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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. True, Gonecrackers, but Luke presented himself as an "engineer" who also has what his friends refer to as his "side hustles". I don't know if the so-called 'experts' (or maybe production) gave him a stamp of permission to go ahead with running speed dating "side hustles" after he became engaged, or not-- but even if they did, I think he was clearly breaking their "no dating apps" rule, and that was a special exception that should never have been granted to him.
  2. This!! Except, I do agree with people who say Luke's behavior goes waaay beyond the (shallow, selfish) way that Jepthte treats Shawniece. Luke might actually be a psychopath. I thought immediately of Jephte and Shawniece when I saw the way Luke reacted to Kate at the altar. But considering what we saw in those previews-- Luke is worse.
  3. When your business 'side hustle' involves chatting up women and running a "flash" dating service (of sorts), then yes, I do consider that cheating on the rules! And if it "doesn't mean anything" to run the speed dating hustle because Luke's just a background person and not actually a "participant," then why would Luke take offense that Kate didn't recognize him at first --and she explained it was because he was 'just the guy running it'??! Luke obviously expects every woman who has met him, to remember him!
  4. I noticed that, too. Re-edits notwithstanding, it seems Luke was still doing his speed-dating "hustle" (and, no doubt, flirting a bit with the women he found attractive) 1-3 days before his "wedding" --meaning he was doing speed dating at least 10 days after he was "proposed" to by the 'experts' and was to supposed to have eliminated all his dating apps, etc.!!
  5. As I noted in an earlier comment-- Luke kept staring, transfixed, at Jasmine during that first "Unfiltered". And yes, his chatty interaction with her was warm and welcoming. So very different than the way he interacted with poor Kate!! I'm just gonna come right out and say it: that sweet, hopeful, beautiful young blonde girl was absolutely victimized by the 'experts' and producers of MAFS.
  6. One month. In one of those "teaser" clips, Kate was in tears having planned something special for their "anniversary" and Luke wasn't there...
  7. Yess!! When I saw how Luke acted, I thought immediately of Jephte! And of poor Shawniece, who is now stuck with a beautiful baby and a hubby who doesn't love her and isn't even really attracted to her, but since he's crazy about his new baby, he wants to continue to "try" to love his wife so that "his" daughter will be able to grow up together with full brothers and sisters.
  8. I don't know if it's a gay thing, but I suppose it might be. It also might be that he doesn't like "white" women.
  9. On "Unfiltered #1", Luke seems to have his eyes glued on Jasmine.
  10. I'm guessing it's "Queen" Catherine Christine who can't cook. (Although "can't cook" is a relative thing --some men seem to think that if a woman doesn't want to cook all the time, or if she isn't a very good cook, then she "can't cook".)
  11. I know I'm in the minority here (and that's not uncommon) --but I'm rooting for the boisterous-when-nervous, double-chinned guy (who needs a longer beard), AJ. I do think he got rather drunk before the ceremony, and had even more afterward. But many of those schmucks grooms get drunk before meeting the hangman getting MAFS. I probably would too --and I'm a woman. Except for being nervously boisterous and rather obnoxious when drunk, AJ actually seems like a pretty nice guy. So I'm still (cautiously) on Team AJ. He certainly seems eager-beaver to fulfill Stephanie's wish for her first child --ASAP.
  12. Seriously?!! "For anyone interested in participating on Married at First Sight, be prepared to go through a very thorough application process. The producers of the show don’t take the matchups lightly and do all that they can to eliminate anyone that could be potentially harmful to others. After filling out the application, each applicant then goes through a thorough background check and complete details of your criminal records will be scoured. In addition, credit checks are run to get an estimate of any outstanding debts you might owe as producers do not want to create a pairing that will have to face heavy debts right from the start." No way. If that's true, then why did so many people with criminal records sneak through??! And as for debts --anyone who watched last season knows that Danielle entered their marriage at least $15,000 in debt! Do they not consider that a "heavy debt"?! I also found this remark about payments made to MAFS participants interesting: ..."later reports seem to contradict this statement with claims of payments up to $15,000 for appearances on the initial season. By season three, payments were up to $25,000."
  13. As Humbleopinion put it: It means that Luke's female children (if he ever has any) are more likely to be well-endowed, once they're teens.
  14. Sorry for mis-quoting, Empress. And thanks for pointing out Luke's apparent preference for non-white women. I don't see anything wrong with it, but now Pastor Cal's hesitance to match him with Kate makes a lot of sense! I don't feel like I know enough good things about Luke to call him "a decent guy so far". I don't see his social media/street hustles (probably to pay off a car he couldn't really afford) as a stellar recommendation for the guy. But those horrible remarks in the preview for next week may have been taken completely out of context, quite deliberately, by MAFS producers. It's never 'safe' to assume otherwise!
  15. As Scruffy [Oops, I mean Empress!] said: "I wondered if it might be that when Luke talked about his exes on the casting, they were all women of color and Kate is not." Yes, that could actually be it. I wouldn't rule out any type of viewer manipulation by this show's producers! ...By the way, Sterling, I think I might have been the "person upthread" that you referred to. I quipped: "Luke is there for money and social media attention."
  16. I actually happen to agree with you about the superficial snark, ChristmasJones --but snark is allowed (and encouraged by many) on this forum. (There might be a similar forum where it's not permitted, but I don't know of one.)
  17. Luke is there for money and social media attention. He'd probably consider Stephanie too old for him. But who knows? Maybe he'd be short-sighted enough to 'do her' anyway (without using protection)... They probably paid those couples in "Happily Ever After" pretty well. They'd have to, for any group of women to be filmed having 'morning sickness' and display their ever-growing bellies on national TV (..and in one case, even having birth contractions)!
  18. Absolutely. Luke is so obviously a social media attention whore, there's no way any real expert would have picked him for a groom in the first place. The only person Luke is capable of caring about, is himself.
  19. He never used the phrase, "available uterus". If you haven't watched any of the episodes, Scruffy, you probably aren't aware that Jephte and Shawniece split up for a couple of months after they were on MAFS, but got back together just before "Happily Ever After". During that time, Jephte admitted he had sex with other women (plural) but it was 'no big deal' because he considered it "just me doing me". By the way, Jephte did say that 'since Laura turned out so adorable, he wanted to "try to" stay married to Shawniece, because he wants "his"' other kids to be her full brothers and sisters'.
  20. Exactly, Gonecrackers. It's really lame, and it's no excuse for treating Shawniece as 'just an available uterus to make all my babies for me, since Laura turned out really adorable and I want them all to be her full siblings.' Shawniece brings in money, and does all the work whenever she's home (except for when Jephte feels like cuddling and playing with the baby). So Jephte will make that 'terrible sacrifice'...
  21. Jephte is an educated man, a teacher. That means he talks to parents on a very regular basis, and I'm sure some of them are married! Even though Jephte's own parents apparently weren't married, and even though he's pretty much said that none of his friends are married, either --Jephte applied to be Married at First Sight. So yes, he knew what marriage was, and even if it's true that 'he'd never been to a wedding', he'd obviously been 'briefed' by the producers, the 'experts,' etc. on what to expect. I don't buy that ridiculously lame lie/excuse at all.
  22. Danielle: "Bobby does let me get my way a lot..." Me: No kidding!!
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