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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. I would never willingly spoil anything or want anything spoiled in a non-spoiler thread. It is funny with Survivor and Big Brother I love to know the spoilers. However, when it comes to The Amazing Race I avoid spoilers for it like the plague (I was spoiled last season, but that was only because they filmed it a year in advance). In regards to Dave, I thought he was a great villain. He was so smug and cocky and so seeing him get voted out was fun.
  2. Bridge on the River Bacon
  3. Nothing to be not proud about. One should always remember what Captain Caveman looks like. Sort of reminds me of Rupert from Survivor... I saw that picture of her and I was like, "Whoa, Nicole's looking really good in that picture." As others have said, I have never been a huge fan of Zingbot. I mean some of it has been funny over the years but a lot of it is lame. Sort of off-topic side note... Josh got into a fight with CT on the Challenge and if anyone knows who CT is...well that might have not been a very smart thing for Josh to do.
  4. Whomever chooses the music should learn a simple lesson. If you are going to play House of the Rising Sun it has to be the Animals' version or nothing. Whatever crap version was played tonight on the show was terrible. Georgia, you are a beautiful girl. Stop messing with losers like Josh and Bear. You are much better than that. Speaking of Josh, I wish CT would have knocked him out. Josh you're not a badass and this is not Mark from Big Bother that you're dealing with now. If you are dumb enough to mess with CT you will get what you deserve. I have to say Cara was looking pretty cute in those talking heads with the red hair. Yeah I might find here highly annoying now, but that does not mean I still can't find her attractive. Yes White Trash Ashley, your two wins were a fluke. I hope your ass gets eliminated soon.
  5. After I read what you posted I tried looking for information/spoilers on the All-Star season (I love being "in the know" when it comes to spoilers. Heck I already "know" the rumored winner of season 40 for the US version, which is not a big deal because it is posted on this site for anyone who is interested.) and came up with nothing. All I came up with was a couple of Reddit threads talking about who they would like to see come back. I am not sure this season was edited in a sexist way. What I mean by that is the four women who are still in the game have come across as fully developed players and I think we as an audience know a good deal about them, their quirks, playstyle, what have you. Hell I know more about them than I do Simon. I swear every damn time he talks I am in shock because it simply never happens. The problem with this season was that the vast majority of the women were voted out pre-merge (I hate it when all of one gender is voted out early, it makes the game less interesting to me) and therefore probably had less of an impact on the overall game. It is hardly the editor's fault that, that happened and it probably gave the editor's less material to work with when it came to some of the women. I say some because I think Nova was featured a lot during her time in the game but honestly she was the exception to the rule. Don't get me wrong, I wish some of the pre-merge women were edited better and we got to know them. Usually the Aussie version does a good job in doing that and I do think they did drop the ball to an extent. I guess the way I look at it is, as a fan of American Big Brother there have been people that have made it to the end and they are just not focused on. Because they are not interesting or they just do not provide good talking heads. Maybe that was the case here.
  6. So they film these seasons a year ahead of time? Or is it because it is an All-Star season? I was thinking about something while watching the last episode. A woman is totally going to win this season. Which if that does end up happening would be hilarious because nearly the entire pre-merge was filled with women getting voted out. I am not sure which, my first thought was Abbie (Abby, Abbey however she spells it) but now I am not sure. I honestly do not see Janine making it to the end, I mean if she does then she deserves to win. But nobody would be stupid enough to take her. I highly doubt Daisy will make it to the end, though she like Harry is a cockroach and has lasted a hell of a lot longer than I expected. I have to agree with TVBitch and go with Pia as the winner. I think she'll get rid of Janine somewhere near the end and that might be the move to push her over the edge.
  7. Plan Bacon from Outer Space
  8. Another off-topic tidbit that nobody cares about. On the current season of Australia Survivor the theme is Celebrities vs. Non-Celebrities. Anyway one of the guys on the Celebrity Tribe is a guy who played the game two seasons ago. He did not win the show and I think he was like the third jury member. Point being, hell I don't know what my point was. I guess if he can do it, Holly can. Side note if you like American Survivor, the chances are high that you would like Aussie Survivor. You may end up liking it more. I does have a few twists but they are not terrible like EOE. Disgusting...I can't...a month after her daughter's birthday! Can Osten from Survivor Pearl Islands join them as well?
  9. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Bacon Warriors
  10. A trigger warning for he who should not be named. That's hilarious!😹
  11. You know I sort of blocked Natalie right out of my memory. Yeah she was an asshole. I remember her and Jeff were the first two people who I ever head utter, "You got, got.", and I am not sure why but I always found that to be such an ignorant/stupid sounding phrase to say. Granted I say a ton of ignorant/stupid stuff myself so I am an expert on such a topic.
  12. It always cracks me up when Tommy is serious Tommy in the DR. His voice completely changes. They waste so much food on this damn show. I don't mean to be "that guy" but there is a huge homeless population in LA and production is having them do stupid food related stuff like this. I tend to dislike the fan favorites on this site. For Survivor I have a very strong dislike of Parvati and Sandra but everyone seems to love them. For Big Brother I always had a huge dislike of Britney and everyone seems to love her. Don't worry I am not sexist in my dislikes it is just the guy players that I tend to really dislike (Mike Boogie, Dick, Paul, Paulie, Tyson from Survivor) seem to be hated by most as well. As far as players I really like...Dan, Janelle, Kaysar, Amy (from season 3), Marcellas (yes I loved it when Jason eliminated him, but I was still a fan of his), Donny, Tyler, and Kaycee. There are also players that I liked their first time around but hated their second time around like Rachel and Nicole.
  13. Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
  14. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Bacon
  15. As a guy I usually do not notice stuff like that. But my first reaction tonight upon seeing her hair was, "What the fuck? Did Julie stick her finger into an electrical socket?" Honestly it is because they can. It is just for the chaos of it all.
  16. Being Canadian aren't you morally obligated to like Shania, Celion Dion, and Rush?
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