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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. Yes, Jephte can add "liar" to his list of outstanding qualifications to be a husband and father. Shawniece did finally kiss Jephte again, a couple of times (on camera). It was after he said that he would like to stay married to her so their daughter could have the same mother as his other kids.
  2. To be fair, there was more to that Danielle 'quote'. She went on to say "...So I know you'll be a really good father to our baby girl" or something to that effect. What surprised me was that, while the experts were applauding Danielle for finally beginning to compliment Bobby and show him a little bit of appreciation and positivity, Bobby himself was actually trying to deny that it was something he needed from Danielle (until the 'experts' called Bobby on that, and he eventually backed down from defending the idea Danielle might not be 100% perfect in every way...)
  3. You might as well watch the finale if you've watched the show --but otherwise, I woudn't recommend it. Even that show with Vanessa and Dave was more interesting than "Happily Ever After: Fame Whore Island".
  4. So, Shawniece is the guru who finally got it through Danielle's thick, self-centered head that Bobby still needs love and intimacy?! Wow. Just wow.
  5. This episode was pretty low-drama, except (of course) for Shawniece and Jephte, who always have drama. Little Laura is adorable --and for her sake, I hope they can at least be good parents together. I noticed Bobby and Danielle weren't talking about houses. Did I miss something? Have they already moved?? It does seem like Danielle has genuinely been sick a lot with this pregnancy, and it doesn't seem to be going away like it normally would. Considering that it happens mostly when she's with him, though, I think Bobby has good reason to question that "coincidence." Some women do have very serious body-image issues when they're pregnant, making them feel too unattractive to want sex. I'm wondering why the show's so-called "experts" haven't even approached that subject?!
  6. She’s also only a week postpartum. Jephte was stuffed full & Laura was eating, so I hope Shawniece eventually ate. She’ll get burned out quickly if she doesnt take care of herself. It’s not like she has a Bobby around to take care of her & everything else. As Salinelizabeth said: Another episode of Jepthe acting like a caveman, and another episode of me still hoping he figures this shit out and is at minimum a good father to sweet little Laura... Looks like there are a lot of us whose opinions of Jephte and their marriage have gone down. At least for me, it's not just my opinion of that marriage which has gone all the way downhill. I think Jephte is an absolute jerk!!
  7. Why would Shawniece want any romantic or sexual attention from Jephte after he never helped with their newborn daughter at all during their anniversary dinner?! As for Danielle... She really disappoints me. I used to think she was a good person, just very private and not inclined to display 'private' emotions or discussions on camera. But after seeing the way she's acted about selling the house Bobby bought, and throwing out all of his furniture (even his favorite couch) -- and then even continuing to use "morning sickness" day and night as her excuse for refusing to have sex with him now --no. Just no.
  8. Jephte just chows down on his dinner, and won't even hold/burp his baby while Shawniece gets a few bites of their "anniversary dinner". Dude, you do *not* deserve to be a father!
  9. "Change for the Better"?? We'll see. At least, Shawniece will probably have her baby.
  10. lol Obviously, snark is allowed. It's just that I feel for Shawniece, because I know what that is like!
  11. Staying calm under pressure is a good characteristic for a person to have. But I disagree with everyone who's criticizing Shawniece for being 'overdramatic' and 'out of control' and 'whooping and hollering like she was bronco busting at a rodeo'! ...In fact, I'm rather inclined to ask if people have ever had a baby in an emergency situation like that, with no anesthesia. Because when I had my first baby, I did get to the point where her head was crowning without any anesthesia at all --and I'm not what you'd call an 'over-emotional' person or a 'drama queen'. (I have opinions and emotions, sure, however I react more like Jephte in a crisis.) But the pain and worry of childbirth in crisis had me bucking and cussing and even yelling at my (very loyal and sweet) husband, "This is all your fault!!" I really cannot imagine what it would have been like to have a camera filming me while I was going through that embarassing pain!
  12. I agree. Like you and several others commenting here, my opinion of Danielle has lowered during "Happily Ever After". She is, in a word, acting really bossy toward Bobby (even making him get rid of his favorite leather couch!). She seems to be taking advantage of the pregnancy to get whatever she wants. (Meanwhile, it looks like she's doing all her normal activities, but may be complaining of "morning sickness" whenever Bobby wants sex.) I guess we'll see what happens.
  13. Even Dave (who turned out to be a real douche) was too nice a guy to end up being stuck with Isabella! Actually, I'm pretty sure Tyler thought she was too beautiful for him. I think Tyler could have been a genuine person, given a chance, and I hope he will show up on MAFS with someone less superficial and far less psycho.
  14. I think this girl is likely to be an only child. Unfortunately, I can't imagine Danielle sacrificing any more of her career to have another baby. Scientifically, that's a fact. "Trying again" isn't guaranteed to produce a different result. Fortunately, I'm 100% convinced that Bobby is already falling in love with his baby girl and will be an awesome father. I wouldn't call it "gross". I think Danielle would have been almost equally disappointed if the baby had been a boy, and people probably wouldn't have been as offended by that.
  15. I'm not *shocked* that "a month before baby was supposed to be due", with Shawniece still working in spite of exhaustion and very painful pregnancy complications, Jephte didn't bother to find a newborn car seat for their baby so she could be taken home from the hospital. --Much less purchase any of the other things that new babies need as soon as they're born! Jephte put all that stuff out of his mind because "they had plenty of time". I've changed my mind about Jephte having good potential as a father.
  16. Was just watching the new episode (part of the time, between the fingers covering my eyes). Isabella has apparently decided to "forgive" Tyler for not winning the silly blindfold game, and he's "the man of her dreams" again. I'm wondering how long that will last, this time. (Does anyone think it will be over 24 hours?)
  17. Danielle certainly talked about proximity to schools --and that's the *only* proximity she mentioned when they were having dinner with Bobby's family. But that's not the only time proximity was discussed. When they were house-hunting and Danielle didn't like the house Bobby preferred, she used the excuse that it was important to be in a good school district. But while she and Bobby were "alone" [with the cameras, etc. in the background, of course] doing Pastor Cal's "Communication Card Game," Danielle listed "location" as her 2nd priority. Bobby asked why, and the first thing Danielle said was that it would be a shorter "commute". Then Bobby said something like, "but the baby..." and Danielle acknowledged it was an issue. I think Danielle was being more honest at that point. Yes, I'm sure she's concerned about good schools (because they might still be living in the same house by then)- but she really wants to shorten her commute. That said-- I think Bobby's family is right. It would be smarter to wait a couple of years, and then sell. (At that point, good schools would be a more urgent concern.)
  18. Actually, it was mentioned as a high priority (by Danielle) -she listed "location" 2nd in Pastor Cal's little card game. Right after "Style," if I recall correctly. Danielle may be undecided between going back to her job after maternity leave ends, or waiting until the baby is weaned, or potty-trained, --or something of that sort-- and then returning to her career. But being a "working mom" has always been Danielle's intention, and Bobby knows that. (His family clearly disapproves of working moms, but it's not up to them.)
  19. My sister-in-law. But you left something out. She was very, very much a "Daddy's girl" (although she fought with him). Growing up, she was extremely manipulative and her parents always favored her in everything. (By the way, she has been professionally diagnosed with this disorder, and it fits.) ...Back to Isabella. If I recall from her "loofah girl" times --I think Isabella was very close with her father, but didn't take his advice. BPD personalities often attack people they feel close to, and they really "go off on them," they "push buttons," hitting below the belt and generally saying things that can never be unsaid. Afterward, they won't apologize. At best they may act like nothing ever happened --and (in that case) if the other person dares to still be upset after such 'generous forgiveness," it'll be more ridiculous drama and melodramatic tears and accusations and condemnations and badmouthing the "heartless betrayer" to anyone and everyone. (The other person is being "horrible" to them, never really cared about them in the first place, etc. etc. ad nauseum.) They play that victim role so convincingly that they always find people to believe them.
  20. That, or they choose "completely self-involved BS artists" (who are also very attractive) because that's what creates the drama they need for the show to be a successful money-maker! Yes. She threw a huge bitch fit when Dave knocked down her loofah in the shower and didn't pick it up. Dave was like (shrug): "It's your stupid loofah. I didn't even notice it. You pick it up!!" I guess David must have passed her "shit test" (as you called it). And he got laid.
  21. Wow. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I guess I have more hope about Danielle than you do. I don't think they're immature; but I do think Bobby is very inexperienced at being in a real love relationship. It's crystal clear that she [Danielle] does not like to express her real emotions (-or even, sometimes, her true opinions-) when she's on camera. I think Danielle is constantly uber-aware of the cameras and how they can effect her/their lives in the long run. For both their sakes, I very much hope Danielle is more open when the cameras are gone. Danielle did, at least, seem to be honest and forthcoming in that card 'game' Pastor Cal assigned them...
  22. They may be "gaslighting" Danielle, but I don't agree that 99% of "Bobby doing all the work in their relationship" is "made up". He obviously does more than his share. I don't think Bobby's family needs to "butt out". They're his family, they love him, and they probably know more about buying and selling houses than he does. I do think Bobby is sensitive about being treated like he's 'still a kid' (--and yeah, old ladies have probably pinched his cheeks more than a few times)! But I'm not worried Bobby will let his life be run by his family, because you're absolutely right that he is willing and able to assert his status as a grown, confident man --not a "kid". I don't think Danielle is evil, or "a huge manipulator". I do think, however, that she's telling Bobby's family what she thinks they want to hear, rather than what she really wants and feels. (She probably wants to avoid more lectures from them about how to be a wife & mother...) Possibly. I'm sure MAFS monitors social media, and yes, maybe message boards, so they could have taken "inspiration" from those sources. In any case, their motive is to make as much money from this show as possible, especially since Lifetime is going through bankruptcy right now and they've had to sell some of their other shows. We all know what makes money for MAFS-Drama!! The real truth is, as viewers we don't know what happens in the couples' private lives. When the cameras are gone, maybe Danielle does all the work. (It's possible...) Danielle doesn't seem like the "domestic" type of woman, for sure. She likes working and she likes being able to pay for things she wants. She has experience at being an independent woman. She had been maintaining her own residence and dealing with her own bills, etc. for 6 or 7 years before she met Bobby; she's not useless or clueless about doing what has to be done. And, now that she's expecting a baby, she seems pretty excited about it. Maybe she won't be the cuddly, cooing, demonstrative parent --but their kid will have Bobby (and his family) for that! I hope you're absolutely right about that.
  23. Interesting... I actually took that to have the exact opposite meaning. I think Danielle didn't tell her in-laws they were moving for her work commute because she doesn't intend to stay home with the baby after her maternity leave, like Bobby and her in-laws have very strongly "suggested" she should do! I noticed that, too. Storage was never her reason for wanting to move, only her excuse. You sure got that right! Jephte doesn't love her, he never did. He's said that. That couple never would have made it it 4 months, if she hadn't gotten pregnant --and it's obvious Jephte only plans to stay 'married' until the baby comes.
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