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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. I definitely agree with this! I felt so sad for Greg, when Jeanette was absolutely at the end of her rope, and *begging* him to come help her take care of Jazz when (if) a 3rd surgery was done. He just kept saying, "I have to work..." Greg's income is the only thing between their family and bankruptcy, I'm convinced of it. Medical procedures for Jazz have been incredibly expensive, and someone has to pay for them... Plus, Greg and Jeanette do have two (it was three) other kids in college, which is something I think some people may forget because Jazz is the focus of the show and of her own universe. These parents want what is best for all their kids, but frankly, Jazz seems to have monopolized most of their time, attention, and money. Obviously, they know it would be much better for Jazz to go to college once she's healed, and get a degree that will lead to a reliable long-term income rather than (hopefully!) getting a GED and then moving into that beachfront place where she'd have plenty of privacy to "dilate" with her ZeroProspects boyfriend, relying on her U-tube hits and her show to pay for everything. ...But Jazz will do what Jazz will do. Meanwhile, I applaud her mom and dad for finally standing up to her, and cutting off all the money they've been spending so Jazz could lie around eating nachos in bed!
  2. About Keith again --I don't think he's being realistic, wanting a child right away!! There is no way he'll ever get that doctorate in nursing/NP unless he waits to finish school before having kids. (And Kristine doesn't want kids yet, anyway!)
  3. I'm sure that's what Keith's goal is --a doctorate in nursing. Hubby has a 2nd cousin who got one --and she now RUNS a university health clinic. She's the 'Doc' in charge. We aren't close enough for me to ask her what she makes a year --but I bet it's not horse manure!
  4. I really hope that this is true. There are still lines that AJ could cross (probably out of anger/frustration/impulsivity) which he would never be able to un-cross. I mean, he's not the kind of man who would ever tell his wife that her kiss leaves him feeling "repulsed and dead inside"... But even if it's all verbal, never physical, that temper of AJ's is quite volatile and, if at some point, he 'impulsively' turns that anger/frustration toward Stephanie, it could end everything they've built together. (I really like them as a couple, and I truly hope this never happens.)
  5. Yes, Ari offered it --several years earlier, at a time when Jazz was upset and depressed that she would never be able to give birth to her own children. That doesn't mean Ari is going to be willing to just offer up her vagina for Jazz to have a baby with her very first boyfriend who she hasn't known very long, and who has no job or career plan, and whose family would probably disown him if they made a baby!
  6. This! I'm sure they've spent every penny! All those special state-of-the-art transgender procedures as Jazz was growing up must have been amazingly expensive -- plus the repeated 'testosterone blocking procedures' done in another state, & all that flying from city to city specialist-shopping just to finally find one who would give Jazz the answer she wanted for "bottom surgery"! (I think they also "shopped around" for mental health professionals to treat Jazz' severe depression as a younger transgender teen.) -Of course, the cost for 'gender affirmation surgery' would have been exorbitant, even as a single, uncomplicated procedure done by a local specialist. Jazz's parents are probably in debt up to their ears --despite whatever the show may have paid to them (--or to Jazz).
  7. I agree 100%, but Dr. Jessica is standing on the *technicality* that Jon was never her patient. Dr. Jessica was hired by mafs as an 'expert' consultant for the show, and at no time was she hired by Jon or specifically in charge of counseling specific patients. It kind of reminds me of when Bill got away with splitting legal hairs, claiming that he and Monica only had oral sex, and that's not sexual intercourse...
  8. I can... but then, I'm a cynical person. Matching Puke & Kate created a lot of tragic drama. And, sadly, a lot of people like to watch sadistic bastards like Luke tear apart "the girl next door"...
  9. This really isn't the way I see it: Kristine has already gotten "fed up" (pun intended!) with cooking Keith 3 meals a day, 7 days a week (just like Grandma used to do). She put her foot down and demanded that Keith help with the cooking. ...And Keith actually took one cooking class! That's pretty much how I see it.
  10. Yes, but it's probably too little, too late. Jazz is used to getting her own way, and she wants her own (expensive beach-front) apartment so that her family 'can't tell her what to do anymore,' and she and Ahmir will have privacy when he's in town.
  11. Exactly. But I don't think TLC pays enough for Jazz to afford to live on her own for very long --let alone support a dead-weight (non-working) new boyfriend that she barely even knows!
  12. Too late. Jazz will soon turn 18, and apparently she's had her final transgender surgery. She wants independence and she's determined to make her own mistakes.
  13. For Jeanne222: Jazz was born with male genitalia, but has been living as a girl since a very young age and never developed sexually as a boy. Now that she has finally had "bottom surgery," biologically and legally she is a girl, soon to become a young woman (when she has her next birthday).
  14. I noticed this: Once Jazz turns 18, her family won't be able to stop her from doing whatever she wants --but Jazz knows nothing about the cost of living. She talks about wanting independence --but could easily end up supporting new boyfriend Ahmir, not just herself. Ahmir has no apparent source of money (unless he can get the show to pay him), so if he gets kicked out of his mom's house...
  15. rofl! I'd offer to add my voice to the chorus but I can't sing, so --I'll just say, I couldn't agree more!
  16. We'll know soon enough. My personal "greatest hope" is that Kate and Puke will 'call it quits' and no longer be part of MAFS!!
  17. Puke is a 'hipster' geek and doesn't understand that. He sees Kate as a representation of the Blonde, Blue-eyed, Brainless "girl next door" type who only wants to be a traditional housewife. I despise Puke, myself, but I understand this. He wants to be with a non-caucasian, non-traditional woman who has nothing but contempt for women like Kate.
  18. I think this is particularly true, when one spouse is in school, trying to improve themselves and their earning potential! Keith is working part-time and in higher-level college studies, and (not always successfully) doing dishes, etc. while he asks his wife to do the cooking, because he never learned to cook. I totally agree with those posters who say Keith could learn to cook, at the very least, nuke stuff in a micro-wave --but he wants healthy food like Grandma used to make for him. So why don't they visit Grandma regularly, and maybe Keith could learn a few cooking tricks from her?!
  19. I completely agree --but I think Kate's "problem with alcohol" is named Luke.
  20. That's the accusation Kate was defending herself against, apparently. Luke bought Kate 3 bottles of wine, then complained to the producers that she was drinking them and he thought she had a "drinking problem". But Kate and the 'experts' caught him in that lie and called BS. I'm guessing the whole "pressed for sex" complaint is the same... Man and wife are lying in bed, cuddling. He has no shirt on and she's in nightwear. She stares into his eyes, smiling (and yes, probably hoping to see attraction instead of repulsion on his face). I'm sure that's why 'Poor Luke' feels he's being "pressured to have sex". ...If he didn't want a wife, he shouldn't have signed up for MAFS!
  21. I've also seen a couple of comments saying it's the mom's fault that Luke turned out the way he did. Does that mean Keith can just keep on playing the "I had an addicted father and went to the women in my family for comfort " card forever? I believe a 30-year-old adult must take responsibility for their own life choices and their own "issues".
  22. We're 100% on the same page with this. I don't think Kate would ever want to do MAFS again. What she deserved was to be matched with a man who was seriously looking for a wife like her. I doubt if Luke shared his intentions with his mother, but she knew who he was. Luke's mom strongly disapproved of the whole MAFS thing --she has repeatedly referred to it as "making a mockery of marriage"- and perhaps now we know why. But I don't think that equates to her being "in on it from the beginning". (Quite the opposite, in fact --it seems she objected to it from the beginning.) Mothers cannot control what their adult children do, and their adult children don't always make them proud. Puke's mom knew that he was born to be a hustler. Children don't always turn out the way you want them to, but mothers love them anyway.
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