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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. I wonder if AJ has ever spent time seeing a good, legitimate therapist? He obviously needs to, and it might make a big difference in this marriage. ...I agree with you but I still think this pair make a good couple and could really enjoy each other, long-term --without the 'crazy' part from AJ. Sadly, we all know, the "experts" on this show will do exactly the opposite of what Steph and AJ need.
  2. You can get a Doctorate in nursing. I have a cousin and a a couple of friends who did exactly that.
  3. Keith's grandmother has, without question, been a saint to take care him into her home (and let him live there rent-free) all of this time, while Keith continues working part-time to afford college. No doubt, she loves him as her own child and is very proud of him for all he has achieved so far (in spite of whatever challenges he's faced) --and Granny is proud of his determination to continue learning and achieve even more. Keith's Grandma certainly seemed very sweet and supportive of his marrying Queen Christine, friendly and open to her and all her family. I certainly agree that Granny has earned some "me" time! But she will miss having Keith there with her every day. He's 'her baby'. I see nothing wrong with Keith and the Queen actually sitting down and talking it over with Grandma. If they explain the problem with Keith's busy schedule combined with the new household duties and the fact that Keith has no clue how to cook, Grandma would probably delighted to have them over for dinner a couple of times a week (when Keith isn't working or at school or studying for tests). ...And who better than Grandma, to teach Keith (and maybe the 'Queen') a few things about cooking while they're at it?!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Again with Kate and Will: Clearly, 'Dr. Blondie' only intervenes when it's a man that she's attracted to who's being emotionally torn down by the spouse's "abusive language"! Agreed. Except I knew Luke was too much of a jerk to sit down with Kate and have a long talk with her about how sorry he is for what he said, and the way he's been acting toward her, and acknowledging how badly he hurt her. In fact, the person I'm most upset about in that situation is Pastor Cal. He literally acknowledged that what Luke said to Kate was "verbal abuse," but then Cal encouraged Kateto continue that pointless and torturous "marriage"!! I'm a little confused by this comment, but I think what Empress is saying is that Kate's friends might have 'reservations' about their relationship? (Or, was it that Luke's friends might have reservations? ...Or that Kate might have reservations about Luke's friends??)
  4. Keith's Grandmother won't live forever, but for now that would be a sensible compromise (right now Keith's burning the candle at both ends --with 4 work shifts, 5 days of advanced college classes, plenty of homework, and [now] an hour or so at the gym every day because the Queen wants it.) The guy really is trying to improve himself, and at the moment I don't think cooking should be top priority!
  5. That makes lots of sense, *except* for the fact that Keith only works part time while apparently going to school full time, and Queen Christine (who makes 3x more money than he does!) doesn't seem interested in buying lots of take-out food. She absolutely expects Keith to cook, and at the same time she expects him to spend enough time in the gym to get that 6-pack that she expects from him (--regardless of the fact that Keith works all night 4 x per week, while going to school during the day and *must* be totally exhausted a lot of the time.)
  6. Maybe hipster guys like Luke? He sure did seem to be noticing all of her... assets, when they were on flirting chatting together on Unfiltered!
  7. Of course. I'd be shocked if any of these "experts" even tried to help Kate explore/deal with that. They flat-out do not care about these people, only their paychecks from the show.
  8. I know it varies from state to state, but Keith was listed initially as a "Dialysis Technician". If that is accurate (and not just what he aspires to become), he is probably already an "Advanced Practice" nurse, meaning he has at least a 4 year nursing degree (with special training). I think nurses probably don't make as much money in his state as you might think... And in any case, Queen Kristine is attractive, very personable, and most likely quite successful at what she does!
  9. Pastor Cal: "Kate and Luke believe in Marrige. I believe in Marriage. I believe in Redemption..." I wonder if he believes in Santa Claus, too?!
  10. The answer is obvious --Kate didn't want Luke to criticize her for wearing anything sexy.
  11. Thanks, Humbleopinion. That will be very helpful for many of us, I'm sure. (And I appreciate the effort you put into detailing it.)
  12. I think it's a "man-weave" --apparently, that's a 'thing'-- like the man bun. [IMHO the weave looks much better, at least, but I'm sure it costs a whole lot more. Luke probably wanted it for his Big TV Debut lol]
  13. You may have just explained how Kate is tolerating the brutal way Luke talks to her. She's compartmentalized it, acting as though it's not real or maybe it actually happened to someone else...
  14. It wasn't during the original episode when they were screening for possible mates for the show. I know that Luke described 3 of his exes during that process (on camera) and all of them were at least half something besides Caucasian. [And I know that the reason some people think Luke told them one of his exes was 'white,' is because Luke likes to speak with loooong pauses. [Luke told Pastor Cal that one of his 'exes' was "white. ....And Palestinian".] However, Luke did say that he was attracted to "brunettes and... dark eyes". It was during the most recent "Unfiltered," and I can't remember if it was in conversation or just a "talking head".
  15. ...Then again, I've also been reading about how Kate is "a little chubby" --which in my opinion she is not. Some people just gotta snark.
  16. I really hope Pastor Cal tears Puke a new one over the way he's treating Kate. ...And I really, really hope Puke responds with something like, "Well screw this, I'm outta here!!"
  17. There's something I just have to get off my chest. Again tonight on 'Unfiltered,' they pointedly used Jamie (and Doug) as their "proof that love can grow". They pointedly said it to Kate, after she told them what was going on with Puke. I don't have every single couple they've ever had on MAFS memorized, but I know that Jamie and Shawniece are their only two long-term examples of women who didn't have mutual attraction at first, but eventually "fell in love". ...And frankly, both of those women 'settled'. Jamie settled for an OK guy who wasn't "Mr. Right," but at least he was "Mr. Right Now On National TV". (Plus, Jamie got a nice little TV job out of it.) As for poor Shawniece... I feel sorry for her. All she got out of it was a baby whose Daddy loves his child even though he doesn't love her, and never will.
  18. Pastor Call on 'Unfiltered,' really piling on the BS after talking to Kate and discussing AJ not wanting to do "homework": "Well, if you can handle all the stress of this right now [production hassling you in the middle of a kiss shared on a hammock, insisting you have to do your homework immediately].... then think of how that will help you in marriage when the cameras are gone..." Such a smelly pile of bovine waste. That producer could've waited a couple of minutes, and could've been more polite about the timing!
  19. Luke: "I like brunettes, and... dark eyes." In other words, all the posters who speculated he prefers non-'white' women, were absolutely right.
  20. So 'they' say. I once lived in a foreign country where it was considered impolite to refuse an offered cigarette at a group gathering. I wasn't a smoker, and at first I did refuse. Later on, I realized I was inhaling it anyway, so I might as well be polite --and I began to accept a cigarette at such gatherings. I never bought a pack for myself, and I never smoked except on those occasions, and after moving back to the USA, I haven't smoked again. At all. Not even one. I suppose that makes me a 'smoker'...
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