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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. Bobby, after doing Pastor Cal's house-hunting exercise: "I definitely think that we have some things that we need to work on when it comes to communicating." No kidding. I wonder how much longer it will take for him to tell Danielle that?! That two-sided communication Bobby wants will never happen unless Bobby finally puts on his big-boy pants and stands up for himself. The blow-up that Lakegal described doesn't have to happen. This is one time I think Pastor Cal is actually helping. But Bobby and Danielle absolutely need to talk. I do see a difference between Ashley and Danielle, but I'm worried that Danielle might have the potential to become like Ashely. What Endure said: Exactly! So do I. However, it isn't his family's choice to make. In fact, I think Bobby's family said too much. Bobby doesn't like to be treated like a kid --and he isn't one. It's one thing for his family to express an opinion; it's another thing for his family to question Danielle the way they did. Bobby became defensive at that point, and he isn't likely to follow their advice. Good point, about the kitchen and the fact that Danielle doesn't cook, anyway! I chuckled when Bobby's family came "for dinner" and brought take-out food with them! Perhaps that is her motive. But remember, Danielle has never purchased, owned, or paid the mortgage on a house. She thinks what many other people from her generation do --that it's important to buy a newer, "stylish" house so it will have a higher resale value. She's not wrong about that, if what they're looking for is a temporary home --but they can't afford to get into the housing market right now; they're having a baby! Her concerns about wanting to find a house closer to her work and with good schools are legitimate (--I do agree with Humbleopinion that she intends to take maternity leave from her job and then go back to it). I do feel bad for Bobby. I really hope he will finally talk to Danielle about what he wants, for a change!
  2. Interesting bit of information, but I don't think so. I don't think Dave believes he has any serious faults, at all. And if I'm right about that, there's no need for a "whipping boy".
  3. I don't find that odd, at all. Bobby and Danielle had been married 6 months when they started filming "Happily Ever After". I'm convinced the pregnancy was UNplanned --they would have to be pretty dumb to plan a baby this soon into an arranged marriage, and they said during MAFS that they wanted to wait before jumping into parenthood.
  4. At least, now that they're pregnant, hopefully Dr. Pepper won't send them back to sexy yoga!
  5. Ironic, isn't it, that Ashley [the one who was "married" to Dave] last season actually *wanted* a 'honeymoon baby' --and as he was fond of repeatedly saying, they were having sex every night and sometimes in the morning.
  6. That's exactly right. Jephte will probably stick around until the baby is born, then he's outta there. Exactly that. I think I see a change in tone from them, but not so much toward each other (although Bobby definitely misses his "happy place"!) --It's more like they're fed up with the cameras, the "experts," the other couples, and "production," but they have to go through the motions to pay off Danielle's debt before the baby comes.
  7. Yeah, dating someone who didn't want kids would only have been short-term for me, "chemistry" or not. Definitely a deal-breaker.
  8. Dave is the one who was on both MAFS and Second Chances. I actually liked him quite a bit, before Second Chances... Molly was on MAFS and was extremely obnoxious imho.
  9. Dave was seen as as 'victim' by many at one time --but then when he was given the opportunity to choose among a group of amazing women, he chose the *one* woman who thought she was too good (or too pretty) for him. Beautiful & superficial + Dave = an obvious match imho.
  10. Princess Snooty and Bachelor Douche. Makes sense. She got the guy all those other women were stupidly fighting over.
  11. I'd think that production should be picking up the medical tabs for these couples, and (of course) paying for the best prenatal care possible. ...Then again, I thought MAFS would at least do background checks and avoid selecting anyone with felony convictions or warrants in their backgrounds. And those same people are making decisions here. So, maybe not. Maybe they are really, really cheap a-wholes.
  12. The type of ultrasound that's done depends on circumstances. If the facility has the most sophisticated scans available and the patient is willing to pay extra for them, the accuracy is much higher. But unless there is reason to think something is wrong with the fetus, use of more sophisticated scans isn't automatic. (Unless of course, insurance has now begun paying for the more sophisticated scans in all cases -- and I know that wasn't true 8 months ago.)
  13. If you ask an OB/Gyn, they might admit that if "mistakes" are made about the sex of an unborn child, it's more likely to be misidentified as a girl. That's because, when they do an ultrasound, they look for external organs to determine the sex -and if they don't find them, they assume it's a girl. (Occasionally an unborn boy's organs haven't "descended" yet, or the position in the womb conceals them during ultrasounds).
  14. Because she loved him. Let's face it, she's right-- they've both been the subject of negative social media (some of it more deserved than others). I think it shows Amber to be a good and caring person, that she would say this.
  15. I totally agree! In fact, if you read a couple of sentences after the one you quoted, I noted that it made sense Amber would choose not to change gyms because that would have displeased Dave and made it seem like she was really ashamed of the gym guy thing. Amber was, after all, legally married to Dave, the guy with the "hall of bros" --and she cared about Dave being happy with her. No doubt, some of Dave's favorite "bros" belong to that gym (and the fact that the "bro wives" were discussing "gym guy" among themselves at that barbeque pretty much established that). That was at least a week or two before Amber knew Dave well enough to realize he would continue to silently "judge" her for anything she did that he didn't like, and resent anything he ever "had to do" to pacify her.
  16. I agree that if Dave had ever really seriously considered Amber his wife for the long term, he would have acted more jealous. And I thought it was bizarre when I first heard Amber was the one who refused to change gyms! I think Amber probably didn't want Dave to "sacrifice time with his gym friends" just because Amber was uncomfortable (which is something Dave would have silently held against Amber forever afterward --but Amber didn't know that about him yet)! When she chose not to change gyms, it made Amber the "bigger person" who put Dave's friendships above any possible discomfort she might endure with "gym guy" around. And at the same time, it implied she wasn't that worried about whatever the jerk had said about her.
  17. My point is, Dave didn't know that she was "that woman from the gym" until they were on their honeymoon and he made the connection. And when he made that connection, Dave told Amber (on camera) that he probably wouldn't have married her if he'd known she was that woman from the gym. So I think the blonde hair must have worked well enough as a disguise for the first couple of days --and then after Dave responded to the gym guy info the way he did, Amber may not have wanted to change her hair color because she didn't want Dave to be constantly reminded of "that guy at the gym". (Or maybe she did it passive-aggressively, just to spite him.) Nothing Amber did helped, of course.
  18. Amber did have blonde hair throughout the 8 weeks of their experimental "marriage," though. (But she might have gone brunette again the same day she moved out of Dave's apartment.) I find it weird that Amber was "open" about so many things I would have kept to myself and never discussed on camera -- her insecurities, her elaborate 'beauty' regimen, etc. etc... Yet she steadfastly refused to say *anything* about that guy at the gym and/or what he may have told Dave about her, and she steadfastly refused to consider going back to brunette. "That guy at the gym" was never discussed much on camera at all until 3 months later, after they were already separated, on the final show "I Still Do?" Coincidence??
  19. Amber did look a lot different as a blonde, than she does with her natural brunette hair. Maybe she didn't want to be instantly recognized as "that woman at the gym"?
  20. I don't know why Pastor Cal would be trying to stir up shit. I think he was just annoyed that the guy had the nerve to ditch the blonde woman after telling her she was his future wife, when [Chris?] basically admitted that he knew he had a better emotional connection with Jada, but was having trouble giving up the opportunity to bang the blonde (what's her name???). I'm thinking racial similarities and differences make good TV drama. If they fight a lot about what to do for fun and who to hang out with, etc, so much the better! The jealousy angle between Jade and the blonde bombshell wanting the same man was just too good for them to pass up, and they chose to drag it out. I'm thinking this is all about creating maximum drama --(and hot, half-naked sexy scenes) --not cute, happy-ever-after couples who stare deep into each other's eyes.
  21. I think that refusal was Amber refusing to make a change that she thought would displease Dave --especially since, if she agreed to it, she would pretty much be admitting there was something scandalous she was hiding. Just sayin' ...It's all about appearances, and criticism on social media, etc.
  22. Either that, or they know something about Jade that we don't... Maybe they just want a "token" biracial couple? I don't know.
  23. Me. neither. Too fast. Give them 48 hours, they'd at least have enough time to talk to more than one or two people. Good idea! Although, I'd say 20 minutes. (If you've run out of things to talk about after 20 minutes, that person is not for you.) I guess that's what they had in mind. But they said the connection could either be physical attraction or personality compatibility... and 24 hrs is not long enough to learn which of 12 people is most compatible for your personality. So yeah, they were pretty much forced to go with"hotness". Actually, I'm the other way around. I'm thinking Happily Ever After is going to be a lot of talk about fixing up rooms for babies, maybe finding larger homes, and (of course) "morning sickness" attacks in the middle of meals.
  24. Maybe that foster found a "forever home," that's what it's all about. :)
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