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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. 1) Both Jamie and Elizabeth (independently) lied to their parents, and to MAFS, about wanting children. 2) I'm thinking Elizabeth was unemployed when she applied for MAFS, but Daddy Dearest had promised she could start at his firm after the honeymoon or whenever she was ready. She obviously invented a job title when she applied for the show (-but let's face it, you can't be working for an inflexible boss if you're going to be filming MAFS, anyway)! 3) As for lying about the sex being great --who wouldn't?! Expecially on TV, surrounded by other couples. It's not like when Beth said the sex was great Jamie responded, "Actually... she tried to keep me satisfied during the honeymoon when she was on her period, but when I hopped on top it wasn't all that great and it was really quick, so she probably didn't get off from that at all." ๐Ÿ˜œ Could be. Neither one of these people truly value honesty --not when it comes to what they say on MAFS questionaires, or to parents, or for MAFS cameras, or to the strangers who married strangers at the same time they did. TBH, I've fibbed on questionnaires, to my parents, and to strangers, myself. And I certainly wouldn't be 'telling all' to TV cameras!!
  2. Jamie said, in one of those voice-over/thought boxes. That doesn't make it true. It's not even something Jamie said at the time --unless it was while his beer was "instantly" being drunk down (in the middle of that argument)! Obviously, MAFS editors made sure we never saw what really triggered Beth's raging fury. Elizabeth complained that she was on her period, so they couldn't have intercourse on their honeymoon. To me, it sounds like she was upset when they finally 'did the deed,' and it was just "boring Caucasian sex!"
  3. Good catch, Statisticaloutier! I wondered how that Beth/Jamie fight went from "Awww... you remembered what I said" to "just basic Caucasian sex!" in less than 5 minutes... My pretties... it looks they've decided to assign Beth the Wicked Witch of the West edit! For sure.
  4. Marli and Kelsey look a lot alike to me --except, Kelsey has bigger implants. From the neck up, I have trouble telling them apart though.
  5. If last week is part of a pattern, the participants will vote after the viewers vote. But I don't know.
  6. I always thought Weston was the best of the lot, and I'm glad he seems to have found someone compatible. He must've trusted Marli (or was that Kelsey?) enough to confide in her, but I sure hope the other girls don't hear about Weston's mo-nay until they're watching themselves on TV (after leaving the show)! I guess we'll see soon, whether Marli blabs about Weston to all the others, or keeps it to herself. Weston seems like a good guy and I'd hate to see him get stuck with some greedy fame-ho. He's a player.
  7. As anyone who has watched past seasons knows, if whoever he is tries to leave his wife at this point, MAFS producers/'experts' will hunt him down and make him go back to that shared apartment complex!!
  8. Jamie is so OCD! His entire place was in neat, perfectly-aligned order... and then Beth comes along with the sage smoker, "purifying" his junk and letting her dogs drink from human water-glasses. I absolutely see trouble ahead...
  9. I'm glad Mallory is gone --for good-- but I feel bad that Alana didn't get a chance to find someone else. I mean, Caro got a whole day to flirt before she would have had to go!
  10. ...Actually, I think it probably has a lot more to do with the fact he got his 'nookie' on the very first night, and the novelty has already worn off.
  11. I do. The production crew and (yes) the "experts" will require them to get together on a regular basis since they're "neighbors and friends" with so many unique experiences in common (or some such). โ˜น๏ธ They will almost certainly be located in a block of 4 residences that are facing and/or adjacent to each other. I wonder if they will also be forced to go on a shared mini-moon, like the one A.J. objected to so very obnoxiously last time?? [Yes, A.J. was definitely out of line --but imho so was MAFS forcing all the couples to spend their vacations in the same house!]
  12. Last week they brought in one new female and the guys got to choose who they wanted to pair up with --then they brought in 2 new guys and the females got to choose their pairs. I guess we'll know tonight or tomorrow whether they'll repeat that pattern this week, or switch it out...
  13. So the newest twist (so far) is that all 4 couples will be living in adjacent apartments, so that everyone will know everyone else's business and will gossip about each other *more* than ever before. Did the "experts" decide to do this for the benefit of the 4 couples? ๐Ÿคฃ That's what they'll claim --but hell no!! It's all about creating more drama, which (of course) gets them more viewers. They don't give a damn about the participants. โ˜น๏ธ
  14. Why am I not surprised?! Did the "experts" decide to do this for the benefit of the 4 couples? ๐Ÿคฃ That's what they'll claim --but hell no!! I forecast that the 4 couples will live in adjacent apartments. The "experts" will insist that these "new friends and neighbors with so much in common" must hang out frequently in guy groups, ladies' groups, and as couples -to vent about their spouses (and to gossip about each other even *more* than before). It's all about creating more drama, which (of course) gets MAFS more viewers. They don't give a damn about the participants. โ˜น๏ธ
  15. You make a very good point. [On the other hand, considering the maturity level of these participants --and the maturity level of the show, itself-- I'm actually more inclined to call them "girls" and "boys" in this context.]
  16. I love this "cheat sheet" (tyvm!) --but now it's missing the La Cross coach and the Irish cad! I wonder if, after their (enforced) two-time dating sessions, Coach and Cad will be told to choose their new 'partners'? Who here thinks Caro will have to leave the island? She only had a day to find a new guy... and she's still 'single' so far. I'm pretty sure she's banking on the Irish Cad to 'save' her, but he's just playing the game. If it's a guy who has to go (because there are now more boys than girls, unless their brand new twist is two new girls) --what guy will be kicked out? Caro thinks Michael is boring, but I think pretty much all the girls are bored by Weston... so there's that. By the way, I love the new commentator! (If only the show's participants were funny ๐Ÿ˜ž)
  17. Perhaps she didn't want to say that a catamaran lurching and jerking and swaying makes her do something disgusting and smelly and completely unromantic --throwing up! If that's what really happened, it was a very manipulative thing to do. But I saw and recognized the look on Elizabeth's face as that boat was being tossed around by large waves while racing toward the little island. She was redder than usual, she looked like she was forcing her mouth to stay shut (that's unusual for her!) and she was clearly embarrassed by being seen on TV (and by her brand-new spouse) like that. Elizabeth might have a fear of boats -- but I think it's because she gets sea-sick. Obviously, her only problem with beach activities is sunburn. I understand.
  18. This!! No kidding! I've been seasick before --and yes, I did eventually spew everything I'd eaten. It was painful and very embarrassing. I couldn't wait to get off that boat!! (...And if my hubby had made fun of me for that like Jamie did, I'd have been calling him every dirty word I knew!)
  19. To the sadistic MAFS producers: forcing people who get seasick (but don't want to gross out their brand new spouses) to go on a catamarand across a choppy sea, is cruel. Sadly, for this show, that's really not 'unusual'.
  20. I agree with Stan39 --I kind of hope Kyra picks Weston because he actually seems like a great guy, and the girl he's with seems bored & vapid.
  21. Gem responded to this comment by I love Pie: "I always travel with my friends - we call ourselves the ladycationers and all but one of us are married. ...Quite frankly, I have more fun with them than traveling with my husband." Spine surgery... I'm so sorry. Hope you can avoid that. But I do know what you mean. You can definitely have too much togetherness, even with a long-established spouse that you know loves you -after being together for decades. These MAFS couples who don't have a history together are likely to see that type of arguing as much more important: earth-shattering betrayal or total rejection (or whatever).
  22. So I'm the "Crazy Bird Lady," and I like to think I know a little bit about birds, their habits, and how smart they are. One think I know for sure is that, while birds can't just "hold it" till they get back in their cages, they do have enough control to avoid pooping on someone they like, or to deliberately target someone they don't like. When I was 8, I got an awesome parakeet for my birthday. He was very smart and outgoing. He would spend a lot of time out of his cage, perching on one person's hand or shoulder after another and never pooping on anyone except my oldest brother, with whom he shared a mutual dislike. When he had to "go," he would immediately leave whoever he was 'visiting', fly to the top of my brother's head, and do the do-do!!
  23. My only observation about their 4 couples this time is that they *all* seem to have gotten the ""Wow, look what a good job they did matching us!!" edit. (Of course -so far- they haven't thrown "homework" at them during their honeymoons...)
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