actually feels good waking up in her own bed, in her own space, by herself.
  19. Yeah, I thought that was interesting too. But not quite as interesting as Dave's friend saying he likes Amber because, unlike his other women, Amber speaks her mind and doesn't just cry over him. As Dave's friend said to him, "I'd rather you be like, with someone that has an opinion rather than just with a bawler." Maybe so-- but that's a very good reason why Amber shouldn't stay with him!! Any guy who's proud of being a dick...
  20. Dave, still refusing to be honest with Amber, and tell her that he doesn't think he could be happy with her long-term. Even after he brings up the subject over dinner (with plenty of red wine), and she tells him she needs to know that --point blank.
  21. ...A big clue about Dave's former relationships: His buddy says to him, "I'd rather you be like, with someone that has an opinion rather than just with a bawler." (Interpretation: Dave makes 'his' women cry, a lot.)
  22. Danielle, with a super-smug smile on her face as Dave announces he is stressed about Decision Day.
  23. Dave, Uber-hypocritcally making negative comments about (as Jamie O observes) 'Bobby pouring his heart out to Danielle, and she doesn't really say anything back'. Dude, even that is better than your obnoxious, "I don't care!!" ...Followed by Dave telling Jamie O that Amber being more committed than he is, is "such BS". Sorry, Dave, but you're a flat-out hypocritical liar!!
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