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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. It seems like it was thrown due to Cliff and Nicole agreeing to not vote out Holly.
  2. They have the members of the jury briefly address the final two before each jury member puts the key of who they want to win in a slot. Funny side note on Big Brother Canada season one, one of the jurors claimed she voted the opposite of how she wanted to vote and jumped up and tried to get the show to allow her to change her vote. The host would not allow it and from that point forward the host always reminds the voters to vote for who they want to win.
  3. I hate that. Let them ask their own questions. Maybe if they did we could get a "Snakes and Rats", speech out of one of them (I know different show but the point still remains, I want to see some bitter jury questions and or speeches).
  4. The site refused to let me post in here last night. I just wanted to say that I am glad that they found out that it was not Parkinson related. Both my parents have had UTI's in the past four years and they are no joke. My mother seems to be completely fine, but my dad (who is 81) has not been the same since. I am not sure if this is UTI related or not but neurologically he just has not been the same since his second UTI. He was always forgetful but now it is a constant thing, he no longer seems to laugh, and other parts of his personality has changed. Like I said I am not sure if it is age related or due to the UTI or a combination of both.
  5. Who is everyone's pick to win it? I would say Luke, but I have a strong feeling he is not touching the finals. Therefore, my backup is Harry. Though I could easily see Pia winning as well. Basically anyone but Baden, I just have a feeling he is going to have a hard time trying to "prove" his game.
  6. Interesting that it airs live in the Central Time Zone. I would have thought for sure they would have put it on at 8pm. Dumb question but with everything shown an hour earlier, what is shown at 10pm your time? Is it local news?
  7. This is such an odd final four. Each of them should have been gone long ago and yet they are all still here. I honestly can say I do not care who out of the four win, I think it would be a good outcome. I was wondering why he did not send Pia back to camp as well, because such a move could have ended up blowing up in his face. But Nozycat seemed to hit the nail on the head as to why he decided to play it the way he did. Heck Baden would have probably been the one who went if Pia was sent back to camp and I really do think Luke wants to go to the finals with Baden.
  8. The owner of the WWE, Vince McMahon, is known for getting pissed when people sneeze around him. It is said he views it as a sign of weakness.
  9. I remember someone saying (I think it was actually Dan or Memphis but I could be wrong) that the two voting houseguests should always split the final five vote. Just so that the HOH looks bad when they have to break the tie.
  10. My parents have an eleven year age difference as well and they been married for 47 years. Much like you and your husband they never bring up the age difference. Unless my father (who is now 81) has a senior moment and starts talking about how my mother's parents thought he was a cradle robber.
  11. That is why I think he is bitter and just trying to throw shade. I was fooled as well, I can't believe they got rid of the Godmother. No word of a lie when I realized that she was in fact getting voted out I said, "Wow". I said it a few seconds before Pia said it, I was actually shocked. I cannot remember the last time I was shocked over an elimination on a reality show.
  12. You know near the middle of the season I said it would not shock me if one day we read that Jackson ended up being a Serial Killer. Well perhaps I was off on that and it is Tommy that may end up a Serial Killer. The way he changes his emotions on a dime is a bit unnerving.😄
  13. I might not be a fan of Bayleigh but she did look really pretty tonight. I love how whenever there is a duo/member of an alliance getting eliminated, you will always have a member of that duo/alliance say..."That really was not the smart move to make." I mean maybe it was not, but time will tell I suppose.
  14. You could always check out the Aussie version, it's current season has been excellent. Does Rob do what Joe Rogan does and post his podcasts on YouTube?
  15. But they could not shell out the money for the Animals' version of The House of the Rising Sun. No, instead they subjected us to whatever crappy remake version the played. It seems like Bear has toned down his antics much more thus far. Sure he got into the argument with Faith but that has been about it.
  16. Has there ever been an F5 where everyone has won at least one competition, or is this the first?
  17. I saw an interesting video on YouTube yesterdays. It was Russell Hantz (That's what I get when for searching for Daisy's Ponderosa video) talking about his time on Australian Survivor last season. He claimed that the contestants had normal food and razors (There was something else but I am going off my shoddy memory as I watched the video around 3am.). Now I am not sure if this is true or not. Or maybe he is so bitter over the fact that he got voted out so early. Who knows. I just thought it was interesting.
  18. I remember years ago saying to someone, "I was in second grade when the Challenger disaster happened." And she said, "Wow I feel so old." Well now I am the person saying, "Wow I feel so old.", after reading that post.
  19. That is an interesting question, I was thinking about that myself. If I had to guess I would think Holly. I say that because Jackson is very much an eggshell person and you do not want to piss off an eggshell person unless you are forced to do so.
  20. I didn't even know/remember that Bart had a last name. That was such a great show, I wish they had not cancelled it. I feel embarrassed by all of these talks about how to pick the right watermelon. You see, I used to work in the Produce department of a Supermarket and I had no clue what to tell people when they asked me. I would just make shit up and hope they did not catch on that I did not know what I was talking about. Tell me more about the Newfoundland station. From watching Big Brother Canada, I have come to realize that Canadian rednecks all seem to come from Newfoundland. Therefore, I wonder what their stations could possibly be like. Grover? Grover Johnson? I am not sure what is up with CBS and why they keep certain shows around. I thought for sure God Friended Me would be D.O.A. but no there it was getting a renewal (I have never actually watched the show but the concept sounds like a direct ripoff of Early Edition). Watch Bob ❤️ Abishola (which very well might be the worst name for a TV show since He's the Mayor) last for ten seasons now (Oh I am getting sick of watching commercials for that show and the Unicorn. I want them both cancelled and neither have even aired yet...). Which site was this on? And why do I find your last comment so hilarious?😄 Sometimes when I read, I do not take in entirely what I read. Not sure why and it normally only happens when I read on the computer. But the fist time I read your post I thought you called him Sammy Davis...I was like why would you besmirch the good name of one of the greatest entertainers. Nobody should ever compare Christopher to the Candyman. So yeah, I cannot read...
  21. Quick off topic post, but I just wanted to say @WearyTraveler: I love your avatar. My sister has a Huskie and he looks exactly like the dog in your avatar. He is such a friendly, chill dog...for the most part. He gets scared around rabbits and cries every time he sees one.
  22. Yeah I always remember that year where Eric (I think that was his name, the overweight guy) made the finale and collapsed in the final leg. I recall that team had a ton of people on it because they were flipping out on him. You're really going to drop a current year post while talking about a DVR.😜
  23. Apart from David and Simon, the guys ragging on Daisy have no room to talk. Because they followed her directly into the abyss as well.😄
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